6 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2016
tech.noredink.com tech.noredink.com
Blog post discussing a more productive format for a meetup than the typical case where developers turn up, watch speaker(s) for 30-60 minutes, then leave.
- Mar 2016
cdn.rawgit.com cdn.rawgit.com
This is used in the Elm language for the implementation of the
- Jan 2016
Very useful overview of the conceptual differences between several modern UI architectures
- Nov 2015
package.elm-lang.org package.elm-lang.org
See https://gist.github.com/mgold/461dbf37d4d34767e5da for a good tutorial on what mailboxes are, why they exist and how to use them
elm-lang.org elm-lang.org
So in both cases we are writing contracts that say “I require input with this shape, and I will give you output with that shape.” This is the essence of ruling out runtime errors in Elm. We always know what kind of values a function needs and what kind it produces, so we can just check that we always follow these rules.