8 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2017
    1. In this sense electronic literature is a "hopeful monster" (as geneticists call adaptive mutations) composed of parts taken from diverse traditions that may not always fit neatly together. Hybrid by nature, it comprises a trading zone (as Peter Galison calls it in a different context) in which different vocabularies, expertises and expectations come together to see what might come from their intercourse. (Note 2) Electronic literature tests the boundaries of the literary and challenges us to re-think our assumptions of what literature can do and be. 2 Genres of Electronic Literature

      Hmmm, interesting.

    2. Is literary quality possible in digital media, or is electronic literature demonstrably inferior to the print canon?

      Of course it is... It isn't inherently inferior.

    3. This fanciful scenario is meant to suggest that the place of writing is again in turmoil, roiled now not by the invention of print books but the emergence of electronic literature.

      Oh no, whatever shall we do?

    4. The Scriptorium was in turmoil.
      1. This is ridiculous... Lol.
  2. Sep 2017
    1. at the same time, we give other creators the chance to use that same copyrighted material without permission or payment, in some circumstances. Without the second half of the bargain, we could all lose important new cultural work just because one person is arbitrary or greedy.”

      Exactly this.

    2. Fortunately, we can reuse copyright content without permission for purposes of comment, critique, homage and media literacy education.


    3. Remix and feminism go hand in hand. For young women and girls, it’s a way to take back our identities from corporate commodification and the use of appropriation in the remix process allows for images of woman and femininity to be rearticulated and redefined by the author.

      I hadn't thought of it that way, I guess it makes sense. The thought of like emo or death metal music mixed with a like barbie commercial came to mind :)

    4. This means we can talk back, make fun of and critique the media using their own language.

      Looking at it as its own language is an interesting and honest way of looking at it.