112 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2018
    1. The results of the study revealed that RBI was associated with more significantly diverse friend choices when compared to control classrooms. 

      Good connection. I just wish there was more detail regarding the intervention so that the nuances could be discussed in detail.

    2. The results of this study revealed how networks changed and evolved over time.  The study also revealed that the application of SNA to team cohesion allows researchers to examine a team network at the individual level to determine the role that they play on the team.

      There is so much potential in using SNA. In healthcare, organizational learning involves interdependent relationships and this would be a good use of SNA as well.

    1. In this case, the use of SNA provided an empirical way to derive groups of students, while also providing the footing to assess a dynamic multilevel model that could pick out the particular attributes between individuals and group level variance in terms of hope and well-being.

      Very interesting point. Hope being increased within the group leading greater well-being.

    2. That said, they found network density to decline over time, meaning adolescents dont just nominate anyone as their friend, and a positive reciprocity parameter, whereby they tend to reciprocate friendship nominations (dyad nominations). Therefore, they tended to nominate each other in friend dyads, keep the network closed, and form peer group structures in friendship networks. In terms of other attributes, they found that those with high levels of effortful behavior and GPAs were more often nominated.

      Good point Morgan. The attractiveness of the other plays a factor in being selected as a potential friend.

    1. They found that overweight girls were less likely to be nominated as a friend, even though overweight students nominated more friends.

      It is sad but true. Overweight people face bias against them sometimes.

    2. She found that although there is greater diversity in dispersed communities, these communities are not as close as clustered communities, which she posits may influence their willingness to reach out for job connections as women in dispersed communities were less likely to reach out to neighbors than those in clustered communities. 

      Good insight Ashlee. It makes sense, If are more dispersed, it may pose more of an obstacle to reach out. People will still reach out and leverage these connections after they overcome this hurdle I think.

    1. Authors found that a randomized public middle school intervention can disrupt the formation of deviation peer groups and diminish levels of adolescent deviance five years later.

      Great insight Courtney. It provides validation for certain types of interventions

    2. Network density was higher for more superficial relationships, such as knowing a person by name

      That makes sense. It is easier to make superficial connections than more meaningful connections.

    1. They found that there was a significantly greater occurrence of gamblers in the networks of pathological gambler participants compared to those of a non-pathological gambler’s network.

      This finding seems reasonable as well. People like homophily and associating with other pathological gamblers fills this need.

    2. The study found significant differences in drinking frequencies between the overall alcohol use networks among the participants

      Very interesting finding. It makes sense, people are following their preferences in addition to their interaction with the network.

    1. defending was likely to occur when the victim and defender had the same friends.

      Social pressure at it's best.

    2. he results indicated that victimized students were likely to be defended by students who they perceive as friends or who perceive them as friends.

      It's good too see people sticking up for others. Especially when it can do so much good.

    1. Study results did not support the researchers first hypothesis. According to the data, density was not linked to perceived cohesion. However size had a small negative effect on perceived cohesion, which Tulin et. al believe suggests that people may perceive smaller groups as being more cohesive.

      Their results makes sense. Just because there are a lot of people next to you does not equal meaningful interaction with them leading to cohesion.

    2. Researchers Tulin et. al conducted a study with aims to investigate whether structural properties (group size and density) can predict perceived cohesion in small social groups.

      Interesting research question.

    1. They took the traditional method of creating an SNA graph using k-cores as categorical colors and placed them on the map.

      Great use of available resources.

    2. The research question asked if an association existed between poultry trade network characteristics in southern China and HPAIV infection status by the occurrence of poultry outbreaks.

      Good clear layout of the research question.

    3. The survey asked questions in regard to hygiene and trade-related indicators of each market

      Were these surveys given to producers? If so how did they account for self report bias....or am I looking at this the wrong way

    1. The k-core did indeed enhance the disease effects, as the entire k-core was ‘‘lost’’ in the left hemisphere of AD subjects.

      In the paper I selected that was an important structural core.

    2. K-core as the structural backbone of the network.

      This is similar to what they used in my blog as well. Interesting how we picked similar topics

    1. By and large, Sijtsema and colleagues  found that the density of the network decreased over time, suggesting that students made fewer nominations of friends as they progressed through middle school.  Figure 2 demonstrates how this phenomenon occurred across 7 of the 8 different networks.  From this finding, they concluded that “adolescents were less inclined to just nominate classmates as friends. Instead they favored friendships that were mutual….” This contributed to the decrease in density of the network, but didnt necessarily suggest that adolescents had lost friendships between time point 1 and time point 3.

      It makes sense. I think younger children may find it easier to nominate friends because their definition of friend has yet to be further refined.

    2. 1. The development of friendship networks in adolescence 2. How friendship selection may be predicted by aggression?

      Great job in clearly laying out what they sought to explore Ashlee.

    3. tead, structural metrics like this one inform us about the functioning of the friendship network as opposed to a few adolescents in the network.  

      This study was an interesting application of structural metrics. Did the authors detail in their conclusions what their data showed about how aggression may be predictive of friendship selection? You mentioned a self report, do you think that an individuals own level of aggression may affect their friendship selections? In other words maybe those who are more aggressive group with others if higher aggression, vice versa.

    1. Ultimately, this form of analysis, namely k-core, can provide researchers with a metric to determine groups of centrally connected relations in social networks. This further aids researchers in seeing who is important, integral to the network, and important to collectively speak about and examine.

      It makes so much sense to use a quantitative method to analyze extant research. Thanks for providing another layer of how k-cores can be used.

    2. used k-core to help explain the spatial structure of creativity research over a ten year period between 1992 and 2011.

      That is really interesting Morgan. It provides context for the application of SNA in novel ways.

    3. Using keywords to express themes and trends in the literature, they used social network analysis to examine the cooccurrence between words to “deeply explore research hotspots, research opportunities, as well as cutting-edge evolution in creativity field”

      Looking at many of the keywords from the figure, many of the keywords seem to be common themes in social/behavioral research in general. What explicitly link these terms to creativity research?

    1. weighed K-core decomposition method was the most accurate in identifying the most influential spreaders in the network

      Now that I know that a weighed k-core decomposition can be effective in identifying influential information spreaders in a network, I will keep this in mind for my toolbox.

    2. link-weighing method based on interactions among individuals.

      Very interesting. It is good to see people attempting to expand the field of social network analysis.

    3. his method could be used to identify the influential spreaders within a criminal network in order to target them to hinder the spread of information through the criminal network.

      Do you think that the use of structural methods independently is more reliable and/or appropriate than a mixed methods approach which could include both nodal and structural methods? I think that in the context of criminal justice the preliminary use of structural metrics would be beneficial if dealing with a a large network, but follow up with nodal metrics could also be invaluable.

    1. these organizations to conclude that this funding was successful in its goal to provide better services for transition-aged youth.

      Great job in describing the study. You logic in explaining is very clear.

    2. these organizations to conclude that this funding was successful in its goal to provide better services for transition-aged youth.

      This is a very interesting study! I worked in metal health for a while and have seen first hand how important coordination of care is, especially during times of transition from a service provider. Was the purpose of this to track which programs were efficiently providing transitional support in aims to validate the funding they were already receiving or to provide them with additional funding?

    1. The results indicate the presence of large structural networks within the brain. 

      What does the researcher plan to do next with these graphical displays? Do they believe that there any immediate applications?

    2. Drawing on my neuroscience background, I chose a study that operationalized k-core decomposition and density to understand the structure of the human cerebral cortex.  

      I just wanted to say that using SNA in this manner is pretty cool!

    1. hough inequity in access still exists, and some voices will continue to hold more weight than others (celebrities, politicians, social media influences, etc.)

      Do you think there is a way that we can distribute this weight more evenly? Should it be distributed evenly?

    2. I believe that any movement towards giving people voice has the potential to produce good.

      Agreed. It will take vigilance to ensure that people are not able to exert special interests in the public sphere, but I think decentralization helps with this.

    3. I agree with Castells that these changes will improve the lives of various people.

      I totally agree with you Ashlee. With the simple fact that people can generate and disseminate knowledge, having the truth out there increases the probability of more people knowing the truth.

    1. At times of extreme political divide, the public can sometimes get their information from media that tend to lean to one side or another rather than providing unbiased perspectives.

      Do you think that the consumption of media influences peoples thinking or do people seek information sources that historically align with their ideals?

    1. I think the changes are good for those who are able to actively benefit from them but bad for those who are not. 

      You make a really good point here. What about the people though who do have a voice but do not use it for prosocial purposes. In our new hyper-connected world do you think that we need to increase protective measure against those who would use these networks as platforms to spread hate, fear, and violence?

    1. The spread of such information puts power back into the hands of ordinary citizens.  It enables them to have a voice that others can galvanize around helping them to exert influence over governments, economies and healthcare systems.

      Thomas do you believe that this availability of communication counteracts the fears that Habermas had of the formal media? Although sponsors may be able to control to certain extent the news, radio, etc. they can not control the media that is produced and circulated by private citizens.

    1. real-world situations and media outlet influence infecting the public sphere.

      How do you think we can course correct these issues Patrick? Consumer protests? Litigation and changes in policy?

    2. The main ideal behind the public sphere is that everyone should have equal access, autonomy, and opportunity to it

      In the current state of the U.S do you believe that we have achieved that 'idealistic' version of a public sphere?

    1. Networks and social platforms are ground zero

      I really like how you used the term ground zero. It has so much potential and serves as a testing ground for the propagation of thoughts and ideas.

    2. depends on how power gained from network systems is distributed and used.

      Good point. Hyperconnectivity has to be used in an appropriate to increase benefits.

    1. it also takes away from in person relationships.

      I agree. You have to police your behavior towards anything that can become too consuming.

    2. This is a good image that shows how public opinion can be influenced by media.

      I really like your image. It shows the mostly one way communication from the media to perception. If only there were ways to have an arrow going the opposite direction with greater significance.

  2. Oct 2018
    1. online communication and social media allow us to transcend space and time because we can instantaneously connect with anyone at virtually any time across the globe. T

      I really like how online communities are sometimes less status based because an internet user can remain anonymous but still voice their opinion. I think that helps in creating a neutral public sphere.

    2. the public sphere is an integral component to a democratic society, whereby citizens can discuss, agree, or disagree with each other to illustrate their collective being, opinions, and ideals without influence from those that have been given the authority to govern.

      I really like how you phrased this. Free from outside influence. We definitely need to think for ourselves.

    1. people have opportunities to educate themselves less formally and with the access of the internet, questions can be answered within seconds on a mobile device.

      Another very good point. Hyperconnectivity certainly provides new forums where education can take place.

    2. With information being shared more widely and quickly through electronic devices, more people than ever before are able to participate in the public sphere.

      Very good point Courtney. Control over the generation and spread of information is so important. It allows people to think about and question the world around them.

    1. They are good in the sense that more people are able to obtain and disseminate information to a larger number of individuals.

      Good point. Power over the generation of information is so important. Look at what the printing press did. Once people had direct access to the information, in this case the Bible, they could form their own thoughts without relying on someone to interpret it for them.

    2. Unfortunately, the public sphere is being threatened by the media. Through a shift in reporting, the media now has an influence over the discourse. Instead of the goal of the media being the dissemination of information, it is now focused on how much commerce it can generate through it’s reporting. 

      The media can be biased, but many members still attempt to report the facts. Sometimes the information that generates the most interest can be relevant and honest for people.

    1. highly political and biased channels.

      Yes even our media is plagued by special interests.

    2. neutral

      I really like your use of the word neutral. It has to be free of governmental and organizational special interests. Just an open discussion.

    1. The network(s) nodes will consist of political organizations or other entities, and the edges will include financial contributions that are both sent and received.

      Which SNA methods did you use primarily when working with your data?

    2. More specifically, three time periods will be studied. 

      The time periods studied help to explain much of the lack of effect across hospitals in more recent analysis of the hospital value based purchasing program.

    3. My research project will attempt to answer the question of how the American Hospital Association Political Action Committee (AHA PAC) has responded, in terms of political financial contributions, to the introduction and implementation of the Hospital Value-Base Purchasing (HVBP) Program by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). 

      Significant findings include the political mobilization of the American Hospital Association Political Action Committee in response to the hospital value based purchasing program. This indirectly indicates that hospitals started preparing for the hospital value based purchasing program much earlier that previously thought.

    1. I believe that the key to analyzing peer influence is looking at the in-degrees and out-degrees of a node to determine if there are reciprocal relationships between the individual and the other individuals that they consider to be close friends

      Which metric (in degree or out degree) do you think would be most important as it relates to your research question?

    2. factors that compell an adolescent to participate in deviant behavior.

      What were your results? i'm interested to find out.

    1. highly connected students

      Are you operationalizing connectedness in the context of a students engagement to class material ( i.e. participation in class discussion, completing assignments, etc.) or are you interested in overall social behavior (all conversations, pro/anti social behavior, etc.)?

    2. These youth are less likely to graduate from high school and face limited employment prospects, increasing their risk for poverty, poorer health, and involvement in the criminal justice system…

      After previously working in the public school systems I can definitely agree that this is an issue. Though, admittedly, I was one of these kids....thankfully my high-school habits did not become a direct reflection of my adulthood.

    3. For this reason, I plan to investigate the relationship between how connected a student is in the classroom social network, and their individual reports of engagement.

      Ashlee what did you find? I studied education a little, undergraduate minor in education, and from my fieldwork, have a sense of how difficult it can be to manage engagement. I'm interested to know the effects of classroom social networks.

    1. This way they could look at centralized actors and see if they needed to change any of their social media strategies.

      Hey there, what was the primary premise of your study..that either positive or negative responses would get more attention or something along those lines?

    2. On that one post, he has 174 likes and 56 comments.

      What were your results? Please post. I'm interested to see the long-term consequences of your friend being sober.

    1. f there was a clear difference in the demographics of interest between the MCU Phases and the Production Studios

      Very interesting! Did you find any differences?

    2. This was proven very difficult when I knew an actor’s race, but they play an alien

      This may be a stupid question Patrick but were you more interested with the demographics of the actual actor or the character they play?

    3. Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

      Patrick what were your findings? I'm interested to know how everything worked out?

    1. I’d hypothesize that those with more robust networks to also receive more self-supporting sources of self-efficacy.

      HI Morgan, how did the research go? What were your findings?

    1. my small project is to better understand community-serving organization collaboration in the Richmond area.

      What did you find out and how do you think it will affect your larger paper?

    1. identify ways in which differing leadership styles effect group dynamics and performance within an organization using SNA.

      Hi Sean, I'm curious what you found. Please share.

    1. They sought to investigate how teams or collaborations were formed and whether allowing students to freely form teams also enhanced their engagement.

      I'm interested in group dynamics and how influence spreads across networks. I look forward to reading further into the work of Liu, Chen, and Tai.

    1. Results from these two studies demonstrate the different ways in which measures of centrality can be used to understand not only network shape but also how nodes within a network differ in relation to each other

      Hi Ashlee, in your own research project which centrality measure do you think will be most useful in describing your network.

    1. Meligy et al. introduced a very important metric to account for such a dynamic network… time intervals!

      This seems like a pretty interesting way to study a network! I wish that I had the time to do something like this with one of my projects. I may put this in my toolbox later for when it's time to start organizing my practicum project.

    1. The networks were studied for which measure of centrality really conveyed influence. 

      In your own research which measure of centrality do you think will be the most impactful when describing the relationships within your network?

    1. Social network analysis is a great tool to understand organization communication and collaboration, therefore, enhancing the ability to make a high level community impact.

      This is an interesting direction to take your project! Is there a specfic type of community service organization that you're interested in (i.e. youth advocacy, health, etc.)? Also, how do you plan to choose participants?

    1. they can be used in the health field also when looking at infectious diseases and how they spread

      I have thought of looking at SNA from this perspective. Now I can see how imperative SNA can be to the Public Health field.

  3. Sep 2018
    1. the emergence of the Internet has not devalued social capital, but rather altered the way we engage with social capital and in social networks,

      The internet has definitely helped us connect with many more people. Your example of the metoo movement is good because a lot of people on Facebook were posting about it. The movement was able to reach all over the Country, even in other countries because of our connections all over the world. By using those connections, the movement was able to spread and more people became aware of the movement. Another example is the Women's March that is taking place in January. Even though it is still months away, I have already seen some of my friends on Facebook say they are going or are interested in the March in D.C. There will be thousands of people who show up that day, and I think a large part of it is because of the use of social media and our connections and relationships with people. It shows that even while in person connections are important, that online ones can be just as important.

    2. Can SNA identify instances where this is happening and develop intervention to abate it?

      •What kind of interventions do you think could be implemented to combat these kinds of inequity?

    1. I do not think we are bowling alone and I do not think we are no longer bowling.

      I agree with you. While I think less in person connections are made today than years ago, I don't think we are bowling alone. We are still making connections and forming relationships with people, just in a different way. Technology has evolved over the years, and will continue to do so. Even though our connections are more online, it doesn't make them any less important. I also think we are still bowling because we still have groups of people we connect with.

    2. Hence, social capital is analyzed by social network analysis (SNA) using metrics like degree, closeness, betweenness, and eigenvector centrality.

      •How do you think these metrics would be best used when measuring an individual’s social capital? Do you think that they would also be effective with tracing the flow of social capital throughout a network?

    1. technology can make people less individualized  and more anonymous

      That is a great point. When we think about cyber bullying, I think this is especially true. I think when people use technology and hide behind a computer screen, they may think that what they are saying doesn't affect people and they don't think anything of it because they aren't in person. They might feel like what they are saying is acceptable because it isn't to someone's face. I think this is one way which social media isn't always a good thing. It does help us reach out to many people, but it also has some disadvantages. Cyber bullying and hiding behind social media could be one.

    2. Research has shown that individuals that are more involved in school  and community activities, work, and are married are less likely to engage in deviant behavior

      -Do you think that this would be true across all forms of crime or would this be applied more to a certain level (i.e. misdemeanor vs felony, robbery vs murder, etc.)? Also it would interesting to see if leaders of organizations that engage in criminal activity possess similar levels of social capital to their counterparts on the other side of the law.

    1. Has the internet altered social capital?

      I would definitely say that the internet has altered social capital in a big way. Social capital refers to our relationships in our social networks. The internet has changed over the years and made personal relationships a lot different than they used to be. Even when I was younger, we didn't have Facebook and ways to reach out to many people with social networking sites. The internet has made our relationships less personal because now they are more based on technology. People usually don't have telephone calls anymore, because they text each other, or tweet, or use Facebook messenger.

    2. It’s not that we aren’t bowling alone, I’d rather say that our culture has just shifted on to different sports like basketball and other sports that require team communication. And there are even e-sports (aka electronic sports) nowadays.

      Patrick I completely agree with you, we are constantly exploring new avenues for social interaction. The game may have changed but people are still playing and finding ways to connect with others.

    1. Without even the possibility of the ability to obtain social capital via networking, it was extremely difficult for them to obtain the resources and information they need to find suitable employment.

      •What do you think is the biggest road block to social capitol for individuals of SES?

    1. Social capital helps in our daily lives because it gives us the ability to form relationships and connections, no matter how big or small with other people.

      •In regards to your own research, in what ways do you think that you will be using/analyzing social capital?

    1. there is a consistent give and take associated with being more social, whereby you have to give up freedom and individual directives in collaborative or communitive relationships

      -Social pressures that are created through the transaction of capital can have various impacts on an individual. I believe that it is these pressures that reinforce cultural norms but I wonder if this is always healthy.

    1. Saying that either weak or strong ties are more important is a complicated and situational issue.

      In your own social network would you that you have a higher number of weak or strong connections? Do you personally believe that one has more of an influence on you than the other?

    1. This helps to facilitate interorganizational connections among non-profits and help find the right community partners they need in the future.

      From a business perspective, once to organizations begin engaging in a partnership would you still consider them to be weak ties? Or would their relationship transform into a strong one? How do you think we most appropriately measure the strength of these ties?

    1. I personally believe that weak ties are more important than strong ties because they remove us from our “bubble

      I know the reading states specifically that weak ties are the ones that provide us with variety in our networks. Do you however believe that is possible our strong ties to also provide us with the noted opportunities for enrichment?

    2. The concept of the six degrees on separation did not take into consideration how peoples’ abilities to connect varies from person to person.

      Every time I read something about the six degrees of separation I think of these individuals you're speaking of. These are the disconnected nodes that we've seen in some of the networks that we've observed thus far.

    1. Strong ties and weak ties are both important because everyone has both.

      Do you think that everyone truly has both forms of ties? What about individuals who choose to seclude themselves? They may have been born into vast social networks but would you still say that they are connected if they choose to metaphorically burn all their bridges?

    1. Kadushin (2011) warns that these weak ties have the danger of exposing us to more people than we desire to be exposed to

      You mentioned that there were dangers associated with the presence of weak ties. What do you think are some possible disadvantages to these weak ties?

    1. The removal of an average weak tie would do more damage to transmission probabilities than would that of an average strong tie

      Do you believe that this is true in ever network? Or are weaker ties more influential in some contexts than in others?

    1. How will it affect our political system?

      When it comes to our political system, it seems like most people tend to agree with their own party. It isn't very often that different parties have the same ideas. I do agree with you when you say that homophily makes it difficult to cross party lines, the visual you included helps to show that. I am not sure that this will ever change. Do you think it will be possible for parties to cross lines or do you think this will continue to be a problem?

    2. People have a natural tendency to group with those like themselves

      This is a great point. We definitely tend to become friends with people who are most like us. Whether this be similar likes and dislikes, the same thoughts about politics, etc. It is good in terms of compatibility with someone also. If people aren't compatible it doesn't usually work out between them.

    3. Social identity theory helps us understand the consequences of homophily.

      Do you think that there are advantages to homophilly in today’s society?

    4. hances are, most of us follow these norms without even realizing because they are so ingrained into who we are.

      Hi Thomas, you stated that the information that passes through the network is what sets and reinforces norms. What do you think are the primary change agents? Do you subscribe to the nature vs. nurture argument? Or do you think that the tendency to “fall in line” is a survival mechanism?

    1. Predictive analytics is used in many fields such as marketing, health, and criminal justice.

      Predictive analysis is important when it comes to many different fields. By using previous data, we are able to look at what future outcomes might look like. In some cases, it might not help, but in others it will. If I want to look at recidivism rates in the criminal justice field, I could look at previous data about what leads people to recidivism. I have looked at that before when writing a paper for another class. At the time I didn't realize I was using predictive analysis. This just shows that social network analysis is all over!

    2. Relational data

      Do you think that SNA is more beneficial when conducting descriptive or predictive

    3. I have a group of individuals that I interact with when I am at work, but I have a different and very distinct group that I interact with outside of work

      Hey Ndaesha, how does your work group differ from your outside of work group? Are you actively engaged in the decision making process or does it just kind of happen? One more question, what are some key factors that go into your decision making process of who makes it in to each kind of group? Does the not work group have drastically different attributes than the work?

    1. ecause we are still scratching the surface of modern social network analysis.

      Hey Patrick, what do you think is the future of SNA?

    1. but make the predictive modeling a challenge in SNA

      Hi Courtney, how do you think we as SN analyzers can best combat this challenge?

    1. t’s not necessarily the people that change a behavior, but it is the norm or the idea that becomes socially acceptable and reverberates through the network


      What do you think are some possible implications of this kind of norming?

    1. This would lead one to believe that everyone’s voice would have an equal chance of being “heard” online, but this is not the case.

      What process do you think one would have to go through to increase the volume of their voice on the internet? Do you think that increased presence would lead to increased risk?

    1. a group with highly transitivity

      Do you think that there is a formative moment when working with a set of people that the network which once had a weak connection becomes one that is strong. How do you think we operationalize the strength of a connection? Would have to be defined by the group or would it be based on the perspective of each individual group member?

    2. Thomas,

      Now that you're aware this 3 degree of separation theory are you able to look back and think of anytime when you may have personal been influenced by some other than those in your two immediate degrees of social interaction?

    1. Educational Psychology

      Hi Ashlee! Educational psychology sounds like an interesting course of study. What are your plans for when you finish up your program?

    1. my last class as a student

      Congrats on being so close to the completion of your program! Do you plan to continue in research or take on a more applied position?

    1. Week #1

      I'm super excited to be making my first annotation here! I look forward to making many more in the near future.

    2. annotate this page

      Annotating this page will help me to understand the process of annotating.

    1. Explore this statement...why are a computer scientist and a sociologist the perfect pair to teach this class? How is this class an example of translational teaching?

      A computer scientist and a sociologist are the perfect pair for our class because they complement one another in teaching social network analysis. The two disciplines combine to not only allow us to understand the sociological information, but also to model interactions using computer science. It is an ideal application of translations education because expertise gained from both fields is combined to create a greater level of understanding.

  4. Aug 2018
    1. I am really glad that I was able to attend this meeting. When I first reviewed the course syllabus, I was really overwhelmed. The class meeting really helped to lessen by anxiety about the course, and it really made me look forward to the assignments that we will be completing.