5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. How we think ripples out to how we behave. If we view these berries, or that coal or forest, as an object, as property, it can be exploited as a commodity in a market economy. We know the consequences of that.

      A comrade wrote this post. 10/10

    2. Why then have we permitted the dominance of economic systems that commoditize everything?


    3. A woolly knit hat that you purchase at the store will keep you warm regardless of its origin, but if it was hand knit by your favorite auntie, then you are in relationship to that “thing”

      Super deep. If my favorite auntie knit me a hat, then I would feel obligated to wear said knit hat. Pretty deep and possible Capitalism Critique undertones. 7/10

    4. Gratitude is so much more than a polite “thank you.” It is the thread that connects us in a deep relationship, simultaneously physical and spiritual, as our bodies are fed and spirits nourished by the sense of belonging, which is the most vital of foods.

      Wow. This is a super deep and inspirational yet sadly true to the human existence. 8/10.

    5. When we speak of these not as things or products or commodities, but as gifts, the whole relationship changes.

      Super deep and a critique on capitalism. 9/10. Would highlight again.