2 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. El diseño es el proceso mediante el cual las políticas de un mundo se convierten en limitaciones de otro. —Fred Turner 1

      En oposición a la propuesta del Movimiento Zapatista de "Queremos un mundo donde quepan todos los mundos"

  2. Nov 2015
  3. socialtext.dukejournals.org socialtext.dukejournals.org
    1. The Zapatista “Mother Seeds in Resistance” project counters this neoliberal impetus toward biological and informational monocultures, staking out a constellation of material and cultural spaces that embrace entropic self-organization in its biological, knowledge-sharing, and socio-historical dimensions. In so doing, the “Mother Seeds in Resistance” project not only illuminates the nexus between archive theory, ecocriti-cism, and postcolonial theory but also makes it possible for us to envision an archival space beyond the counter-entropic paradigm of the imperial archive.

      Amazing article on the Mother Seed Project developed by Zapatistas in Mexico as a way to preserve indigenous seeds from invasion from GE plants.