11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2015
    1. Bodystorming therefore seems usefulfor the design of context-sensitive computing applica-tions.

      Eventhough the study doesn't seem to confirm or deny it?

    2. Bodystorming sessions were considered, however, morememorable and inspiring.

      How was this ascertained?

    3. Secondly, it was hypothesized that body-storming would provide more accurate understanding ofcontextual factor

      This also seems like a worthwhile research question, although the importance of context to design is implied & referenced rather than discussed here.

    4. We hypothesised, first, thatbeing physically present in the ‘real’ environment savestime from the design group in studying user data.

      One of the research goals, which seems useful: to save the time of design.

    5. partici-pants were different

      Were they entirely different, or partly different? How could there be memory of one situation in another if they were entirely different?

    6. Enacting activitiesis known to facilitate later recall [23].

      Hold on, were the same people involved in all these scenarios?!

    7. interactional plausibility

      What is this?

    8. In contrast to the bodystorming sessions,however, design questions were not given, but partici-pants themselves had to find interesting patterns fromthe stories.

      Again, this seems like it is changing the mode of inquiry (brainstorming/bodystorming) while also changing the documentation included.

    9. This time, however, storieswere not enclosed with questions. Only two designquestions were included in this session.

      It seems like they are changing both the location and the documentation (user stories/questions) that are included on the site? Isn't this changing two variables at once?

    10. o practice acting in the guidance of aprofessional actor. Participants also felt that the methodof ‘forced innovation’ (requiring participants to come upwith new technological solutions) was exhausting,especially when it required imagining some aspects ofour world as unexisting.

      Again this idea of exhaustion ...

    11. The editorial office was, however, not accessible to agroup of 12 outsiders.

      Body storming on location is not always possible.

