28 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. three failings most fatal to empire—pity, sentiment, and indulgence


    2. when the reward of success is freedom, and the penalty of failure nothing so very terrible?

      argument for setting a precident, if we dont punish them then others will rebel too

    3. this is not revolt—revolt implies oppression; it is deliberate and wanton aggression;

      needless revolt, M were not oprpressed, feels personal

    4. very slaves to the pleasure of the ear, and more like the audience of a rhetorician than the council of a city.

      dazzled by fancy arguments that ou have lost the real issue, these rebels are getting away with it bc you value rhetoric so much

    5. being fair judges rather than rival athletes,

      argument agasint philosophers?

    6. mistakes into which you may be led by listening to their appeals, or by giving way to your own compassion, are full of danger to yourselves, and bring you no thanks for your weakness from your allies

      your compassion only hurts you, brings you no thanks your authority is not in place bc of your kindness, people are only conforming due to fear of your authority, kindness jeapordises that

    7. long meditated rebellion

      nature that M were not subjected to an empire and it seemed like pre meditated rebellion offended Athens more

    8. to put to death not only the prisoners at Athens, but the whole adult male population of Mitylene, and to make slaves of the women and children.

      initial decision by Athens

    1. do not give in to pity do not give in to your delight in good speeches do not give in to your sense of fairness

      make an example, set a precident

    2. humans generally look with contempt on those who serve them and look up to those who never give in to them

      spoiled them, humans resent the caretaker that spoils them and loves the one who neglects them

    3. guilty not of rebellion but of betrayal

      argue that rebelling is understandable if a people is oppressed, forced etc, but the Mytilenians were treated well therefore have comitted an even greater crime for BETRAYING not rebelling

    4. allayed

      aka longer we debate this the more sympathetic we will become to the Mytilenains, thus they will not receive the harsh punishment they deserve

    5. common people govern better than the more intelligent

      common person willing to humble himsdelf, submit to order. Intellectruals get carried away with their own eloquence

    1. we are going to watch our nation die"

      call to action! protect the city, homosexuality is the threat/virus killing the morality

    2. ion only abstinence and hetero-sexual marital fidelity as ways to guard against the disea

      conform and control

    3. ctive, homosexualsex is defined as unhealthy - an abuse of the natural purpose of sexuality and thehuman body

      unnatural, unhealthy

    4. When someone sins, someone pays.... None of u

      did not condemn gays specifically, but grouped all sinners together

    5. As Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majoritynotes: "AIDS is a lethal judgment of God on the sin of homosexuality and it is alsothe judgment of God on America for endorsing this vulgar, perverted and reprobatelifestyle

      connecting the indiv with the land, it is the nations failing for allowing this behavior

    6. PWAs in ways that suit particular moral and thperspectives and then moves to influence social policy recommendations based onthese definition

      definition alone affected policies

    7. aming the victim by defining AIDS as a punishment for sin and asa divine legitimation for proscriptions against homosexu

      sickness as a divine punishment

    8. ups. While individuals and groupsperceived to be guilty of moral failing are stigmatized, sick persons receive succor andcare

      shedding different light on the sick can evoke different responses/perceptions despite exact same circumstances

    1. Nor was this the only form of lawless extravagance which owed its origin to the plague.

      utter plague broke down honor of death rites, tossing bodies on top of eachother

  2. Sep 2024
    1. four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America

      idea of the city is better bc of them, I we compliment USA we compliment the soldiers bc the USA compliments those who live in it

    2. As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it.  Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

      national identity and civic duty

    3. their legacy will live on through the work that they did far from our shores and in the hearts of those who love them back home.

      again, the memory of heroes are engraved on mens hearts not on stone

    4. He was a role model

      "make them your examples" from pericles, the earth is the memorial of famous men

    5. senseless violence.  None.  The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

      condemns the enemies

    1. Make them your examples, and, esteeming courage to be freedom and freedom to be happiness, do not weigh too nicely the perils of war.

      what does this mean?