64 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Figure S3Figure S3. List of the antibodies used in this study (related to Figures 1 to 9)A. Antibodies used for the detection of total aSyn.B. Antibodies used for the detection of α-syn phosphorylated at residue S129.C. Other antibodies used in the study.

      DOI: 10.1101/2022.03.30.486322

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @bandrow

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?



    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1186/s40478-024-01785-0

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  2. May 2024
  3. Apr 2024
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1038/s41419-024-06534-8

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  4. Dec 2023
  5. Jul 2023
  6. Jun 2023
  7. May 2023
  8. Oct 2022
  9. Sep 2022
  10. Jul 2022
  11. Jun 2022
  12. May 2022
  13. Apr 2022
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110675

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  14. Mar 2022
  15. Oct 2021
  16. Sep 2021
  17. Aug 2021
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0930-14.2014

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.11.002

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  18. Jul 2021
    1. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    2. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    3. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    4. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    5. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    6. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132075

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    1. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1002/cne.23901

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    2. AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1002/cne.23901

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @gabimpine

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    1. 610787

      DOI: 10.1007/s00359-016-1108-x

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @gabimpine

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    2. 610787

      DOI: 10.1007/s00359-016-1108-x

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @gabimpine

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  19. May 2021
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22108-0

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  20. Apr 2021
  21. Mar 2021
  22. Feb 2021
  23. Oct 2020
  24. Sep 2020
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1076-19.2019

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @ethanbadger

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  25. Jan 2020
    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1111/jnc.14312

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @Naa003

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

    1. RRID:AB_398108

      DOI: 10.1111/jnc.14656

      Resource: (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      Curator: @ethanbadger

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      What is this?

  26. Nov 2017
    1. AB_398108

      Curator: @jcabotaj

      Resource used:

      (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    2. AB_398108

      Resource used:

      (BD Biosciences Cat# 610787, RRID:AB_398108)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_398108

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?