16 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. an active Google+ community, conveniently called Peeragogy in Action.

      should be replaced by groups

    2. Do you agree with Lisa?

      Good idea to ask input. In a print copy the handbook could have a blank space to scribble notes. Online Jupyter Notebook could be used... or annotation tools such as hypothes.is.

    3. Exercise: How do you see yourself fitting in?

      maybe a bit soon to ask this question, people still have to read the book...

    4. http://goo.gl/4dRU92

      no longer active what hapenedwhen google+ went down? was there a loss of content?

    5. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/peeragogy

      yay, this one still is up and running

    6. https://plus.google.com/+PeeragogyOrgHandbook

      no longer active

    7. our live chat: https://gitter.im/orgs/Peeragogy/rooms

      no longer live? don't get access

    8. with us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+PeeragogyOrgHandbook

      new link needed (to Zoom?)

    9. what is the relation between the PLN theory and practice and peeragogy?

    10. What are some of the things you’re concerned about that brought you here?

      Not really concerned, just wanting to have a good time with other learners.

    11. You can jot some keywords here:

      it reminds me of open source, with all the possibilities but also the hurdles, especially for non-technical people. (Once you're invited to collaborate on GitHub working with Markdown, there's already one big hurdle to take.)

    12. Workflow for the 4th edition

      needs more explanations. Not everyone is familiar with Markdown let alone LaTex.

    13. a spreadsheet under the heading “survey” in our Google Drive

      accessible by anyone? How? Where?

  2. Dec 2015

      This underlining should be longer!

  3. Aug 2015
    1. We want to kick things off with a candid confession: we’re not going to pretend that this book is perfect.

      I'm interested in understanding how hypothes.is handles changing content. I made a comment on an earlier version of this page, and the text I highlighted no longer exists. But what happens if the text only moves around? ... OK, here's the technical description: https://hypothes.is/blog/fuzzy-anchoring/

      Interesting. I might like to be able to see a pool of "orphaned" annotations, like the one I made before, which don't reattach anywhere. But current behavior is certainly OK for now!

  4. Jul 2015
    1. we think will be helpful as you get started.

      It's worth pointing out the ways in which the handbook is not perfect. I've added some discussion about that in https://github.com/Peeragogy/Peeragogy.github.io/issues/1