4 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2021
github.com github.com
Using a flag to disable prettier for a line, the next line or until I activate it again (ESLint like syntax). // prettier-disable border: { sep: "║", topLeft: "╔", topMid: "╦", top: "═", topRight: "╗", midLeft: "╠", midMid: "╬", mid: "═", midRight: "╣", botLeft: "╚", botMid: "╩", bot: "═", botRight: "╝" }, // prettier-enable
- Dec 2019
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
// reduce() without initialValue [ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ].reduce( maxCallback ); // 42 [ { x: 22 } ].reduce( maxCallback ); // { x: 22 } [ ].reduce( maxCallback ); // TypeError // map/reduce; better solution, also works for empty or larger arrays [ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ].map( el => el.x ) .reduce( maxCallback2, -Infinity );
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { MaterialModule } from '@angular/material'; import { MyInterface } from './my.interface'; import { MyService } from './my.service'; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule, FormsModule, MaterialModule.forRoot() ], declarations: [ MyInterface],//<- this is causing the message exports: [ MyInterface], providers: [ MyService ] }) export class MyModule { }
- Nov 2018
ghsj.optimixo.com ghsj.optimixo.com
Venir à l'hôpital
Sur cette partie basse, pour moi il faut garder la même subdivision en 4 colonnes. C'est à dire op-hospital-access sur une colonne comme op-link-block op-doctor-search La carte sur 2 colonnes Et le formulaire de contact sur une colonne.