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  1. Apr 2023
    1. “We were there about two weeks, but we were very impressed by the girls,” Weiskopf remembers of their first visit to La Arcadia. That was back in 2016, when the filmmakers were initially invited to give a documentary workshop at the school with the local cinematheque. The workshop was short, but it left a lasting impression on the directors.

      The origins of the idea started because the directors gave workshops with the local cinematheque in 2016

    1. I was starting to do more photography, mostly of her. My mother’s dementia was very creative, and in between her loss of memory, she’d share these profound insights or tales I’d never heard before. Friends would say, "Are you filming this? You need to make a film from this."At first I couldn’t. But very late into the process, around 2012, I saw that I needed to turn our story into a film. I did this because I came to see how much of a performer she was and how she came alive in front of the camera. It was a surprise because, before dementia, she was very private and would shut down in front of the camera. Now she became an incredible model – really conveyed the mood of a given moment.

      Rea Tajiri explains why she decided to make a film about her mother and how the idea eventually took place.