9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. The main limitation, then, can be entered into the argument map in blue and in brackets thus:


    2. Perhaps, ________. It is worth considering the idea that ________. ________ may________. ________might________. ________could possibly________. Probably, ________. Very likely, ________. Almost certainly,________. Limiting what the argument is claiming or restricting the scope of the argument Few ________. Some________. Many________. Most________. The vast majority of ________. Almost all________. ________ unless________. If it is not the case that________, then ________. ________, except in the case that ________. We can exclude cases where _____________.

      to remember

    3. Perhaps, ________. It is worth considering the idea that ________. ________ may________. ________might________. ________could possibly________. Probably, ________. Very likely, ________. Almost certainly,________. Limiting what the argument is claiming or restricting the scope of the argument Few ________. Some________. Many________. Most________. The vast majority of ________. Almost all________. ________ unless________. If it is not the case that________, then ________. ________, except in the case that ________. We can exclude cases where _____________.

      to remember/for reference

    1. It is a popular misconception that_____________. Some have fallen for the idea that_____________. Many people mistakenly believe that_____________. Neutral : The writer is about to describe a counterargument without giving their opinion yet. Many people think _____________. Some, on the other hand, will argue that _____________. Some might disagree, claiming that _____________. Of course, many have claimed that _____________. Some will take issue with _____________, arguing that _____________. Some will object that _____________. Some will dispute the idea that _____________, claiming that _____________. One criticism of this way of thinking is that _____________. Note that these neutral examples don’t tell us whether the writer thinks the counterargument has any validity. Usually, the writer will want to follow them with a sentence that does reveal their opinion. Positive : The writer sees some merit in the counterargument. They agree with it even though it hurts their argument. This is called concession. It is true that ___________. I do concede_____________. We should grant that_____________. We must admit that_____________. I acknowledge that _____________. X has a point that _____________. Admittedly, _____________. Of course, _____________. To be sure, _____________. There may be something to the idea that _____________.

      to remember

    1. “... We must recognize this crossing as an ethical, reasonable act.” "How can either a wall or a detention center be on the side of justice?" (The implication, of course, is that they cannot be.) “ We must find a policy that treats migrants as we would want to be treated--with empathy, respect, and offers of help.”


    1. without criminalizing people who are driven by need and good intentions.


    2. All the disagreement over immigration policy I have been hearing about in the news lately reminds me that while I believe in the rule of law, I feel profoundly uncomfortable with the idea of keeping people out who are desperate to come in. Is illegal immigration actually wrong? Is it unethical to cross a border without permission? I don’t have a clear vision yet of what the right border policy would be, and I admit that completely open borders would put our security at risk. But surely there are ways to regulate the border without criminalizing people who are driven by need and good intentions. If I were raising children in an impoverished third-world community plagued by violence, and if I had a chance to get my family to the U.S., I would take it. I would try to cross a border illegally so my children would get enough to eat and would have a more stable childhood and a chance at a better education and a better career. What parent would sit on their hands and tell themself, “I want to give my child a better life, but oh well. If I don’t have the papers, I guess it would be wrong”? If most of us, under desperate circumstances, would cross the border without permission and feel no moral qualms about doing so, then we must recognize this crossing as an ethical, reasonable act. If it is ethical and reasonable, then how can either a wall or a detention center be on the side of justice? We must find a policy that treats migrants as we would want to be treated--with empathy, respect, and offers of help.

      I mean but the fact we all feel this when when economics are set aside and we cause most of the issues happening in neighboring countries and we still don't have a better program then caging family units seperatly and caging them and individuals for long periods of time in un healthy environments is sad

    1. Research suggests that _____________. The data indicate that _____________. _____________is increasing or decreasing. There is a trend toward _____________. _____________causes _____________ _____________leads to _____________.

      to remember

    2. The federal government should require a background check before allowing anyone to buy a gun.
