- Nov 2016
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He continued Scott's research on communication-ethics pedagogy that believes in the disciplined action of theory education.
ethical challenges
Dragga questions educators ability to prep students for these challenges that are faced by communicators.
is it because teachers ignore the subject of ethics
He ends his article with a call for further research, or if the answer is already provided by professionals and needs to be communicated.
Ethical statements about character play off of questions like “Who will I be?” and “What will I do?”. Studies like this article are analyzing behavior and choosing their (the authors side) on these dilemmas. Maybe feelings, intuition, and conscience should be in play more when looking at ethics.
In his article Dragga goes about presenting his survey and its results solely on return statistics. There are no opinions or though processes of his own present throughout his work, but instead as a sample from an audience.
The fact that he doesn’t define ethical throughout the entirety only allows the readers to see ethics from peers eyes and viewpoints.