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  1. Apr 2016
    1. your body can be aroused even though your rational mind is trying to find a way out of the situation.

      This goes against the common argument that men like it. Yeah you can be aroused but that doesn't mean you like it.

    2. They didn’t even investigate. They said since it was a girl doing it to a guy, it was just “experimentation.” Said it was okay.

      Even though this was a four year old child since it was male no one even cared.

    3. I was crying and begging her to stop which in hindsight probably made it worse

      A man can feel powerless and can be powerless.

    4. I was so broken emotionally and in pain physically. She then got very mad that I couldn’t get it up which was never a problem. I was beaten for a while

      He was scarred in a matter of minuets.

    5. police do a presentation on rape the year before in my health class. They had divided up the boys from the girls and had given a pretty in-depth presentation on it—they even touched on boys being raped—but only by men. They never even suggested that it was possible for women to take advantage of men. …

      Society views that men can't be raped by women.

    6. I felt powerless and ashamed. I told some people but they kind of laughed it off. I think if gender roles were reversed it would’ve been taken more seriously.

      This is disgusting that society could do this.

    7. I don’t relax around women in my bed anymore. Don’t trust them

      He is mentally scarred and is left with anxiety.

    8. She started trying to suffocate me during, kept going. Had me in a situation where I couldn’t just overpower. Stated she was going to kill me

      Another situation where a man can be powerless.

    9. One of the worst things, that I don’t see mentioned much, is how you can feel betrayed by your own body.

      Again you may be aroused but you don't want it to happen.

  2. Mar 2016
    1. In addition to this, because many men have never even considered the serious possibility of being raped or sexually assaulted by a women, there is a high likelihood that you may just freeze in the situation.

      They freeze in surprise and shock

    2. In the aftermath of sexual assault, as groups, male and female survivors share dealing with many of the same issues i.e. anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, guilt, shame

      Both genders experience this.

    1. in some states, rape victims can be forced to pay child support, to say nothing of the trauma of having to raise a child with your rapist.

      Even though they were raped they can end up having to pay for it.

    2. The recently revised DOJ definition of rape reads: The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. But, like, whose vagina or anus? Is it a requirement that the victim be penetrated, or just that penetration occurs?

      Their is still no law against male rape due to the way it's worded.

    3. My relationship with my girlfriend fell apart pretty soon afterward, partially because, for a long time, she didn't really believe I'd been raped either, treating it as if I'd cheated on her.

      Even people that cared about him refused to believe him.

    4. she took advantage of me while I was barely conscious and could no longer say no, which is more or less the exact definition of rape. If the genders were reversed.

      It's rape either way no matter what gender the people are.

    1. n fact, research on sexual violence indicates that, overall, male victims of rape elicit comparable or even more blame for their attacks than female victims.

      Male rape victims are treated worse than female rape victims.

    2. The victim and his family were arguably punished more severely. After months of harassment, they were ultimately driven out of Norwood altogether and relocated to another community.

      They were shammed and ran out of town.

    3. While Steubenville has been in the media spotlight since last December, the Norwood assault only recently received minimal national coverage, despite striking parallels between the two cases.

      Once case got alot of coverage due to the fact that the victim was a female. The other one was pushed out of the spotlight due to the fact that the victim was male.

    4. seventh-grade victim was blamed and bullied by his peers at school and on social media. Rather than cracking down on this harassment, some parents encouraged it, including the mother of an accused boy who made and distributed t-shirts that proclaimed alliance with the teenaged attackers.

      All of these people were blaming the boy even though it wasn't his fault.

    5. ambushed a 13-year-old boy on a school bus, restrained him with duct tape, and anally raped him with a pencil. The victim's father, who was also the high school principal, notified the superintendent and school board immediately, but aside from a one-day suspension, there were no repercussions for the perpetrators (two of whom were sons of the head wrestling coach, who also happened to be president of the school board)

      They were allowed to get away with what they did because the victim was male and because of who their father was.

    1. Physically – by becoming bigger, stronger and meaner, by engaging in dangerous or violent behaviour. Sexually – by having multiple female sexual partners, by always appearing ‘up for it’ and sexually in control.

      Victim may try to be more of a "Man"

    1. If you were sexually abused when you were a child or a teenager, you may have different feelings and reactions at different times in your life.

      Will have different feelings about the event as they get older.

    2. Like all perpetrators, they might use physical force or psychological and emotional coercion tactics.

      Might not use physical force

    3. Withdrawal from relationships or friendships and an increased sense of isolation

      May become introverted.

    4. Avoiding people or places that are related to the assault or abuse

      Will refuse to go to places.

    5. Feeling on-edge, being unable to relax, and having difficulty sleeping

      Anxiety, paranoia and sleeplessness.

    6. Concerns or questions about sexual orientation

      Victims may question their sexuality.

    1. persistent attitudes about male rape are found in large segments of the general population and can have devastating consequences for men who have been victimized

      These myths hurt the victims.

    2. Since most media coverage on rape focuses on female victims with any reporting of male rape tending to be lurid (and often sarcastic)

      People for the most part don't care about male rape.

    1. Dissociation usually refers to feeling like one has “checked out” or is not present. In some instances of dissociation, people may find themselves daydreaming.

      One of the effects of sexual assault the victim feels dead.

    1. The support services for the male survivors of rape are very limited and have received little attention.

      Not a lot of places men can go to, to get help.

    2. Richard had compulsive rituals of bathing, scrubbing his anal region and hand washing up to 20 times a day. He avoided eating full meals to avoid defecating and would induce vomit after eating.

      He became OCD and had eating orders.

    3. Richard suffered from flashbacks lasting up to one hour seven times a day where it felt as if he was being raped again. He avoided visiting public houses and lavatories, groups of men, and would not read newspapers in case there were any sexual crimes reported.

      He avoids everyday life in fear of flashbacks.

    4. Associated with fantasies about revenge against the assailant were feelings of anger and difficulty on controlling emotions. The loss of self respect made several victims feel uneasy in the company of males and in some cases lead to self-destructive behaviour including self-harm, alcohol and drug abuse and suicidal ideation or attempts

      Self destructive behavior.

    5. men are victimised at multiple levels: first they are victimised by their attackers, they are then subjected to rejection and stigmatisation from friends and family and potentially humiliated at the hands of the law.

      Family and friends don't care sometimes.

    6. Many male victims experience sexual arousal, erection or even ejaculation during the assault. Getting the victim to ejaculate is a major strategy for some perpetrators, symbolising the extent of the offenders control over his victim. These physical responses may be confused by the victim as indications of pleasure or unrecognised consent

      The body can betray the mind.

    7. ‘Because most men have internalised the social belief that the sexual assault of men is beyond the realm of possibility…men have trouble accepting their rape experience as real, not only because it happened to them, but that it happened at all’

      Often the victim will refuse to believe that they were raped.

    8. Only a man can carry out rape but both men and women can be victims

      If the rapist is a woman more than likely she'll get away with it.

    1. Rape victims were 4.1 times more likely than non-crime victims to have contemplated suicide. Rape victims were 13 times more likely than non-crime victims to have attempted suicide (13% Vs 1%).

      Character could compensate the idea of killing himself.

    2. Almost one-third (31%) of all rape victims developed PTSD sometime during their lifetime; and more than one in ten rape victims (11%) still has PTSD today.

      A good majority of the characters end up with PTSD and so could mine.

    1. men are the least likely to report an assault.

      Character struggle with the idea of reporting the assault.

    2. As a result, most men are unaware that they could one day be the target of sexual assault

      This can be used to show the characters suprise.

    3. Only 1 in 16 rapists will ever go to jail, and even the ones who serve time often get lenient sentences. The majority of rapists rarely serve time, and often commit several rapes before being reported or caught.

      Usually the rapist gets away free.

    4. These statistics do not make men immune from rape, in fact,  1 in every 33 men are sexually assaulted in their lifetime. In the US a sexual assault occurs every 2 minutes.

      Men are rapped more often than most people believe or realize.

    1. In India, rape on males is rarely, if ever, addressed. Sadly, there is no strong legal framework to help male rape survivors.

      Male rape is a horrible crime that is really never looked at.

    2. We tried to get some legal help but we realised that there’s no law against child sexual abuse for boys in the country. By the time I was 18, no laws applied to my case

      Again no help for male rape victims

    3. boys and men are the forgotten gender. We get abused, but we have no right to voice it

      Society leaves men without help.

    1. Until 2006, sexual assault was classified as a women's health issue, and even today, Pentagon awareness campaigns target women almost exclusively.

      Again Men are shunned

    2. "Many men and women will experience symptoms like PTSD or depression after experiencing sexual assault. But the experience seems even more detrimental for men's mental health," says Amy Street, a psychologist with the Boston VA hospital who has worked with both male and female survivors. "The way I make sense of that is that women, for better or worse, live their lives with this idea that they might experience sexual assault at some point. There are public models of how to recover from rape. Men don't have any expectation that this might happen to them. It's very difficult to figure out how those experiences fit into your sense of self as a man."

      How this affects there mental health

    3. Belkin notes that it's not just the military that avoids the issue: even gay-rights organizations are wary of it. "We don't like to talk about it because it makes rape look like a gay issue," Belkin says. "The military doesn't want to talk about it because, as embarrassing as male-female rape is, this is even worse. The very fact that there's male-on-male rape in the military means that there are warriors who aren't strong enough to fight back."

      Male victims have to hide in shame all the time.

    4. For most of military history, there was neither a system nor language in place to deal with incidents of soldier-on-soldier sexual assault. It wasn't until 1992 that the Defense Department even acknowledged such incidents as an offense, and initially only female victims were recognized.

      Again only female rape victims are cared about.

    5. Less than two weeks after arriving on base, he was gang-raped in the barracks by men who said they were showing him who was in charge of the United States. When he reported the attack to unit commanders, he says they told him, "It must have been your fault. You must have provoked them."

      They didn't care that he was raped. This is what happens to male victims

    1. A study of 100 men by Survivors, a support group for male victims of sexual attacks, found that 72 knew their assailants. Among the symptoms experienced were sexual dysfunction and damaged sexual identity.

      Useful, would be more useful if I found said study.

    2. Shock, disbelief and embarrassment deter many heterosexual men from reporting rape, particularly as the act challenges basic attitudes about masculinity and, until recently, has been perceived as a homosexual problem.

      Men have a difficulty admitting rape and seeking help for it.

    3. Under British law, rape refers only to forcible penetration of the vagina by the penis. The term used for male rape is non-consensual buggery, which carries a maximum penalty of ten years in prison

      Another law that refuses to call rape what it really is.

    1. Scottish Office yesterday launched a television advert designed to highlight the psychological damage domestic violence has on children

      Need to find this video

    2. "There are perceptions that this is a gay issue, but straight men of any age can be victims. One man and a knife is all it takes on even the toughest males.

      Even an article supporting male rape victims is ignoring the fact that they can be rapped by either gender.

    1. In England and Wales, male rape was finally recognised by the law in 1994, but here it is still referred to as sexual assault, sodomy or aggravated assault.

      Despite knowing it is wrong the government still refuses to acknowledge rape of male victims as an actual rape.

    2. In just one area almost 30,000 males were rapped.

    3. The figures in Scotland are only estimates, because men are unwilling to report being raped. Research in 1998 revealed that at least one in seven rape victims in Scotland is male.

      Male victims are rapped more often than believed and are more than likely rapped more often than known.

    4. MALE rape victims are being turned away from crisis centres throughout Scotland because counsellors regard the service as being for women only.

      Basically Male rape victims are being shunned.

    1. Rape is not limited to traditional notions, it is not limited to gender . . . we must recognize rape as torture, rape as rape

      Rape is rape no matter who it is.

  3. Feb 2016
    1. Dugatkin charts evolutionary psychology along a political axis, arguing that liberals believe in the fundamental goodness of humans, and conservatives believe that humans are only good if taught to be so

      This would stand to say that conservatives believe that evil is born where as liberals believe evil is made.

    2. there is no such thing as altruism: The thing is genetically impossible. If you donate a kidney to a relative, you’re only doing it because you share genes with them; if you give money to charity, you’re only doing it to show off, so people will admire you and further your genes; and, worst of all, if you give money anonymously, you’re only doing it to feel good about yourself

      Even when people do good things subconsciously there is a reasoning behind it.

    3. Face facts: Men are nothing but horn-dogs, and women only want men for their money. Equations prove: No one ever does anyone a favor unless there’s something in it for them. Accept the data: People are just bloodthirsty apes with a flair for spin.

      This is to say that all the bad things we do are bound to happen.

    1. Their acts came from the darkest part of the soul. In this instance, there was a soldier with a knife who cut the clothes off a pregnant woman. A deep incision was made in the flesh of the belly, there were screams and whispers and, finally, the stillness of death. That is, what came next, what was taken and hung by the neck, was as innocent as the act was unspeakable. They hung it with the others, in rows along the rafters, to ward off evil spirits. These were the Smoke Children.

      They were killing not only those that were alive but also the unborn. As if hatred and death was all they knew.

    2. death became a pestilence: arbitrary, ravaging, and contagious. And it became a strange performance, too, the killers trying to outdo each other: At S-21, living prisoners were cut open with knives and scorpions were let loose inside their bodies.

      Killing became sport for these men. Evil is infectious.

    3. death became a pestilence: arbitrary, ravaging, and contagious. And it became a strange performance, too, the killers trying to outdo each other: At S-21, living prisoners were cut open with knives and scorpions were let loose inside their bodies.

      Killing became sport for these men. Evil is infectious.

    4. At the Killing Fields, babies were held by their feet and smashed against a designated tree, the Baby-Smashing Tree.

      They didn't care if there was an 100% chance someone as innocent. They killed to kill.

    5. torture to obtain confessions (including near drownings, the removal of toe- and fingernails followed by a dousing of alcohol, electric shocks applied to genitals, suffocation with plastic bags, and forcing prisoners to eat human excrement); that he ordered the murder of at least 15,000 people

      These people were animals to them, they had no care for human decency.

    6. In that first spasm of violence, everyone wearing glasses was killed. Everyone who spoke a foreign language was killed. Everyone with a university education was killed. Word was sent to expats living abroad to come home and join the new Cambodia; when a thousand or so arrived on special flights from Beijing, they were killed. Monks, so revered in Cambodian society and long the voice of conscience there, were killed. Lawyers, doctors, and diplomats were killed. Bureaucrats, soldiers, and policemen, even factory workers (who in the minds of the Khmer Rouge were equivalent to industrialization itself), were killed.

      They killed off anyone and everyone who was at all slightly different.

    7. 15,000 others were sentenced and exterminated in nearby pastureland famously known as the Killing Fields. But then, as fate would have it, he would emerge as one of only seven survivors from the prison camp

      Of 15,000 only 7 survived.

    8. While the odds were roughly one in four of dying—and worse depending on your demographic

      This is like flipping a coin twice and getting heads both times. That's how likely people were to die.

    9. People were almost certain that they were going to die.

    10. Four just four years this society killed 1/4 of it's own population

    1. Not only did they ruin the land and their health, they also ruined their health.

    2. We shudder deliciously in the face of incomprehensible forces, in the wake of events that insurance companies call "acts of God." But this was an act of Man, which made it a palpable evil: madness made visible in flame.

      Man can cause as much damage as nature at it's worst.

    3. Kuwait, on this day in July, would lose about $100 million worth of oil.

      They're hurting themselves just to hurt their enemies.

    4. It was close to the road, and the western plume was directed at passing vehicles like a pyromaniac's wet dream.

      Great imagery.

    5. This perfectly defines this, considering we are the only creatures on the planet that would do something like this it's madness.

    6. Is this to say that only humans can act out of hatred and evil tendencies?

    7. They didn't have any other reason to do this than to be spiteful of the people they were losing to.