7 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
- May 2023
roambrain.com roambrain.com
louisshulman.medium.com louisshulman.medium.com
thot.substack.com thot.substack.com
- Sep 2019
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Providing a medium-resolution view might seem like a pretty minor benefit, but the power is that *you control the resolution.* It's like an adjustable slider you can fine tune, instead of a dial with two settings: 1 (tags) and 10 (search)
Search has words or terms as the unit of resolution, which are often too specific to be useful (it doesn't help me much to know that a note contains the word "neuroscience")
"Search" (text based) doesn't BUT more powerful methods of search are possible
- metadata
- regex
- full blown query language
- May 2019
ceur-ws.org ceur-ws.org
A discussion on the definition of what constitutes a knowledge graph. Looks like a knowledge graph is where different pieces of information are connected to each other based on their ontology.