5 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. RRID:AB_2314318

      DOI: 10.1002/cne.25283

      Resource: (H.J. Agricola, University of Jena; Jena; Germany Cat# Dip-AST I, RRID:AB_2314318)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2314318

      What is this?

  2. Aug 2021
    1. AB_2314318

      DOI: 10.1186/s12915-021-01055-8

      Resource: (H.J. Agricola, University of Jena; Jena; Germany Cat# Dip-AST I, RRID:AB_2314318)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2314318

      What is this?

    1. RRID:AB_2314318

      DOI: 10.1002/cne.23736

      Resource: (H.J. Agricola, University of Jena; Jena; Germany Cat# Dip-AST I, RRID:AB_2314318)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2314318

      What is this?

  3. Sep 2020
  4. Jan 2020