4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. Questions in biology span size scales over ten orders of magnitude, from the atomic makeup and chemical behavior of individual molecules to planetary-scale systems of interacting ecologies.

      Sometimes I am amazed on how far this scaling goes in terms of the amount of cells in one person outnumbering the total human population ever born by multiple times.

    2. When we understand how to “rewire” cellular decision-making networks, we may gain the ability to regenerate functional limbs or organs from someone’s own tissue, or reprogram diseased tissues back to health. There are many exciting opportunities.

      I find it exciting on how things we see in sci-fi movies such as regenerating limbs can be found in some animals like axolotls and other topics can already be found crawling around on this planet.

    3. It is an opportunity to probe humanity's deepest questions about our origins, our planet's history, and our connections to other living beings (big and small/extant or extinct). It is also an opportunity to dive into a world of problem solving and to think hard about solutions for improving health care, maintaining sustainable food supplies, and producing renewable energy technologies.

      I think that many forget that these classes are still teaching about the real world by using real life examples. For instance, I would see my high school classes as just a class to get by rather that seeing in the deeper core to them. So far, I can tell this class will teach a lot of in real life problems and solutions.

    4. General information about topics in BIS2A: The BIS2A Learning Center (BLC), which is in RM 2089 SLB, is a resource center for all BIS2A students. The BLC is staffed by the instructors and teaching assistants associated with all BIS2A sections. Any BIS2A instructor or TA having office hours in the BLC should be able to answer general questions about the lecture and discussion material. If they can’t answer your questions, they will be happy to refer you to someone who can.

      I believe this center should serve as a extremely important resource in terms of learning/establishing concepts from lectures or understanding some confusing ideas.