1 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
gdprhub.eu gdprhub.eu
name and surname, level of education, e - mail address, employment data, e-mail address of the person whose loan the client wants to recommend, personal data regarding earnings, data on marital status, telephone number (landline, mobile, previously used telephone number), PESEL number, nationality, NIP number, password (mistakenly, as indicated by the Company, stored in open text), place of birth, correspondence address, registered address , telephone number to the place of work and bank account number
risk factors:
- kind of data
- data specification
- gdpr_master:DATA_SPECIFICATION:financial_data
- gdpr_master:NATURE_OF_DATA:sensitive
- gdpr_master:DATA_SPECIFICATION:online_identifiers
- gdpr_master:DATA_SPECIFICATION:personal_identifiers
- gdpr_master:DATA_SPECIFICATION:employment_data
- gdpr_master:NATURE_OF_DATA:non_sensitive
- gdpr_master:DATA_SPECIFICATION:education_data