11 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. typeface

      (Font) may looks are included, the most popular being Times New Roman.

    2. heading

      Headings are also called level heads

    3. ding (white space

      Use you white space:

      -the portion of the page that is blank can be filled with headings, margins, one and paragraph spacing, lists, tabs/indents, and columns.

    4. Use graphical design principles:• Contrast• Repetition• Alignment• Proximity• Establish a color scheme that complements content

      -Contrast: Using different styles/fonts to distinguish information/elements -Repetition: Driving home a point, for example starting and ending a presentation with the same line -Alignment: Items that are related should line up in order to create overall coherence. -Proximity: Related items should be visualized close to each other -Color Scheme:

    5. white paper

      White paper is a type of report that has a clear purpose, audience, and organization about it.

    6. audience

      Audience analysis builds information about your readers and discusses communication plans for complex audiences. It allows you, through questioning, to determine readers needs, values, and attitude.

    7. Document Design and Presentation.

      This presentation is used to outline things such as headings, access, typography, and state in professional documents.

  2. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. study

      Based on Dragga’s analysis he thinks that case studies are the best means/method that reinforces instruction upon the working tech. comm. class.

    2. actions.

      His writing presents his concept so that the reader becomes more aware of, and conscious of their daily actions.

    3. document design

      Drag used technical communicators’ perspectives on the ethics of various senecrious as the substance of his article.

    4. students a genuine disservice.

      The Academic Theory here met the workplace. He wanted better his students by teaching them to emphasize ethics, make 'it’ (his work) sufficient, prepare them for real world, and guide them through disputes.