11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. What does Lamott mean by these terms?

      Down Draft = jotting down Ideas on paper Up Draft = Revision of the essay or novel Dental Draft = difficulty writers face during the writing process

    2. She will refer to terms such as “the down draft,” “the up draft,” and “the dental draft.”

      how much drafts does it take to complete a full novel?

    3. Anne Lamott

      are there specific steps or requirements when writing a novel?

    4. Think about how your own writing process fits with what Hale and Lamott have to say. Is yours similar? Different? Is there any new information you have learned that you did not know before exposure to these works?

      A writing process that is similar to Hale and Lamott is that I usually like to do my work in the beginning of the week before the due dates of the assignments so I don't have to worry about procrastinating and struggling. Another similar process is that when it comes time to write, I get stuck on what to write about and when I do write, my sentences and details are not very specific and are small vague sentences.

    5. anyone who has procrastinated or struggled with writer’s block knows that the writing process is more arduous, if not somewhat mysterious and unpredictable.

      (Main Idea)

    6. the act of writing is more than sitting down and writing something.

      It takes a lot of brainstorming and practice to fully commit to writing a full essay

    7. You may recall from past experiences that some resources refer to prewriting as planning and some texts refer to writing as drafting.

      Back in high school in senior year my teacher would give us a free write prompt the day before to use as practice for are big essays, to get us ready for our essays the next day.

    8. Some of you may already know what strategies and techniques assist you in your writing. You may already be familiar with prewriting techniques, such as freewriting, clustering, and listing.

      I have figured out that listing was the best way for me to take notes and learn from them. Free writing when taking notes I feel makes everything all bunched up like if I am writing an essay and I won't get through all of the notes. Clustering is nice and all but I feel like it takes up too much space on the paper when doing it so I really don't choose to take notes that way unless if I have to take notes in that way.

    9. there are some basic strategies and techniques you can adapt to make your work a little easier

      How can these "strategies and techniques", allow students to work easier and how is it going to make it easier for students ?

    10. In truth, every writer must develop his or her own process for getting the writing done

      This is true because everyone has a different learning style that they can only learn and adapt from. For example the way I learn is by me having to take notes when the teacher is teaching something because if I don't then later on or the days after if we talk about that one topic Ill forget about it.

    11. arduous
