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  1. Dec 2023
    1. The eight key characteristics of life are:

      Order all cells are remarkabl complex with atoms that make up molecules > cell organelles and other cellular inclusions. In multicellular organisms, similar cells form tissues > tissues collaborate to create organs > organs work together to form organ systems.

      Sensitivity or Response to Stimuli Organism an respond to diverse stimuli. Movement toward a stimulus is considered a positive response, while movement away from a stimulus is considered a negative response

      Reproduction Single called organisms : reproduce by duplication of DNA by the cell dividing to form to new cells Multicellular organisms : produce speacilized reproductive germline cells that form new individuals

      Growth and Development Organisms grow and develop from specific instructions coded by their genes

      Regulation All organisms, big or small, require multiple regulatory mechanisms to coordinate internal functions, the response to stimuli/coping of environmental stresses.

      Homeostasis Cells have to appropriate conditions such as proper temperature, pH, and appropriate concentration of diverse chemicals in order to function properly. A well known example of this is the thermoregulation of an organism that needs to regulate body temperature.

      Energy Processing All organisms use a source of energy for their metabolic activities.

      Evolution In an environment the population of organisms contribute to reproduction and survival from their advantageous traits that grow to become more common, hence become beneficial for the species.<br /> Evolution is the cause of biodiversity. The adaptations, or advantageous traits, can be structural, behavioral, or psychological.

    1. Two types of science: basic science and applied science

      Basic science or “pure” science is the science that seeks to expand nowledg regardlesss of the short-term application of that knowledge. Although it is just the gaining of knowledge, basic science can still result in practical application in the end.

      Applied science or technology uses science to solve real-world issues. In applied science, the problem is usually defined for the researcher.

      Most people perceive basic science as “useless.” However, taking a careful look at history in science, basic science reveals basic knowledge has resulted in many remarkable applications of great value. Some scientists think that applied science relies on the results generated through basic science and other scientists think that it’s time to move on from basic science and find solutions to actual science.

      While research efforts in both basic science and applied science are usually carefully planned, it is important to note that some discoveries are made by serendipity; that is, by means of a fortunate accident or a lucky surprise.

    1. Biology: “the study of life” Unifying concepts that govern he study and research of the broad scope in biology - the cell is the basic unit of life - genes (consisting of DNA or RNA) are the basic unit of heredity - evolution accounts for the unity and diversity seen among living organisms - all organisms survive by consuming and transforming energy - all organisms maintain a stable internal environment

      collective research indicates the first forms of life on Earth were microorganisms that existed for billions of years before the evolution of larger organisms. (Like modern appearing humans like Homo sapiens that are relatively new species, having inhabit aged this planet for only the last 200,000 years.

      19th century - number of biologists pointed to the central importance of the cell 1838 - Scientists Schleiden and Schwann made the now universal ideas of the cell theory 1953 - discovery of the double helical structure of DNA marked the transition to the era of molecular genetics

      Science is a learning process about the natural world with collective data and research from contributing scientists. These contributions make science an iterative, or cumulative, process. Previous research is used as the foundation for new research making the understanding of any issue in the sciences as a culmination of all previous work. Science also refers to the body of knowledge produced by scientific investigation.

      Peduoscience/alternative science: a belief presented as scientific although it is not a product of scientific investigation. Lacks the rigor of the scientific method which makes carefully-controlled and thoughtfully interpreted experiments.