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  1. Jun 2015
    1. I am missing basic exploratory orientation, thinking, assessing, evaluation, critics and I see mostly preaching. I am sad and worried, that’s why I wrote this post.

      I am adding this again it seems to have got deleted first time. I said that I too feel this in relation to many interactions online. I despair hearing Image Description

      in far too many spaces online.

    2. I think that the model pattern of phenomenon describes well the rhizo-like courses without content, where community is the curriculum.

      :) I made that link earlier on. Something becomes a phenomenon not based on painstaking research over time but on something else entirely - human need for belonging and validation. Is this what the book is saying?

    3. We could explore a mooc as a social cultural phenomenon.

      If we use the frame of a cultural phenomenon then what the book Heli is summarising says applies to moocs. I most certainly see the connections you are making here.

    4. please come here everyone this is awesome)

      the need to 'sell' the phenomenon kills it. As those selling the idea refuse to acknowledge the limitations of universals ( everyone, all the time, never) as it apply to their own narrative?

    5. What are the common mistakes? One of the blunders is to fall in love with one idea and forget other people’s needs

      If somebody is so attached to a given way to see the world (be it a rhizome or a tree) they will only want to convince you of the truth of view and never ask how does it look from where you are standing?

    6. The basic need is to be charmed by something with other people and take part in something jointly, yet feeling like an independent individual. Research is not the right way to do

      The basic human need of belonging appears to be met without commitment? Reminds me of Sherri Turkle:

      We're lonely, but we're afraid of intimacy. And so from social networks to sociable robots, we're designing technologies that will give us the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. We turn to technology to help us feel connected in ways we can comfortably control.

      If this is the intent of coming together online then research and theory has little place in such frames of reference. What matters is that the group validates me and tells me I belong to something special and durable?

    7. New tribes celebrate around their totem poles and the irrational elements are connecting people, not only rational actions and discussions.

      Newly created tribes come together via emotion as well as rational action and discussion? I am reminded also that when 'the community is the curriculum then there may be more emotion and less rational action and discussion?

    8. rhizo14 FB group refused to accept some negative results

      I guess negative here means mis-aligned with current awesome story the group is telling?

    9. I have not read it yet, but I think there may be resonances between the checklist for a successful event in Heli's book and Armellini and Steffani?

    10. What is needed for an successful phenomenon (event, case) to occur?
      • Shared interests
      • act jointly yet choose own way
      • commitment to an ideology
      • commitment to a cause
      • individual must believe s/he is freely choosing
      • individual identity is mirrored by the crowd not<br> enforced by the crowd
      • event can be designed or unintentional
      • innovators followed by strengtheners are needed
      • Strengtheners may be individuals or things the crowd will appreciate and hence accept
      • innovators need sensitivity to needs of potential crowd - belong to what, be against what
      • A frame that combines new and old for sense making
      • Fans have a place
      • memorabilia helps
      • negative events can support cohesion
      • An attitude to reject the rejectors or critics: How dare you resist this lovely event?
      • common enemies bring cohesion
    11. Light satisfaction is the glue of a crowd for enjoying

      This could be a catch phrase for much online interaction - does learning happen here? Are we just seeking to have our human need for inclusion met?

    12. want to share things. That is why we need phenomena to connect us with certain people.

      We want to share and need phenomena to connect. This reminds me of Jim Groom's concept of a pedagogy of triggering events. He believes these special events promote online presence when teaching online.

    13. The pattern of these phenomena is the book’s theme. The book is very practical and its intention is far from mine, it helps to sell something to anyone, it gives lists to check if you have tried properly

      The book: Effectiveness checklists that you can follow in a selling activity. How to do it properly.

      Your aim: Understand authentic events online