16 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. elow to receive updates on WhatsApp. Click Send OTP.

      Screen has changed to Unified Sign Up Flow.

    2. +

      Add to cart and add a combination of devices in your cart

    3. POS

      Navigate to POS using the sidebar

    4. Watch Out!Razorpay POS is not supported for unregistered businesses.

      Maybe we can avoid this - If we open to unreg in future, this might be a deterrent

    5. Click Submit OTP.
    6. To create a Razorpay account:

      This has changed to Unified sign up now. Please check - https://accounts.razorpay.com/auth/?

    1. battery

      Image is incorrect. This is the old soundbox. Please put the WD10 Image, You can get it from Apoorva Agarwal or Gopi Bhatnagar.

    2. 96%

      Please check with Utkarsh Parekh if it is 96% on Razorpay stack or higher.

    3. of


    4. Avail a host of services like dynamic currency conversion, digital billing, logic based routing, split settlement and more to improve operational efficiencies.

      Please check with Pravir or Nakul on what all is available on Omni Stack

    5. purchases

      Do we need full stops

    6. .


    7. wallets

      Please check with Nakul Sharma on whether wallets should be mentioned

    8. Accepting payments using Razorpay POS is a simple process.

      Won't this vary? If it is a retail merchant that does not require any integration, we should just ask them to sign up

      If it is a MM or ENT merchant that requires integration then we should have these steps

    9. Description

      We should have marketing vet this or capture things accurately from the website - Some of this seems incorrect e.g.

      Smart Mini POS is not the only device that is wireless and actually does not require any integration

      Dynamic SoundBox actually requires integration.

      I don't think key USPs are captured well.

    10. mPOS

      This should be in the following sequence -

      1. Android Smart POS (A910 - Printer Device)
      2. Android Smart Mini POS (A50 - Printerless Device)
      3. SoundBox
      4. Dynamic SoundBox
      5. mPOS
      6. Pin on Mobile