4 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2015
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
JPA SQL native query den join ile birden fazla nesne elde etme
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
2.3.2. Mapping native queries You can also map a native query (ie a plain SQL query). To achieve that, you need to describe the SQL resultset structure using @SqlResultSetMapping (or @SqlResultSetMappings if you plan to define several resulset mappings). Like @NamedQuery, a @SqlResultSetMapping can be defined at class level or in a JPA XML file. However its scope is global to the application.
JPA SQL native query den join ile birden fazla nesne elde etme
www.java2s.com www.java2s.com
@SqlResultSetMappings( { @SqlResultSetMapping(name = "ProfessorWithAddress", entities = { @EntityResult(entityClass = Professor.class), @EntityResult(entityClass = Address.class) }) })
jpa birden fazla tabloyu direk sınıf ile eşleme join table mapping
www.tinesoft.com www.tinesoft.com
Use @FieldResult in the SqlResultSetMapping, to link each entity property to its column alias
birden fazla tablonun birleşimini sınıflara eşleştirirken oluşan hatanın giderilmesi