5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. extraUsers

      extraUsers have been renamed to users. See related commits.

    2. boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ { name = "root"; device = "/dev/nvme0n1p2"; preLVM = true; } ];

      This will still work on 20.03 but will show a warning as name = "root"; is deprecated, and luksroot should be used instead (see boot.initrd.luks.devices NixOS option) .

      boot.initd.luks.devices = {
        luksroot = {
          device = "/nev/sda2";
          preLVM = true;
    3. # cryptsetup luksFormat $LVM_PARTITION

      Got a warning here but it seems to be safe to ignore.

      WARNING: Locking directory /run/cryptsetup is missing!
    4. Networking

      This didn't work out of the box, therefore worth looking at the Arch linux wpa_supplicant docs.

      wpa_cli also wouldn't work, and needed to make sure that I had the right SSID so this link is also helpful to list available wifi networks.

    5. Note that from here on in we’ll be in root prompts the whole time. The NixOS install environment helpfully drops you in a shell with root logged in.

      On 20.03 install drops users to a non-privileged terminal so sudo su has to be entered to become root. (Otherwise the first steps in "Networking" will fail immediately.)

      Saving this here for posterity: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55191125/cant-seem-to-get-sudo-working-under-nixos