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  1. Oct 2022
    1. Computational methods, by themselves and without a social scale of inquiry, have not been enough to transform literary history.

      I think this aligns with jobs becoming automated as we move into the future, although right now computational methods by themselves are insufficient it is only a matter of time before they become sophisticated. We rely so much on the computation of humanities to store and with human help, computers can arrive at sophisticated conclusions

    2. More recently, however, I have noticed that scholars themselves are beginning to narrate intellectual history in the same way: treating all quantitative or empirical approaches to literary history as aspects of a digital turn in the discipline.

      Does preoccupation with statistical data cause literary researchers to lose sight of the goal of their work, which is to illuminate the enjoyment of poetry, plays, and novels?

    1. Managing it effectively can mean the difference between finding what you are after and getting lost in a jumble of data. Distant reading is one process where we might use text mining software to analyze several textual documents.

      Data management will continue to grow as an industry, distant-reading will be more and more automated by AI and algorithms. I think distant-reading will begin to overlap with math, as qualitative properties are turned into qualitative data.

    2. Matt Daniels performs a distant read by focusing on the first 35,000 lyrics of over 130 rappers. By hovering over a particular artist, it reveals their unique word usage. Another interactive feature of the chart is the drop-down menu that lets you select an individual artist. Throughout the digital essay, Daniels includes other charts comparing rappers by decade rap lyrics to words by artists in other genres

      It is so fascinating to be able to input lyrics of different rappers and find similarities in their work through the use of a single or multiple words. I have never thought of how many ways Voyant Tool can be useful until reading this article it makes it clear why it is utilized.

    3. Like Google, we can use different digital tools to analyze documents of a text. We live in an age where information is over-abundant. Managing it effectively can mean the difference between finding what you are after and getting lost in a jumble of data. Distant reading is one process where we might use text mining software to analyze several textual documents.

      It is crazy that I have been researching information for papers, and homework, and I have never once thought about how it comes about to give me the information on my screen. Typing in the right words can lead you to discovering the answers you were looking for with just the click of your mouse. It is amazing how far one can go to discover information with the use of a couple of words.