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- Feb 2017
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Moreover, complex ideas c...:,,..r<i-<.. ~~-tt.~"'O..., are formed by the connections among simple ideas; words are attached to these ) ' ' u•·. · ' complex ideas to keep the connections from being merely personal and ephemeral ·. ·~...,, : -· •• and lo allow us to communicate them to others.
To jump on Kevin's earlier "Peirce bandwagon" (also learned from Juliana Chow) the search for mutual connection and understanding reminds me of this concept that Peirce calls the "commens" or the "commind." Essentially, there are three parts necessary for "signifying" something. You need an object, a sign, and an interpretant for both. Now, if the interpretant wishes to share the meaning of the sign and object with another interpretant, they must reach a level of shared context/culture/consciousness that Peirce calls the "commens." Basically it seems like Locke would agree with the theoretical model that Peirce laid out.