45 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. propitious

      "Of God, the fates, etc.: disposed to be favourable; gracious; merciful, lenient" (OED).

    2. flogged

      "To beat, whip; to chastise with repeated blows of a rod or whip"(OED).

    3. thorough bass

      Thorough bass, or figured bass, refers to "deep notes on the musical scale. The lowest part in harmonized musical composition" (OED).

    4. laconic

      “Following the Laconian manner, esp. in speech and writing; brief, concise, sententious. Of persons: Affecting a brief style of speech" (OED).

    5. conscientiously

      "In a conscientious manner; in accordance with one's conscience or one's sense of duty; on grounds of conscience; well and thoroughly; scrupulously" (OED).

    1. Making them ill at ease, fearful?

      Feelings of discomfort, or being uncomfortable are pervasive in other poetry that we've gone over as well.

    2. The strong men keep a-comin’ on The strong men git stronger. . . .

      The repetition of strength in this poem is poignant. Imagery concerning strength, growth, etc., have been used by previous poets we've read, such as Hughes in "I, Too, Sing America".

    3. Thousan’s of people ain’t got no place to go.

      Brown uses the theme of displacement in his work, similar to other poets we've read.

  2. Mar 2018
    1. It must be increasingly recognized that the Negro has already made very substantial contributions, not only in his folk-art, music especially, which has always found appreciation, but in larger, though humbler and less acknowledged ways.

      Locke, similar to Hughes in "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain", cares about the strides made in the cultural and artistic world.

    1. Until recently he received almost no encouragement for his work from either white or colored people

      "Recently" for the author would be the 1920's, but what would Hughes say of the amount of progress made over the "racial mountain" since then?

    2. “I want to be a poet, not a Negro poet,”

      These lines are really the focus of the whole argument of the author. Hughes takes this kind of statement down to its core meaning and then lays out exactly why it is the wrong kind of mindset to have when trying to overcome the "racial mountain". Not conforming to the white standard is the goal for the artist.

    1. But scattered images remained

      "Scattered images" are a consistent theme that we see in modernist works as well. Fragmentation such as this is a pervasive problem.

    2. This May has deeper meaning now than ever

      This poem makes note of seasons and the importance of certain dates, and the significance of May first reminds the reader of the first section of "The Wasteland".

    3. Mark their names well: now feel the memory

      The repetition of "mark their names well" shows a correlation between themes of departure and death that we read in modernist works. To "feel a memory" is also a strong sensation rather than just let it live in your head.

    1. And dry grass singing    But sound of water over a rock

      The motif of dry versus wet continues in the poem here as we see a very involved examination of the two in this section.

    2. He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying With a little patience

      Being between life and death ties back to the motif of "zombies" that we having been examining in this poem, or an "in-between" state of life.

    3. A current under sea

      The motif of water is introduced in the very beginning of the poem and it seems to really lead to this section, Death by Water which combines a number of themes that the speaker is concerned with.

    4. With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine

      Eliot includes multiple references to things that are "dead" in the first part of this poem. He cites dead land, dead trees, being "neither living nor dead", etc. This pattern has an interesting progression.

    5. Summer surprised us

      In this first section, Eliot follows the pattern of the seasons from April to winter and summer. This pattern shows how life progressed for the poet, just as the seasons did.

    6. What are the roots that clutch

      Roots are mentioned more than once in the first part of this poem. Eliot shows a strong connection to nature and plant life.

  3. Feb 2018
    1. but as the result of long contemplation, which, even if it is some one else’s contemplation, may be worth consideration.

      The author obviously cares about every piece getting its due consideration, and that each piece should be treated fairly with the assumption that much time and effort went into it.

    2. Perhaps a few good poems have come from the new method, and if so it is justified.

      For the author, even the smallest amount of poetry coming from a method would prove its value, but he does not even know if there have been any.

    1. Most various Man, cut down to spring no more; Before his prime, even in his infancy

      "Man" could be referring to young soldiers sent to war

    2. Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath, Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;

      Discussing how love/emotional wellbeing and physical health play on each other for some people but the poet does not view love as more important

    1. I doubted if I should ever come back.

      Regret for unexplored options, but he will tell others in the future that he did take advantage of the situation.

    2. Some have relied on what they knew; Others on simply being true. What worked for them might work for you.

      The poet appears to be commentating on the predilection that some people have to simply follow in the footsteps of others instead of trying to accomplish something new.

    3. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake.

      The horse seems to recognize that it is an odd thing for him to stop and watch the snow fall when they still have a journey to finish.

    1. Degenerate sons and daughters, Life is too strong for you– It takes life to love Life

      Is the poet really suggesting here that the younger generation who worry and have sorrows are somehow weaker because he believes that they don't appreciate life?

    2. As if to destroy the last vestige Of my memory and influence.

      In these lines, seemingly written by the poet from beyond the grave, we learn that he feels personally attacked by the destruction of his library through the auction. Is the poet attempting to predict what he thinks will happen after his own death and how he would feel about that?

    1. For auld lang syne

      Meaning, "for old times' sake", and here it shows the perceived relationship between Mr. Flood and the speaker.

    1. At night in any kind of light, in twilight, candle light, lamplight, and worst of all by moonlight, it becomes bars! The outside pattern I mean, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be.

      The progression of what the narrator see's in the wallpaper really seems to lead to this moment. This is when she sees the women behind the bars, just as she herself is in a room with bars. Adams and Du Bois both reference similar topics in their works about ghostliness, but I think Gilman's description is quite striking, as the narrator manifests her own situation into a woman in the wallpaper.

    2. That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don’t care—there is something strange about the house—I can feel it.

      The reference of ghostliness reminds the reader of Adam's and Du Bois' writing styles, however here the narrator addresses that knowing the legal background spoils the idea of living in a "haunted" house, which is ironic when considering what is to come for the narrator.

  4. Jan 2018
    1. The Nation has not yet found peace from its sins; the freedman has not yet found in freedom his promised land.

      Du Bois makes a powerful statement here that the "freedman" must be able to find actual freedom equally, and "The Nation", as he calls it, has still not done its part to atone for its sins.

    2. It was the ideal of “book-learning”; the curiosity, born of compulsory ignorance, to know and test the power of the cabalistic letters of the white man, the longing to know.

      This line resembles an idea seen in The Dynamo and the Virgin, "Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts". The ignorance mentioned by Du Bois is of a different nature than Adams, but the acknowledgement of flaws in education connects them.

    1. The true American knew something of the facts, but nothing of the feelings; he read the letter, but he never felt the law.

      The idea mentioned here ties into the ignorance in education that is referenced earlier in this work. Knowing some of the facts is not enough to write history.

    2. The Woman had once been supreme; in France she still seemed potent, not merely as a sentiment, but as a force. Why was she unknown in America?

      This is still a relevant question. The reference of French women being a force in comparison to a sentiment as women in America were treated, is quite a powerful statement.

    3. Historians undertake to arrange sequences,–called stories, or histories–assuming in silence a relation of cause and effect.

      History as drawn from stories? There could be a correlation between this idea and the idea that history is written by the victors.

    1. Earth is eating trees, fence posts, Gutted cars, earth is calling in her little ones,

      These lines suggest the idea that the Earth is responding to the harmful conditions we as humans are imposing on it, as the Earth is personified to be eating things like the gutted cars that we leave behind.

    2. Out of the bones’ need to sharpen and the muscles’ to stretch, They Lion grow.

      The poem seems to suggest that our drive as humans to expand and conquer our planet is as natural as stretching out our muscles, yet it will inevitably destroy Earths resources.