- Jan 2021
arxiv.org arxiv.org
For the extraction ofoptical flow and warped optical flow, we choose the TVL1 optical flow algorithm[35] implemented in OpenCV with CUDA.
Optical flow algorithm used. This one is required for the temporal CNN.
We use the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent algorithm to learn the net-work parameters, where the batch size is set to 256 and momentum set to 0.9.We initialize network weights with pre-trained models from ImageNet [33].
Hyperparameters and weights initialization.
Data Augmentation.Data augmentation can generate diverse training sam-ples and prevent severe over-fitting. In the original two-stream ConvNets, ran-dom cropping and horizontal flipping are employed to augment training samples.We exploit two new data augmentation techniques: corner cropping and scale-jittering.
Traditional data augmentation techniques can be used for two stream architectures.
Network Inputs.We are also interested in exploring more input modalitiesto enhance the discriminative power of temporal segment networks. Originally,the two-stream ConvNets used RGB images for the spatial stream and stackedoptical flow fields for the temporal stream.
Standard data input format for a 2 stream architecture is build of: RGB image and stacked optical flow.
Here a class scoreGiis inferred from the scores of thesame class on all the snippets, using an aggregation functiong. We empiricallyevaluated several different forms of the aggregation functiong, including evenlyaveraging, maximum, and weighted averaging in our experiments. Among them,evenly averaging is used to report our final recognition accuracies.
How is the result aggregated from segment level to movie level.
In experiments, the number of snippetsKis set to 3 according to previousworks on temporal modeling [16,17].
The paper suggest 3 segment, the implementation in Gluon CV already has 7. The question that we should ask is how long should be the video clip? This should be the input to data loader.
Temporal segment networ
Visualization of the 2 stream (Spatial CNN and Temporal CNN) architecture
Our first contribution is temporal segment net-work (TSN), a novel framework for video-based action recognition. whichis based on the idea of long-range temporal structure modeling
Main contribution
However, mainstream ConvNet frameworks [1,13] usually focus on appearancesand short-term motions, thus lacking the capacity to incorporate long-rangetemporal structure. Recently there are a few attempts [19,4,20] to deal withthis problem. These methods mostly rely on dense temporal sampling with apre-defined sampling interval. This approach would incur excessive computa-tional cost when applied to long video sequences, which limits its application inreal-world practice and poses a risk of missing important information for videoslonger than the maximal sequence length.
Historical approach using a predefine sequence length
In terms of temporal structure modeling, a key observation is thatconsecutive frames are highly redundant. Therefore, dense temporal sampling,which usually results in highly similar sampled frames, is unnecessary. Instead asparse temporal sampling strategy will be more favorable in this case. Motivatedby this observation, we develop a video-level framework, calledtemporal segmentnetwork(TSN). This framework extracts short snippets over a long video se-quence with a sparse sampling scheme, where the samples distribute uniformlyalong the temporal dimension.
Confirms the intuition towards sparse sampling
Limited by computational cost these methodsusually process sequences of fixed lengths ranging from 64 to 120 frames
Number of frames processed by older approaches