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  1. Jul 2024
    1. There is a disturbing new trend happening in Latin America, specifically in Colombia, and that is:

      0:07 Men being attracted by extremely beautiful, sexy Colombian and Latin American women and then being drugged, robbed, killed, overdosed, kidnapped, all the crimes that you can possibly think of.

      0:21 And a lot of men come to Latin America and thinking that, well, women are just gonna throw themselves at me. And to a certain extent, it is easier than dating in the United States and Germany and all these western countries, and it is better. Women are more beautiful, women are more feminine. But you have to be extremely careful. You have to know where you are.

      0:40 Recently, I've seen story after story after story, and this is an alarming trend because these criminals are getting harder. They're getting harsher on their crimes, they're getting more sadistic, and they're also planning a lot better.

      0:53 One recent case that I heard of was a German guy who went to Colombia, and on his second day, one girl that he met invited him to cook some food at home, cook some delicious Colombian food, and he said, why not? I'm probably not gonna bang this girl, but I'm gonna go home to her so she can cook me some food. She slipped scopolamine. a drug. into a drink, gave it to him, and then a few hours later, he woke up with his money gone, everything stolen, and even his crypto was stolen.

      1:28 They figured out how to get access to his crypto. They stole $15,000, which if you're watching this, you're a wealthy individual, you might think, well, 15K, whatever. But if you have 15 million in your crypto account or your Binance account or in your bank account, they will figure out how to steal it from you.

      1:42 Scopolamine is a drug that basically makes you into a little slave, into a little servant, and you'll do whatever the attacker wants. They tell you, go tell the security and tell them that I'm your friend. That literally happens in Colombia.

      1:57 People get drugged, and then they go to their Airbnb, to their hotel, and they tell the security, that's my friend. Let them come with me. And they come with you, and they steal absolutely everything because it's called the devil's breath.

      2:08 It's a drug that essentially turns you into a zombie, and it has bans all over Latin America, and a lot of police forces in Latin America are trying to ban this drug. They're trying to control the amount of it that is produced, imported, and they have very strict penalties. If you traffic it, if you sell it, you go to prison for a long time.

      2:26 But in these countries, these women, they figured out how to get as much money as possible from these expats, from these tourists. You might meet them on Tinder, you might meet an absolutely beautiful girl, and she invites you to some coffee shop. And then after the coffee shop, you think, yeah, this is going so well. She says, let's go cook some food. Let's go meet some of my friends.

      2:46 Or in one case that I saw, she invited him with her private driver. She said, oh, I have a private driver. He can take us really nice places. It's not safe here. And the private driver was the guy's kidnapper, ended up kidnapping the guy.

      3:00 And there was also another story of a very famous Minnesota man, Asian man, but American, Asian-American. He went to Colombia. He met an absolutely beautiful girl. He showed her off to his family. This Asian American was then kidnapped by this girl, but not immediately, not on the first date. Multiple dates later, after he came back for a second time to Colombia. He met her first, went back home, told everybody about his beautiful girlfriend, came back to Colombia, and then he was kidnapped. The kidnappers asked for $2,000, which is ridiculous, and then they killed him anyway.

      3:42 And this can happen to you in Mexico, in Colombia, Brazil. You have to know where you're going. If you're in Mexico, don't go out past eight, 9:00 PM in bad areas. If you're coming to a place like Tulum, stay in the absolute safest areas. Don't think, ah, I know what I'm doing. Ah, they're exaggerating the crime.

      4:00 And especially if you're come to Latin America for dating or if you're using dating apps, if it's too good to be true, it literally is.

      4:09 If you meet a girl on Tinder and she has bikini pictures all over her profile, if you see that she's pushing hard to meet you, if you see that she's pushing hard to either go to your place or to go to her place. If she wants you to go to her place, it's a red flag anywhere in the world. Even in Russia.

      4:24 I heard of a story from a friend of mine. The guy was invited by the girl to her house, and he thought, oh, I'm getting laid with an extremely hot rushing girl. He went to her place. He got his kidney removed. He woke up the next morning, whoa, disoriented without his kidney.

      4:38 Well, of course, a girl isn't going to invite you to your place in a random country, especially if she doesn't speak your language. Most girls are not that slutty. That's probably not gonna happen to you, unless you're some footballer or a famous person.

      4:51 So you have to keep an eye out for red flags, and you always have to keep in mind that people will try to take advantage of you, especially if you don't speak the language.

      5:00 I speak native Spanish. I don't wear my Rolex. I don't wear expensive clothes when I'm going out in Mexico, in Colombia and Argentina. You just don't show off. You speak the language or you try to. If you're going to Brazil, learn Portuguese, because you are a target, especially if you're tall, white.

      5:20 I've seen many tall Americans, white as hell, white as paper, and they walk through Mexico like it's their front yard. You are a target. Don't wear expensive jewelry. Here in Tulum, Rolexes get stolen all the time. I was reading through many articles of gun robberies and overall armed violence, and they were all because a person had an extremely expensive something, either a camera, and I'm filming this in an area where they're actually building new buildings. There's security all over the place. It's called Selvazama, absolutely beautiful. They're gonna, well, they're gonna chop up all these trees and they're gonna build new buildings. It's quite safe here. It's actually the best. One of the safest place in Mexico, I would say.

      5:56 But if you're going through a rough area, especially if it's at night, you don't wanna have a Rolex. You don't want to have Gucci shoes. I'm wearing my New balance, my little shorts from Zara.

      6:08 You have to know where you are. It's not Dubai. It's not Miami. You have to always be aware, and if it's too good to be true, it probably is when dating these Latino women.

      6:18 Now, my full game plan. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, one of the least safest places in the world. I've spent a lot of time in Colombia, in Mexico, in Dominican Republic, many places where people get robbed, they get stabbed, they get lost, they get kidnapped.

      6:31 My game plan, one, as I said, do not show off in any way. You think, oh, a Rolex is gonna get me laid. No, it's gonna get you kidnapped. Do not show off. Do not wear expensive clothes. Wear Zara, H&M, even if you're a billionaire, just wear the cheapest clothes possible while looking nice. You don't wanna look like a homeless person, but if you're going through a rough area, it's better to look like a homeless person, so that the attacker thinks: This person is more poor than I am. Why am I gonna attack them?

      6:53 Second of all, if you have an expensive phone, like an iPhone, try to not use it that much outside, to be honest, or get a copy. For example, you could buy a second phone, like an iPhone 10 or an iPhone 11, and then you have your iPhone 15 at home. You use the other iPhone for just going outside, Google Maps, WhatsApp, get a local WhatsApp number.

      7:10 Again, speak the language. If you speak the language with a Colombian girl, she thinks twice about kidnapping you, about taking you somewhere. The taxi drivers will think twice about robbing you or putting a gun to your face because you speak the language. You know yourself around.

      7:25 And also make friends in these places. If you go to Mexico, know local people so that you can always keep them updated if everything is okay.

      7:32 If you're going to a place like I went to, Tijuana, very dangerous city in Mexico, next to the border, or in the border or at the border, with the United States, you wanna have people that you let them know every few hours how you are, or every day how you are.

      7:46 Hey, I'm doing great. I'm here in Tijuana. I stayed the night. Everything is fine, everything is fine. You just let them know that everything is fine. This is how Latino people keep themselves updated to see if everything is fine. My family's like that, hey, are you alive? Everything fine?

      7:59 We're not in a war zone, but this is how Latino culture is, because we know that shit happens. We know that people get kidnapped. We know that people get stabbed, so you wanna get adjusted to that culture.

      8:07 And overall, know the different areas of the city. Stay in the absolute best, safest possible area every time you go somewhere. Don't try to save a buck. Don't try to stay in the area with the most people with the highest chance of getting laid. And don't do anything stupid.

      8:21 Don't go to some cabaret. I see it on Reddit all the time, on the Mexico groups and on the the different Latin American groups, that people go to cabarets, erotic massage centers. They go to different nightclubs that they shouldn't be going to, and they get stabbed. They get robbed, they get kidnapped. You want to be vigilant.

      8:35 It's a great place. Latin America is beautiful, it's free. There's investment opportunities. There's land to buy, there's low taxes, there's beautiful women. It's one of the best areas of the world, but you have to know where you are.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. 3:15 My technique would be to copy it, paste it on stackoverflow and ask if someone knows what it does.

      in south america, they would find the original author, drug him with scopolamine, and make him give out the original source code : D aka social engineering<br /> they use this method to steal crypto from wealthy smart asses, who believe their money is "safe"

      similar to the $5 wrench in the "security" xkcd https://xkcd.com/538/

      see also<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJwU8Hiq4HM<br /> Careful with the New Crime Wave of Latin America

      1:42<br /> Scopolamine is a drug<br /> that basically makes you into a little slave, into a little servant,<br /> and you'll do whatever the attacker wants.