- Jul 2024
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Case: patient #10, Male, Argentine
Disease Assertion: UCD/OTCD
Family Info: family history of the disease,
Case Presenting HPOs: Neonatal onset(HP:0003623), Hyperammonemia HP:0001987
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Case Previous Testing: The OTC gene mutations were identified using PCR amplification, classical sequencing (Sanger), and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification.10,11 Mutations were identified by comparison with the GenBank reference sequence for human OTC (GenBank entries: NG_008471.1, NP 000522.3, NM 000531.5, NC 000023.11) Missense mutations were analyzed using different computational algorithms: CLUSTALW2 (http://www.clustal.org/clustal2/), SIFT (http://blocks.fhcrc.org/sift/SIFT.html),Polyphen2(http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph/),PoPMuSiC(http://babylone.ulb.ac.be/popmusic/), and SIFT Indel(http://siftdna.org/www/SIFT_indels2.html).
Supplemental Data: Table 1 Notes: died at 6 months and had 2 brothers that died a neonatal stage
Variant: NM_000531.6: c.540+1G>A
ClinVarID: 1458773
CAID: CA412724226
gnomAD: X-38381340-A-T
Gene Name: OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase)