325 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2017
    1. I used twice as many slides as I would for a face to face presentation

      Just showing off here!

    1. The more words on your slide, the more time the audience will spend reading (and not paying attention to you).

      Just showing off here!

  2. Jul 2016
    1.  At the end of the school year, when he asked his students how many of them were writers, ninety-nine percent of them said, “Yes”.  His students had been given something that INSPIRED them.

      And he showed them an effective technique on how to engage in the process of writing.

    2. He found that not one of his students struggled with this writing prompt.

      I think when students struggle with an assignment, a lot of time the directions were not specific enough to guide them as to what exactly they need to do.

    3. Students were asked to describe a “place” and were given several questions that they had to answer about that place:

      I like that this was broad enough so each student could make it personal but that the questions were very specific in how they drew out the answers.

    4. I also remember a teacher in 7th grade that showed me how to write about what inspired me.  

      How did she teach/inspire you to do this?

    5. We want our students to write.  We need them to understand the mechanics.  We want our students to find their voice.  We need them to be inspired.

      So how do we accomplish this?

    1. The article then goes on to say that law enforcement officers need to be trained to look for the signs of animal/child abuse when investigating a domestic violence case in an effort to reduce animal cruelty.

      As an independent crime or in the context of a pattern of abuse?

    2. Their goal was to help educate people from being unintentional animal abusers by ways of neglect.

      How do they define "neglect?"

    3. I am appalled at the way our society has created this disadvantage but even more upset that I am inadvertently part of the problem. I am not blatantly racist but I am white and I take comfort in the things that give me an advantage over someone of color. I want to be part of the solution and not the problem. Where to begin is the question?

      I think both sides need to stop communicating AT each other and start communicating WITH each other. Nobody can change the past. Holding on to the past and apportioning blame will not change the present. Only when we find a common space and agree to move forward together can this happen.

    4. The term cruelty appears to be the catch all term that encompasses all animal abuse, neglect, fighting, abandonment and veterinary practice without a license.

      that's interesting.

    5. We are unaware/unwilling to admit to the ways in which we have advantages based on our skin color.

      But is it skin color? I'm not sure I agree with this.

    6. When I think about all that is going on in our country right now, I am in awe of the issues.

      It's tough, I agree!

    1. That got me thinking though because in the state of Washington is rains mainly in the winter and only snows once maybe twice a year where we live.

      And in other places (like my home of Las Vegas) it's warm and dry in the winter and hot and rainy in the summer

    2. One major change I would make would be to include some parts in there where a person comes on and explains each season in a bit more detail.

      But would that be as useful for the target audience?

    3. After the video we went outside and talked about how sunny it is and that it is summer time.

      Isn't it exciting to see the instant response of learning?

    4. Referencing my reading this week, I feel like the video was more of a ‘surface learning’ experience because it had a lot of repetition and I think she more got what the words were to match to the picture of the season instead of understanding exactly what seasons are.

      Which has laid a foundation for when the information becomes more complex.

    5. It is about as easy as explain what noise a giraffe makes.


    6. video called Seasons Song Video that had a fun tune and explained each seasons pretty basically

      Cute video!

    7. For my digital storytelling critique this week I wanted to try to find a video about the seasons that I could show my daughter.

      How old is she?

    1. The technology is easy enough, and l was pleased to see that even Whalen used the program to chart color change over a period of Van Gogh's work, it gives yet another interesting aspect to talk about in art fused with 21st c skills and technology.

      that's really cool! What did it look like?

    2. The quickness of the program and the multiple outputs allows the user to make meaning and understand the program by just playing around a bit. 

      If only someone would give them the right information to help them use the product

    3. Whalen uses terminology that is easy to connect to and offers explanation for those that are not, making decoding and using quite easy.

      which is what the non-technical audience needs

    4. The creator created the site because there was not a user friendly site available,

      Isn't it odd how so many companies create a product only to make it difficult for their customers to full access that product?

    5. focusing on questions of what is made visible, who sees what, how seeing, knowing and power are interrelated

      instead of having the eye and brain make the decisons

    6. but hindsight is 50/50 right! 

      So much easier to read the directions first!

    7. While completing a recent Ds106 assignment I stumbled on this web page that takes movie stills and turns them into bar codes, montages and plots.

      Sounds cool!

    1. 1. Love and accept yourself in all your amazing glory. 2. Love people you want to love. 3. Do what you love.

      Which all boils down to - write your own definition of yourself.

    2. There’s less risk just to go with the flow

      including rejection, scorn, isolation, etc.

    3. Every one of us is exquisitely unique and normal all at the same time. Eccentricities, quirks, and personal passions bring diversity and color to a world that often appears drab and full of sameness.

      Pops of color on an otherwise beige canvas

    4. Normal is only an illusion.

      More like a facade

    5. packaged

      A product saying "this is what your life should be. More than 7 billion sold"

    6. My world fell down around me, and almost overnight the normal world I lived in ceased to exist.

      Do our worlds that we consider normal even really exist or are they just constructs?

    7. Not my own normal, but the normal that seamlessly integrated into the world around me without raising any eyebrows or rocking any boats.

      Moved from being an outlier on the Bell curve to fitting in.

    8. I told myself that creative expression was just a hobby and wasn’t a viable career option.

      Because it fits in more of an acceptable and mainstream world view

    9. My peers let me know that reading was geeky

      Because they want to encourage conformity to make themselves feel like they are more normal

    10. I listened to teachers who said

      Do teachers sometimes act in way that create the results that perpetuate stereotypes?

    11. I lost my normal.

      most likely replaced with someone else's definition of normal

    12. “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” ~Maya Angelou

      Because amazing and extraordinary don't land in the largest population on the Bell curve

    1. Produce your second DS106 Daily Create

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    2. Use Hypothesis and add your first Daily Create as a public annotation to this blog post

      First Daily Create - What the Third Eye Sees!

      Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 8.43.24 AM<script async="" src="//&lt;a href=" http:="" embedr.flickr.com="" assets="" client-code.js"="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    1. Prince George’s County Board of Education (in Maryland)

      I wonder what effect geography had on this proposed policy. Would something like this have even been through of farther away from such a government-focused area?

    1. Normal, seen through the eye of the beholder, is filtered through the lens of society.

      Which is why there is so much distortion

    2. ormal means average or standard.

      Which may not be negative

    3. We can look at a society's laws to see what's culturally considered normal, but that doesn't always give us the right clues

      True. And some jurisdictions are quick to define "quirkiness" as mental illness

    4. we usually decide how to act based on our own perception of what's normal.

      I guess I just don't see how an outside party can define the "normal" for an individual

    5. This behavior is outside established parameters of what's considered acceptable, or normal, social behavior.

      What if they don't have Asperger's and are just really fascinated with engineering?

    6. whether the way we think and act is the same as -- or at least similar to -- the majority of other people.

      but is everyone in the majority without quirks?

    7. someone who isn't "normal" doesn't match up to what society (and medicine) considers standard.

      why do they get to define it?

    8. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that more than 1 in 4 Americans have a mental disorder.

      That seems really high to me

    9. Almost all of us spend some portion of our lives wondering if we're normal.

      Could this because of mass media or sociology or psycho-pharmacology?

    1. smartphones can lead to a behavioral addiction that may need serious monitoring and in cases cause depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

      More than a year ago I quit playing any online or smartphone games and discovered I now had enough time in my life for more meaningful things including grad school!

    2. claims that we are having to manage a broader range of information and communication at work and home leading to more stress.

      So here's my question: why do we have to manage it? Do we not have an option to switch off?

    3. And what does this mean for work-life balance (my focal theme)?

      How would more opportunities for solitude improve your work-life balance?

    4. The pull is learners being networked, sustainable resources created and developed as needed, platforms of learning, participation, and practice.

      Almost a gravitational pull of attraction

    5. The push is the pre-determined curriculum pushed out to teachers, the dictated information,

      Like trying to endlessly push a boulder up a hill

    6. When focusing on how we learn we actually get a deeper sense of learning that can be altered, applied in different situations and expanded upon.

      This also gives the leaner insight on how s/he may need to approach the content differently in order to more fully access the learning

    7. The children I taught always learned the English language way better on the playground than in the classroom.

      Have you found any ways to incorporate this informal learning into your classroom learning?

    8. “If we want to learn deeply, we need access to the means, contexts, and tasks that are integral to generating knowledge, not simply to content transmission and abstracted activities of application like ‘essay writing’”

      As a non-academic teacher, I'm curious to how much of a sea change this would be for K-12 or higher education.

    9. This week’s Lankshear and Knobel (2011) Ch7: Social Learning, “Push” and “Pull,” and Building Platforms for Collaborative Learning, brought up some great learning theories.

      I really enjoyed them too!

    1. I am being forced by the system to care about my kids’test scores, when in reality, it is far more important to me that they be able to apply their knowledge to life outside of the classroom in ways that will make them successful citizens of today’s world and will allow them to spread what they have learned to others through informal learning experiences outside of the classroom.

      Do you find it frustrating to have to teach to the tests?

    2. This includes the relationships between schools and knowledge, schools and teachers, and teachers and students.

      What about the relationship between students and learning?

    3. making sure that our students are going to be successful members of society as a result of their education.

      which is a far different goal than having students be able to pass standardized tests

    4. (if the link doesn’t take you directly there, the page the article I was reading starts on is 186)

      the link worked fine for me!

    5. I am still part of a social learning process as the experts who wrote the textbook would only be able to become experts through social learning – that is they must have worked within a community to learn all that they know and apply that knowledge in a hands on, trial and error way, otherwise they could not be considered experts.

      And not just that. I would guess that you share best practices with other teachers and personal learning shortcuts with students

    6. can’t put that word into a sentence that makes sense, they haven’t truly learned the meaning and use  of it.

      Very true

    7. also that they are able to apply and transfer their new knowledge to other aspects of their lives and the outside world.

      Do you use performance or outcome-based learning plans?

    8. These ideas presented in this chapter really rang true to me and my beliefs about the teaching and learning that takes place within my classroom.

      What age level do you teach?

    1. As always with teaching, she had to figure out how to convey a lot of meaning into a short period of time – again, she had to do this within the time constraints of her class period, as well as in a video that would be short enough to keep the attention of the audience

      How deep were they able to get into the blogosphere?

    2. All of this helped them to become proficient fiction writers.

      Creative writing class?

    3. The other teachers in the video had a similar involvement as the featured teacher, in that they were informing her for her own professional use.

      How were they informing her? What information were they giving her?

    4. the teacher discusses how she introduced  the concept of blogging to her class and how she got them started with their first blogs.

      Just out of curiosity, how old were her students?

    5. it happened to be the first video that popped up when I got to the teaching channel!

      I am a big fan of when you can find resources easily!

    1. I am not a morning person, as a matter of fact, I hate mornings.
    2. This video has partially inspired my ds106 assignment which I’ll be posting later this week.

      Can't wait to see it!

    3. I also think it would have been cool if there were clips of him giving the actual speech mixed in

      Why? How would seeing him change the context?

    4. I am curious whether or not the author shot the video himself or if was done by a third party.

      A good question. How would knowing this make a difference to your perceptions about the video?

    5. I found his voice to be pretty powerful.

      Are you referencing "voice" as the physical voice or the more conceptual voice?

    6. This week I was looking for something more inspirational to critique and I think I found it.


    1. If people turn to these devices without thinking during life’s amazing moments,

      Makes you wonder if we own the device or if the device owns us

    2. A few years ago I was part of a small group visiting a primate sanctuary near Miami. The gimmick was that the monkeys roamed free while the humans were caged. The management set us free for a few moments, and we found ourselves completely covered in spider monkeys who wanted to make friends (friends who had nuts and raisins). Our initial impulse was to pull out our mobile devices to take photos and video. We didn’t even think about it.

      And I get a lot of criticism from my friends because I don't video/photo/tweet every moment of my vacations or trips

    3. In fact, habitual (i.e. less conscious) mobile phone use is part of the explanation for why people text while driving.

      and are on their phones during family occaisions

    4. makes it easy for us to avoid mundane boredom in daily life.

      Boredom, ideally, leads to creativity to fill that empty space

    5. “In solitude we find ourselves; we prepare ourselves to come to conversation.”

      We also see what exists within the walls of ourselves and what is truly "outside"

    6. Without accounting for the ways people connect in the digital realm through the Internet and mobile media, we have no way of knowing how much solitude people get, how they benefit or suffer from it, or different ways in which it is experienced.

      Does this include how our sense of identity is different now that we are seldom, if ever disconnected?

    7. not only for how it is experienced, but also for how it is studied.

      And it changes the context of the debate on understanding who we are when we are alone

    8. “If a person is alone in the forest when a tree falls, but they don’t notice it because they’re texting, does it still count as solitude?”

      I wonder how much each of us misses because of our online FOMO

    9. Since that foundation was laid, times have changed, as have the possibilities for “being with” others.

      It's very easy to feel like you're alone in the crowd. My favorite moments of solitude actually happen in busy airports when I'm waiting for my plane.

    10. This is true of both deliberate solitude and those moments of being alone that are inadvertently stumbled upon.

      I've seen in many of my readings that eccentrics like myself and my family actually deal better when we have time to ourselves to be ourselves

    11. Being alone has many benefits. It grants freedom in thought and action. It boosts creativity. It offers a terrain for the imagination to roam. Solitude also enriches our connections with others by providing perspective, which enhances intimacy and fosters empathy.

      And for some it can recharge your batteries.

    1. Simply put, I am saddened that a message of such import — and injury — was so cavalierly amended to an email between colleagues.

      I wonder if anyone else received a similar email

    2. “ensure that you adhere to the content proposed for your sessions.”

      Sounds like an academic Jello mold

    3. Twitter as a means for dissent, organization, and solidarity in a pluralistic society

      Do you think that clusters of thought can form on Twitter?

    4. Whatever the case may be, I am deeply concerned by the need to “ensure” that I “calibrate your [my] voice on twitter to meet the tone of COLTT as to not upset others.”

      What's so dangerous about rocking a boat that's drifting in shallow waters? Someone might get a little wet? Or maybe they would see that we need to redesign the boat?

    5. I invite you to read (and join!) conversations that are both critical of and supportive of the messages I have delivered

      If someone can't face both their supporters and their critics, there seems to me to me a lack of courage in their convictions

    6. What, precisely, were the concerns about my Twitter activity during the 2015 COLLT Conference? Because I have not been provided with formal feedback from the committee about my Twitter activity (and, for that matter, should such feedback be provided to each COLTT participant who tweets publicly? Is such feedback even practical or ethical?), I can only speculate as to the nature of this concern

      This is one of my concerns about using Twitter. I may tweet something I see as perfectly innocent but there may be someone, somewhere who is "offended" by it

    7. On the contrary, this message is an explicit directive to preemptively silence my voice and suppress my academic freedom.

      And the academic freedom of those who were going to attend your session(s)

    8. However, I have to ensure that this year you 1) calibrate your voice on twitter to meet the tone of COLTT as to not upset others and 2) ensure that you adhere to the content proposed for your sessions.

      Doesn't this also inherently prevent learning in the moment and exploring divergent paths that stem from any subject?

    9. As the proud graduate of a Quaker college, circumstances like this remind me that I must not mute dissent for fear of speaking truth to power.

      Speak truth and shame the Devil as my grandmother used to say.

    10. Second, I reject the suggestion that I did not — or that I would not — adhere to the content of an accepted presentation proposal, and whether at a COLTT conference or any academic function.

      So much for seeing someone, even a university professor, as a responsible adult. It's just getting ridiculous

    11. “ensure that you adhere to the content proposed for your sessions.”

      learning should never ignore what's going on in the world - good or bad

    12. “calibrate your voice on twitter to meet the tone of COLTT as to not upset others,”

      Isn't the purpose of a teacher to challenge and encourage critical thinking?

    1. So often we forget to have our own students reflect on the lesson, and their own learning-we are so busy moving on to the next thing.

      Is this a matter of not enough time or too much content to cover?

    2. In order to improve the content of the video I would have loved to hear reflections from the students themselves on how they thought the lesson went, and what they learned.

      I agree. I also would have liked to see a little bit more of how the teacher guided the students to stretch their ideas about courage

    3. If they aren’t they probably should be in order to make them as accessible as possible. These sites obviously limit the ability for people to see these videos.

      Why do you think the creators limited access to the videos? What can the creators do to guide people to their videos?

    4. Someone clearly took footage of the classroom and the teachers interview and edited it all together to make a cohesive story.

      I wonder who...

    5. The teacher and students participate in the video in the form of classroom activity, while the teacher specifically narrates and reflects on the lesson.

      How do you think the authors of the video were involved with their subject?

    6. Teaching Tolerance, a website I’ve used in the past, but it has been a while.

      How have you used the website in the past?

    7. Classroom Activities: Moments of Courage:

      Courage has so many definitions. How do you think this teacher or the video creators define courage?

    1. young child in the voice of Molly Brown.

      How do you think the story would have been different if it would have had an adult narrator?

    2. I would have loved to have known how much involvement Lydia had in the project.

      I would also like to know more about what drew Lydia to Molly Brown and what connections she feels to her. I can't put my finger on exactly what it was in the video, but there's an impression of some kind of deeper connection

    3. The facts that she choose to include were interesting and informative.

      I wish we had more insight about why she included the facts she did

    4. You would need to know how to import pictures into a video creation as well as music and narration to complete this project.  Also, the creator used many fades from one picture to the next creating a nice flow and visual effect.

      I'm curious to know how much help Lydia had or if she did it all on her own

    5. why the video was created, how old Lydia was, and where her research was done.

      Context would have been nice to help the viewer understand the story behind the story and the connection between Lydia and Molly Brown

    6. Lydia does a great job of telling the story.

      I was very impressed with how she did for how young she sounds

    7. I think the children and I will be visiting the museum soon!

      There's also a movie/musical about her life that shows on TCM every once in a while.

    1. some slides or some type of visuals.

      I agree. A lot of what he is sharing is tried and true but he could have shared it in a more dynamic way

    2. I think he used his hands too much and sometimes it distracted me

      I noticed this too! He keeps repeating the same unconscious gesture too!

    3. I think he gives some valuable tips and some things that I will start to incorporate into my work life.


    4. It isn’t anything new but just told in a different format.

      Different as in better or different as in unexpected?

    5. I found the video story at YouTube and here is the link; 4 Time Management Tips for Work Life Balance.

      Interesting video. Did you notice that he has this hand movement that he keeps repeating while he's talking?

    6. This team values work-life balance and after two months I am still keeping my boundaries solid

      I'm curious to know what boundaries or guidelines you've set for yourself.

    1. Also, many overscheduled children are tired and emotionally exhausted, which can lead to illness

      I wonder how this will effect them long term

    2. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find many studies about how the youth of today felt about work-life balance in the future.

      Maybe this is something for you to research and write

    3. The last thing we need is for amazing online tools to become systemized, bureaucratic and used in a traditional education style.

      Great point! What can teachers do to preemptively prevent this?

    4. Once again I am reminded that you can’t understand from looking from the outside in but need to be immersed in order for true comprehension.

      Are teachers ever fully immersed in the culture of their students?

    5. This is an enormous undertaking, and will take work considering the generation gap mentioned above.

      I don't see this as being so significant. We have new generations of teachers growing up as digital natives and are starting to bring their experiences to the classrom

    6. divisive

      Who are the groups that are divided?

    7. do think it will take the generations of people who have not grown up with online participatory culture or even the internet itself time to understand and accept this concept, though.

      Why generations? This appears to be unfolding as we sit here.

    1. By using hypothesis, they collaborate and improve their understanding.

      You should read Remi's article. It really expands on this idea.

    2. In other words, they fell into old habits when trying to locate articles for academic papers.

      This takes a lot of practice. One way that I've found that has helped is letting learners "remix" how they apply new techniques otherwise it's just another example of "this is the only way to do this"

    3. However, the researchers also found that students require the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned to practical examples. 

      I've always "hands-on" learning is the best and most effective way of learning

    4. In cases such as the Moby Dick example, there has been tremendous success. Instead of the typical “top down” or “read and regurgitate” model of teaching literature, the instructor emphasized the importance of engagement on a personal level. Specific examples of this include the students blowing up a page and adding marginalia as well as imagining it as a contemporary tale of a drug deal.

      I am really excited that this enabled the students to access the text. So many students have found Melville's writing as difficult to connect to but, as these students found, there are many themes that still stand up today

    5. Jenkins points out that affinity groups (like the ones he describes) encourage learnign and skill development by encouraging participants to expand and even change their roles.

      Do you see participants as changing their roles as expansion or exploration?

    6. Effective learning is participatory in nature and education will only succeed on a larger scale if we (educators) take an active roll in encouraging affinity spaces both in and outside the classroom.

      And engaging learners in their own environment.

    7. Stuff I read and What I think about it: Week 5 Reading Response

      I like your title!

    1. Produce your second DS106 Daily Create
    2. Use Hypothesis and add your first Daily Create as a public annotation to this blog post
    1. he has been able to encourage a sense of humor and a less self-conscious attitude in the psychiatric patients he sees for a variety of maladies

      In other words, don't be so self-conscious about what makes you different - enjoy the differences

    2. His subjects were not oddities, he realized, but living examples of people who manage to live with zest and fulfillment.

      People who have found a different way of interacting with the world

    1. robust senses of humor

      including the ability to laugh at onself

    2. eccentricity is sometimes akin to genius.

      maybe not conventional genius but a way of seeing around issues in new ways

    3. they don't hesitate to bring up their unusual preoccupations with anyone they meet.

      which is an odd juxtaposition with being considered a loner

    4. egotistical

      I can see that...

    5. they proffer profound ideas that don't quite operate within the laws of logic

      because they see the loopholes in logic?

    6. eccentrics are often loners from as early as age 7,

      which some teachers can see as antisocial or poor social development

    7. they retain a hold on reality and have insight into their own behavior

      they know they are different and have the self-perception and clarity to understand what the difference is

    8. he also hopes to familiarize mental health workers with eccentricity as a condition distinct from mental illness.

      just because you're different doesn't mean you need to be medicated for it

    9. "out of the ordinary, odd, unconventional."

      Note the lack of negative connotation here

    10. "The experience has loosened up my horizons," he said. "I'm less worried about what people think of my ideas. More willing to be speculative."

      Maybe this is the role of eccentrics in society - to show people that the limitations of society don't really exist

    11. eccentrics have the capacity to bring healing and happiness to people with whom they're in close contact.

      When you know how to be happy, it's easy to show others how to find their own way

    12. that zany aunt or daffy in-law is happier, healthier and longer-lived than those of us who conform to social standards.

      What does this say about the "healthiness" of social standards? That they are unhealthy?

    13. ost families have had to tolerate at least one bona fide eccentric

      and some families have only one "normal" person - think Cousin Marilyn from the Munsters

    14. those who have ostracized an eccentric in the past might want to reconsider.

      including family and society at large

    1. I am pleasantly surprised that open annotation as social reading so seamlessly affords honest expression as acceptable.

      I think open annotation also invites a certain amount of problem-solving too. Exchanges like the one between LisaDise and SusannahSimmons also invite continuation of the the discussion on how to improve the current status of something that multiple commentators see as "not working" or "don't care"

    2. Hoffmaca and bjauw’s social reading – their conversation with one another, with Bevelier and colleagues, and publicly before their peers – interjects uncertainty as an appropriate response to the playful appropriation of (con)texts.

      I have seen this byplay is our INTE 5340 readings and found it helpful

    3. And yet uncertainly can – and does – emerge as a distinctive quality of open annotation.

      It's a much less formal forum and a good opportunity to crowd-source different answers and perspectives

    4. “invites communities of readers into an extended (and asynchronous) close reading conversation.”

      And the annotations themselves can become extended conversations/discussions and sidebars

    5. The street artist Banksy not only appropriates contexts (such as buildings, streets, and parks) with provocative visual commentary, the content of this art further underscores a subliminal argument – it is appropriate, perhaps even necessary, to reimagine the Queen, or to resist occupation, or to reconsider where (and how) dreams come true.

      S/he also playfully and seriously mashes up both playful and serious imagery to tell the story

    6. Kelly’s actions are (to him, and to us as viewers!) entirely appropriate.

      So is playfulness only appropriate id the context is know to the observers? Should playfulness change when context changes?

    7. appropriation is about making something our own and making it appropriate in a context. Was told (by an English teacher) that it wasn’t “what appropriation means”.

      Sounds like you are appropriating the definition of appropriate

    8. experimentation

      Do you include Q&A as a part of experimentation?

    9. That is, through open annotation an attitude of playfulness can imbue a context not intended for play (like a graduate course or asynchronous online discussion) and also a text not intended for social annotation (such as a video or medical research)

      I've always found it good practice to pay attention to the throwaway comments in a course or meeting. There is often important insight into the speaker's frame of mind and understanding of the text/course

    1. As I expected many were for middle and high school students but there was one lesson designed for grades 5-8, that could be adapted for younger students.

      Do you consider that there should be a cutoff age for introducing students to interacting online? How would you address parent concerns for their children's online safety while blogging?

    2. I have to admit before taking this class I had not thought much about introducing blogging, or other types of new literacies in the elementary classroom, but I’m really starting to see the value.

      What grade do you teach? How would you incorporate blogging with them?

    3. I feel like I have discovered so much by reading a peers blog, then clicking a hyperlink they have included, which leads me to another topic I want to research, and so on…

      learning by series of connected clicks

    4. They go on to explain that these varying layers provide different paths for a reader, and therefore allow for a text to be read in many ways.

      And different paths for the author to frame their story

    5. While reading this chapter I was struck by how much blogging, and the internet has evolved over the years.

      How would you summarize this evolution? Do you think it is a positive evolution or negative?

    1. advancing your skill set does not have to be restricted to one are

      This goes in with creating the mindset of being a lifelong learner

    2. by pointing out the gradual, sectional character of advancements in course-ware

      I think not just in courseware. I think this analogy can also include educational methodology and parsing content

    3. As prime examples of academic blogging, they illustrate the fact that acceptance of the “collaborative” nature of scholarly publishing and the future of education.

      Would you say this is in all academic fields and groups or more among the "digital natives"?

    4. They are a new type of text that requires a new type of literacy.

      Would you say this is a multi-tasking literacy?

    5. Print resources are “finite” in that they are self-contained and cannot be edited immediately.

      They also fail to keep pace with technology and new discoveries

    6. Overall, blogging gives credit where credit is due.

      Or at least facilitates getting credit in a more timely manner

    7. the act of blogging acknowledges  collaboration as an inherent trait of human existence and (in turn) publishing.

      I think this depends on the nature and purpose of the blog.

    8. blogging allows for the development of a much more comprehensive self-narrative.

      Why is it more comprehensive than social media outlets? Are you thinking in terms of length vs. frequency?

    9. “private lives in public spaces”, their output  epitomizes the act of expressing oneself digitally.

      Do you see blogging as blurring the line between "private" and "personal"?

    10. updated consistently

      Do you see the updating as adding to or changing?

    11. a WordPress site.

      or any other blogging platform. Do you see an advantage in scholarly blogging on WordPress?

  3. Jun 2016
    1. create work to scratch their own itch, but always with an eye for leaving space for future extension and remix.

      thinking how others will react and respond to the creation

    2. Each image is complete in itself, but at the same time is framed for remix and reuse in a variety of contexts.

      should authors/creators focus on creating work in anticipation of remixing?

    3. The use of images on the web is actually a pretty good guide on how to make intermediacy happen:

      Because they are easy to use and remix?

    4. One of the things you’ll notice is that we have often moved away from intermediacy for a variety of good and less than good reasons.

      What are the less good reasons?

    5. everything from our technical architecture to our file formats to our institutional policies assume a Tempus-like product.

      Would you say this includes Web 2.0?

    6. it’s an end to end treatment of a subject meant to be tightly coupled to a course sequence

      and a closed text or Discourse

    7. tweak the environment to make conditions more favorable to intelligent life.

      this may mean wresting control from the bureaucracy

    8. by stigmergy.

      Wikipedia - Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination, through the environment, between agents or actions.

      Think crowd-sourcing without directions

    9. the chance of any one faculty member producing their own end-to-end course out of free materials that they stitch together is admittedly quite small,

      But not impossible and growing more likely as Common Core curriculum fails to deliver

    10. factory precision

      but the factory based product is often obsolete by the time it ships from the factory whereas the open-source product is dynamically updated

    11. getting the right intermediate forms is of course crucial, as is understanding the previous forms on which you are building

      You can't build the next step before the beginning state AND end state are clearly defined

    12. stable, intermediate states.

      or making sure that the intermediate states are not too far removed from the preceding state for easy adaptation

    13. emergent design

      which is a fancy way of saying "Crawl, Walk, Run"

    14. Changes that require these sorts of vast sequences are unlikely to occur.

      one large course correction requires more energy than many small corrections

    15. not about multitasking, but about evolution.

      Looking at learning as smaller sub-events rather than one large event

    16. subassemblies.

      breaking the object up into smaller chunks that are easier and less taxing to produce

    17. large stretch of uninterrupted time.

      Which is pretty unrealistic in the modern world

    18. interruptions force the watchmaker to start over again from scratch.

      destroying the creation before it is made to find "perfection"

    19. an assembly of a thousand parts, and for the watch to be working these must all be assembled at once

      The greater the points of complexity, the more possibility that a connection will break