57 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2015
    1. Even to the last, I could not convince the Indians that we were of the Christians...

      the Natives trust de Vaca & his people, and can't imagine them being associated with the cruelty of the other Christians

    2. who must be obeyed and served,

      they think quite a lot of themselves, these other Christians. they seem jealous of the relationship de Vaca and his comrades have formed with the Natives

    3. the Indians being ever diligent to bring us all they could.

      taking advantage of the Natives' kindness & seeing them as servants

    4. and given them to the Christians,

      okay, they're not objects...

    1. they must be won by kindness, which is a way certain, and no other is.

      a different approach than most explorers/conquerers took. he's seeing them as people and thinks they should be treated accordingly

    2. but preferred to die rather than live in dread of such cruel usage as they received

      this is incredibly sad

    3. they looked as though they would willingly die.


    4. The sight was one of infinite pain to us

      to see such beautiful/useful land go to waste?

    5. hearing more of Christians.

      how does he know these men were Christians?

    6. we gave many thanks to God our Lord

      of course you did

    7. he answered that they came from heaven.

      the Natives see the explorers as god-like

    8. over six hundred open hearts of deer.'

      thats a lot of deer hearts....

    1. they place their houses on the skirt of a wood, the thickest and most tangled they can find, and near it make a ditch in which they sleep.

      use the land as a resource & almost as a weapon

    2. When no longer offended and their anger is gone, they return. From that time they are friends as if nothing had happened

      they've gotten it out of their systems & are over it

    3. until their heat has subsided.

      cooling off

    4. they strike each other with the fists, fighting until ex- hausted, and then separate.

      facing their problems like men!

    5. It is com- mon among them all to leave their wives when there is no conformity, and directly they connect themselves with whom they please.


    6. the Indians leave him to perish, unless it be a son or a brother; him they will assist, even to carrying on their back.

      leave the weak behind, unless they are family

    7. in seasons of scarcity, the children were allowed to suckle, that they might not famish

      yeah, but how can the mothers keep producing milk for that long? especially with poor nutrition/not enough food?

    8. The children are suckled until the age of twelve years, when they are old enough to get sup- port for themselves.

      wow...12 is when a child can finally feed themselves in this culture? that's a long time to be dependent...especially considering that the life expectancy probably wasn't that high

    1. On one occasion while I slept, the fire fell upon the straw, when it began to blaze so rapidly that not- T^-ithstanding the haste I made to get out of it,

      yikes! not a pleasant way to wake up!

    2. while walking naked as I was born.

      why does he have no clothes?

    3. I was detained some time.

      you mean you were lost, de Vaca

    4. for every day went on increasing his compassion and his gifts.

      the Natives' compassion and gifts are growing every day...thank them!

    5. many came to us that night sick


    1. sat down among us, and from the sorrow and pity they felt, they all began to lament so earnestly that they might have been heard at a dis- tance, and continued so doing more than half an hour.

      they feel this loss so deeply, even though it is not their own. and yet, they are "barbarians"

    2. but when they saw us thus, in a plight so different from what it was before, and so extraordinary, they were alarmed and turned back.

      its strange that they turn back after seeing the Europeans in a weaker and more helpless state

    1. He answered that it was no longer a time in which one should com- mand another] but that each should do what he thought best to save his own life

      everyone is on their own. things are getting serious

    2. He answered saying that could not be done, because the boat was far to sea and he wished to reach the shore

      no, we can't go help the others because the Governor doesn't want to

    3. They entreated us to go with them, and said they would give us the Christ- ians, water, and many other things

      sounds like a trap to me

    4. and of more authority and condition than any we had hitherto seen

      that would be why they are chiefs...

    5. The Governor replied that he would give up the hostages when they should bring the Christians they had taken.

      we'll trade you!

    1. In the boat

      did they figure out how to build boats?

    2. more than forty men of disease and hunger

      how many were there to begin with?

    3. we knew not how to construct, nor were there tools, nor iron, nor forge, nor tow, nor resin, nor rigging; finally, no one thing of so many that are necessary, nor any man who had a knowledge of their manufacture; and, above all, there -was nothing to eat, while building, for those who should labor...

      soo....they've got nothing.

    4. and could pass out of it only through death,

      that's not very optimistic

    5. and that whatever might happen to one should be the lot of all, without any forsaking the rest.

      they're a team

    6. that of the persons mounted, the greater part commenced secretly to plot, hoping to secure a better fate for themselves by abandoning the Governor and the sick, who were in a state of weak- ness and prostration.

      survival of the fittest! abandon the weak!

    7. Grod,

      praise Grod!

    8. There were not horses enough to carry the sick, who went on increas- ing in numhers day hy day, and we knew of no cure.

      the Europeans are sick as opposed to the Natives...interesting

    9. to the place I had visited.

      he's been here before?

    1. They are of admirable proportions, very spare and of great activity and strength.

      they are intimidating...maybe this is why he thinks of them as barbarians

    2. com- manded the cavalry to dismount and charge the In- dians on foot.

      mmm....doesn't seem like a great idea.

    3. the people beyond were less numerous and poorer, the land little occupied, and the inhabitants much scattered ; that thenceforward were great lakes, dense forests, immense deserts and solitudes

      how could he have possibly gathered all this info from the Natives? did they speak his language?

    4. As we sallied they fled to the lakes near by, because of which and the large maize fields, we could do them no injury

      the Natives have an advantage because they know the land

    5. asking for their women and children, whom we re- leased

      oh, by the way, we captured all Native women and children! but let me keep talking about animals...

    6. very cold.

      he's clearly never been to New England...

    7. the Gelves

      the Gelves?

    1. truth

      there is no TRUTH!!!

    2. and for some persons difficult to believe, nevertheless they may without hesitation credit me as strictly faithful. Better than to exaggerate, I have lessened in all things, and it is sufficient to say the relation is offered to your Majesty for truth.

      he's telling the truth, okay?!?

    3. and bring them to a know- ledge of the true faith and true Lord,

      heavily focused on religion...I'm assuming Christianity. seems very passionate about seeking to convert the "barbarians"

    4. it might testify to my exertion in the royal behalf.

      makes it seem like the whole of his experiences is solely in service of/for the crown

    5. To me, one only duty remains, to present a relation of what was seen and heard in the ten years I wandered lost

      ten years?! wow...

    6. that I should not have to speak in order to be reckoned among those who for diligence and fidelity in affairs your Majesty honors.

      his legacy speaks for him

    7. but coming in the providence of God and solely by His will.

      so fortunate people are blessed by God and unfortunate people can't do anything about their circumstances b/c God did not choose them to be the fortunate ones? hmm...