- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
Using judgment
I believe this is very important when using technology we must question whether what we are posting is 'okay' something you would be comfortable having online forever. Technology is a powerful tool yet we truly are unable to speak our mind or say anything without the fear of being blocked or taken down. It is true to be wise and cautious when using the internet and it's important to be taught about it especially since it is so prevalent in our lives toady.
- Oct 2016
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
They need, I think, to be told explicitly why classroom discussion is such an important part of the class, and that they should discuss the material with friends or classmates outside of class – not just when they have a test, but all the time, instead of discussing the much less interesting things that make up small talk.
I believe this statement to an extent when he says, "to be told.. why classroom discussion is important part of class" because truly why must we discuss a certain subject but not others? But I believe that we should not have to be discussing outside of class, I feel that would be overdoing it and eventually lead us to become bored of the subject. As well as, when we do have a classroom discussion we would no longer pay attention to the speakers because it's something we probably already heard outside of the classroom when discussing with our peers.
- Sep 2016
www.historytoday.com www.historytoday.com
Social history owes its current prosperity, both as a popular enthusiasm and as a scholarly practice, to the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and reproduces – in however mediated a form – its leading inspirations
Historian Raphael Samuel uses the 1960s to explain social history and how it is responsible for the 'prosperity' of social history. In the later paragraphs he continues to support the claim by providing evidence of why 'social history owes its current prosperity' to 1960s era
Social history is quite different. It touches on, and arguably helps to focus, major issues of public debate, as for example on British national character or the nature of family life.
Provides a definition of what social history is but at the same time writes "arguably" in the definition meaning that it could be argued because it can be explained differently. Samuel provides an example using "British national character" of what social history is as well as goes in detail in the paragraph of different examples to support his definition.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
what students know and can do, not how long they are taught. Education at all levels is becoming more individualized, as students learn different subjects at different rates and learn best using different methods of instruction.
Every student is different they learn and process information at different speeds. It is important to make sure they know how to do something instead of being taught because if they are taught something, some students may not know how to apply it to real life. Educators should mold to the different teaching methods in order to make sure each student understands and knows what to do, because like this quote says 'students learn different.'
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Thus, any effort to move beyond the credit hour must always reflect what college is for. For starters, college signifies much more than the acquisition of skills.
This quote struck me because it makes you stop and think of the importance of college. College is where you go to continue your education, learn and go into a field you genuinely find interesting. The authors are saying that gaining the knowledge that interests you is much more important then gaining skills in a field you do not enjoy.
- Aug 2016
berkeleyjournal.org berkeleyjournal.org
It is not only that Du Bois was black and other sociologists were white, or that Du Bois suffered from lack of capital, it is also that he had dangerous ideas.
This quote struck me because it made me think that not only were they racist against him because of his skin color but I feel that they were also intimidated by his ideas and his intellect. They were afraid of his new way of thinking which could have been another reason why he is "The Scholar Denied"