45 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. "At that moment, I gave them the concerned parent/uncle speech. 'This is it. If you screw up, not wearing (a) seat belt, drink and drive, text, get distracted by music or friends, it's over! No second chances, no excuses, no retakes, no do-overs, no goodbyes. Dead.'"

      Strong statement and also good for us to remember it and be caution about it too. Thanks for encourage words.

    2. How do you encourage your teens to be safe while driving?

      This is really good question to ask parents and teens? If they don't know, the society should offer some kind of class to teach them about what are some risks about while driving and doing others stuff.?

    3. "You talk to any cognitive psychologist, they've known this for decades, that the human brain can only focus on one attention-requiring task at any given moment. The other task is always in the background,"

      that absolutely true..

    4. Car crashes kill 100 people every day and are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the U.S., says Teater.

      This is really huge and significant number, and we should help other to be aware of them such as not talk, text or do anything while driving just focus on driving.

    5. "Let's face it, most teenagers will not want this product voluntarily," he said. "It is up to the parent.

      parents play very important role in this case otherwise, their teenagers could face the consequence.

    6. Aegis Mobility has created software that is installed directly onto a teen's smartphone, tablet or other handheld device. Once the teen starts driving about 10 miles an hour, the software automatically puts the device in safe mode, which prevents the teen from texting, e-mailing or browsing the Internet.

      this is really good device.!

    1. “There is no evidence that Robert Durst had anything to do with Kathleen’s disappearance. Anybody can file a lawsuit, but eventually they’ll have to come with evidence.”

      His lawyer is going to take his side and come up with things that makes him sound better. That's what lawyers are for. There may not have been evidence for Kathleen's disappearance, but what is her family left with? Nothing.

    2. proper and dignified burial

      A proper burial for Kathleen is not much being asked from her family.

    3. The documentary, which explored his connection to the deaths of Ms. Berman, the decapitation of a boardinghouse neighbor in Texas, and the disappearance of his wife, concluded with Mr. Durst’s own whispered words: “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.”

      He opening admits that he killed them all. That should have helped Kathleens family with getting the money they sued him for. They may not have all the evidence from all of his killings, but they have his recorded statement.

    4. six-part documentary — “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst” — that was broadcast on HBO in February and March.

      This documentary showed bits of Robert Dursts bizarre life. He kept a distance from his family even while they provided him with money and lawyers when in need. He is no doubt a psychopath that made careless mistakes that put him in jail.

    5. The lawsuit contends that Mr. Durst, his marriage having collapsed amid violence, “murdered Kathleen,” his first wife. If successful, the lawsuit would strip Mr. Durst of much of his wealth; authorities put his net worth at about $100 million

      Although getting that much money from him isn't going to bring her back, why shouldn't the family get a lot of his money. He is in jail. His first wife's family deserves something from the hardship they went through.

    1. His story made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of "affluenza" -- the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy.

      That's really good, so they whole nation would know how authority used their power to manipulated powerless people.

    2. Prosecutors were similarly disappointed with the judge's decision.

      what's wrong with the judge?

    3. Couch had a blood alcohol content of 0.24, three times the legal limit.

      Don't care and respect others but himself.

    4. Last June, his wife, Hollie Boyles, and daughter, Shelby, left their home to help Breanna Mitchell, whose SUV had broken down. Brian Jennings, a youth pastor, was driving past and also stopped to help.

      This are the nicest people who deserve to live with their family.

    1. What white person is saying this is ok? Um, no one. It's not about race it's about justice and this kid should have gone to jail for a long time! Everyone needs to stop with the race war!

      Racism and discrimination can creates war.

    2. gets away with murder because he has money.  America is all about money and its disgusting Read more Show less

      Not all American are all about Money; however some people are do.

    3. Poor black guy gets 5yrs in prison for NOT paying child support, wealthy white kid gets 10yrs probation and NO jail time after driving drunk and killing 4 innocent people.....ummmm....don't you just love good 'ol American justice? There's truly nothing like it....

      No jail time and only probation, it seems some authorities values money more than justice and didn't bring peace to those family who they lost their love one.




    1. “A hero is the guy who hesitates before shooting, the guy that takes the risk of being shot himself for the sake of not killing an innocent person.”

      Strong and great quote.I would use this for my argumentative essay !

    2. A hero is the guy who hesitates before shooting, the guy that takes the risk of being shot himself for the sake of not killing an innocent person.”

      that is really really true and important statement for all other officer.

    3. referring to the 12-year-old in Cleveland who was shot in 2014 by an officer who thought his toy gun was real.

      really? Don't they have any other suspicion about things that they visualize?

    4. A hero isn’t a cop who instantly fires off his gun, a hero isn’t the cop who shot Tamir Rice,”

      that true !

    5. he has realized that the only way to serve the law fairly is to use as much empathy as possible in the job. To be able to see civilians and suspects as human.

      I really agree with him and he is the best officer.

    1. Home Depot. Most people in the gun control lobby know nothing about firearms or their construction. Everything you need to manufacture firearms is available at Home Depot. The materials needed to manufacture a 12 gauge shotgun cost about $20. If someone wanted to build a fully automatic Mac-10 style submachine gun, it would probably cost about $60.

      Thesis: The possession of handgun by civilians should not be banned but proper restrictions should be introduced.

      This example showed that criminals can make their own guns to commit crimes, not necessarily buy gun in legal way. If they need guns, gun control could not stop them in a sense that they can make it themselves with cheaper prices, or buy it on black market.

    2. Poverty has a greater correlation to violent crime than access to firearms. Education and poverty are directly linked. In short, we don’t have a gun problem in the United States, we have a cultural problem.

      Thesis: The possession of handgun by civilians should not be banned but proper restrictions should be introduced.

      Very acute opinion. But the author stated that the relationship between gun control and crime rates is loosely connected. Education and poverty are the key to contribute to crimes committed. Personally, I think it is pretty true in a sense that we all know that education is one of the most influential factors that mold one's life.

    3. Gun bans have always had the same effect once implemented: none. They do not create a (sustained) period of increased murders, nor do they reduce the rate of homicides.

      Thesis: The possession of handgun by civilians should not be banned but proper restrictions should be introduced.

      The author pointed out that either gun and gun ban have no influence on crime rates. Anti-gun might pinpoint statistics about gun murder would have decreased when gun control is implemented. However, the author stated that gun control would only reduce gun murder rate, but not murder rate. Our goal should be reducing crime rates. So it is inappropriate to focus on gun murder rate merely rather than the whole picture.

    1. officers begin to dress like soldiers, their uniform and vocabulary of war reinforces their mind-sets. As they become more soldierlike and less peace officer–like, they become distanced from the community.

      really? At first I really wanted someone in my family to be a police officer, and after reading couple articles I don't think it is a good idea for me to choose that filed for them.

    2. They’re still evaluated on standard measures of performance, such as numbers of arrests made and crimes solved.

      I can use this statement for my argument essay to support why this creating conflict.

    3. “If the only tool you have is a hammer,” Stamper adds, “the whole world is going to look like a nail to you.”

      I'm agree and this is really nice and strong statement.

    4. This is not a war

      even though this is not a war the police are surely need arm, weapons to protect themselves and other innocent people.

    5. that people cannot be trusted and are dangerous, that everyone hates cops,

      the reason they hate cops is that they are having issue of trusting cops.

    1. small towns. If there were an affordable way to protect his people without the new truck, he would do it.

      wow. even in the small town??

    2. It protects police officers.

      I'm sure they are need protective as well.

    3. In the Indianapolis suburbs, officers said they needed a mine-resistant vehicle to protect against a possible attack by veterans returning from war.“You have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build I.E.D.’s

      It confused me is this the people that are protect our country would cause issues in the country that they are protected?

    4. “All of a sudden, we start relationships with people,”

      I think this is a good thing to start of with, so other would know what they been doing.

    5. Police departments, though, are adding more firepower and military gear than ever. Some, especially in larger cities, have used federal grant money to buy armored cars and other tactical gear.

      it make people to commit more crime.

    6. Masked, heavily armed police officers in Louisiana raided a nightclub in 2006 as part of a liquor inspection. In Florida in 2010, officers in SWAT gear and with guns drawn carried out raids on barbershops that mostly led only to charges of “barbering without a license.”

      why would they do that? it is not really necessary and people are working to provide for their family, and even thought they don't have a license, they are not breaking the law or do anything that will harm other so...

    1. suspicious in part because he wore a University of Wyoming cap.

      not just their suspicious only, they have observe their actions as well.

    2. When money is taken from an organization, it hurts them more than when they lose the drugs.

      it is all about money or their dignity ?

    3. A 55-year-old Chinese American restaurateur from Georgia was pulled over for minor speeding on Interstate 10 in Alabama and detained for nearly two hours. He was carrying $75,000 raised from relatives to buy a Chinese restaurant in Lake Charles, La. He got back his money 10 months later but only after spending thousands of dollars on a lawyer and losing out on the restaurant deal. A 40-year-old Hispanic carpenter from New Jersey was stopped on Interstate 95 in Virginia for having tinted windows. Police said he appeared nervous and consented to a search. They took $18,000 that he said was meant to buy a used car. He had to hire a lawyer to get back his money. Mandrel Stuart, a 35-year-old African American owner of a small barbecue restaurant in Staunton, Va., was stunned when police took $17,550 from him during a stop in 2012 for a minor traffic infraction on Interstate 66 in Fairfax. He rejected a settlement with the government for half of his money and demanded a jury trial. He eventually got his money back but lost his business because he didn’t have the cash to pay his overhead.

      This is really disappointed and the way I view this as discriminate other nationality and those people cases are happen to my parents as well, they lose so much money because they don't understand English, and pulled over my police for minor issues. so whatever they lawyer asked they have to find money and paid them. very sad....

    4. 61,998 cash seizures

      searching without warrants? I think they ought to have a warrant before they search.

    1. There are an estimated 100 million children living in the streets in the world today.

      This is really huge numbers of children who lives their lives on the streets. sad..

    1. Children living on the street face the constant prospect of physical, verbal and sexual abuse from peers and adults.

      As adults we should think more intelligent than children.

  2. Oct 2015
    1. Dancing in a way that is often ridiculous, never threatening, and increasingly makes you feel fly-er than the song before.

      I find it really modest thing to do when I start dancing ! Ridiculous. However, for some people that feel fly about themselves which is great thing to do because dancing also can make your heart and blood flow good.

    2. These aren’t theoretical concepts, these are actual facts of life.

      How this sentence is the actual facts of life? I don't get it !