- Feb 2017
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His method is lo treat man as the measure of all things, but in doing so he again proceeds from the error of believing that he has these things [which he intends to measure] im~ "'" o.+ llP> mediately before him as mere objects
This actually reminds me about something I read in Karl Stern's book The Flight from Woman, in which he argues that man began his primal existence in a state of “prater-rational thinking." Basically, he argues that man’s original identity was a unitary reality in which all knowledge was apprehended outside of consciousness; it was incorporated through an intuitive, experiential bond between the senses and nature. Not sure how much Nietzsche would get on board with in terms of that half of the theory, but then Stern says that the declension into modern thought, or what he calls “cogito," is the intellectual process of self-raising consciousness; an unincorportated version of the praeter-rational mind. Man is now aware of his ability to think and analyze, and so his ego confronts the world as a separate object from himself.