426 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2019
    1. (to handle the .

      It's unclear to me what is intended here.

    2. Exercise 5.5.2

      A nice analysis, showing the "messiness" of actual datasets.

    3. select(flights, one_of(vars))

      Note that


      produces the same result.

    4. /


    5. Saturday


    6. month == 7, month == 8, month == 9

      Replace , by |.

    7. between()

      Interestingly between microbenchmarks to 143 microseconds while >=, <= is 2.3 on my box!

    8. What other variables are missing?

      Another interpretation:

      colnames(flights)[colSums(is.na(flights)) > 0]
    9. dep_time %% 2400 <= 600

      Elegant, at a 2x microbenchmark cost.

    10. is preferred

      Do numerical operators execute faster than, say, %in%?

    11. were


  2. Jan 2019
    1. sum_to_one <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) { x / sum(x, na.rm = na.rm) }

      Since the sum of x is the same across the input, couldn't you make the code less repetitive by assigning it to an intermediate variable?

      sum_to_one <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) { y = sum(x, na.rm = na.rm) x / y }

    1. dep_delay

      This should be arr_delay not dep_delay

    2. flights, dep_time %% 2400 <= 600)


    3. There is one remaining issue. Midnight is represented by 2400, which would correspond to 1440 minutes since midnight, but it should correspond to 0. After converting all the times to minutes after midnight, x %% 1440 will convert 1440 to zero while keeping all the other times the same. Now we will put it all together. The following code creates a new data frame flights_times with columns dep_time_mins and sched_dep_time_mins. These columns convert dep_time and sched_dep_time, respectively, to minutes since midnight. flights_times <- mutate(flights, dep_time_mins = (dep_time %/% 100 * 60 + dep_time %% 100) %% 1440, sched_dep_time_mins = (sched_dep_time %/% 100 * 60 + sched_dep_time %% 100) %% 1440


    4. arrange(flights, distance / air_time * 60)


    5. c(600, 1200, 2400) %% 2400


    6. filter(flights, between(month, 7, 9))

      这个不错,可以在对连续型变量转换成分类变量的时 候使用

    7. desc(is.na(dep_time)), dep_time)


  3. Dec 2018
  4. Nov 2018
    1. scales


    2. position_dodge()

      position = "dodge2"

    3. changing

      slightly changing

    4. height = 0.8 and width = 0.8

      height = 0.4 and width =0.4 because the randomness is created on both negative and positive directions.