7 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
The first thing I do is list everything I need for a workstation in an orgmode text file. For why orgmode really works well for this -http://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-devops.html
1st suggestion for maintaining my PC.
Every couple of years I find myself facing the same old tired routine: migrating my stuff off some laptop or desktop to a new one, usually combined with an OS upgrade. Is there anything like the kind of luxuries we now consider normal on the server side (IaaS; Terraform; maybe Ansible) that can be used to manage your PC and that would make re-imaging it as easy as it is on the server side?
Interesting suggestions on how to maintain reusably my PC?
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
There's a decent cheat sheet (https://orgmode.org/orgcard.pdf) that I refer to a lot.
Orger-emacs cheat sheet, from a person still using VSCode.
I only use Emacs for org-mode stuff so far. For pretty much anything else I'm using VS Code.
Emacs for org-mode, VSCode for anything else.
howardism.org howardism.org
Literate DevOps
Detailed instructions & org-mode code samples for how to mantain my IT.
- Mar 2021
orgmode.org orgmode.org
Org-mode cheat sheet.
Then I decided I was going to just do a few small bits to begin , following Rainer Koning's videos on youtube.