6 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2020
imfeld.dev imfeld.dev
Converting Angular components into Svelte is largely a mechanical process. For the most part, each Angular template feature has a direct corollary in Svelte. Some things are simpler and some are more complex but overall it's pretty easy to do.
- Sep 2020
- Sep 2018
blog.angularindepth.com blog.angularindepth.com
This is known as the entry file.
Key point
When we use ng new the Angular CLI creates a new workspace for us.In our Angular workspace we are going to have two projects:A library projectThis is the library of components and services that we want to provide. This is the code that we could publish to npm for example.An application projectThis will be a test harness for our library. Sometimes this application is used as documentation and example usage of the library.
Good ideas about what to do with the needed 'application' that we are forced to create just to create the library.
When we’ve generated the library (ng generate library tvmaze ) Angular CLI modified the tsconfig.json in the root of our project by adding tvmaze to the paths entry.
Read - this is how to fake a local library to be imported by TS as if it was in node_modules
Why is that useful? It enables such service to be tree-shaken (removed form the production bundle if not used)
Very important note - useful!