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- Jun 2023
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An important aspect of the close musical relationships between South Africanmbaqanga,Caribbeancalypso and West Africanhighlife as a coalescence of postcolonial Africanand diasporic cultural experiences is the rhythmic element of all three dance-music styles.I have transcribed a duple-meter rhythm strain of the three genres (Musical Transcription9) in order to illustrate this musical relationship. In West Africa, particularly in 1950sGhana and Nigeria, the popularity ofhighlife resulted in hybrid musical experimentswhich gave birth to highly influential styles such as Yorubahighlife, with its use ofindigenous performance and instruments, and also influenced the development of WestAfrican popular musical genres likepal mw ine,ashiko,maringa ,jújù,makossa , andafro-beat, among others (Sadie 2001:490, vol. 11)
also palmwine, ashiko, maringa, jújù, makossa, afrobeat