12 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. that does not mean don't provide feedback please do we need to hear it we need to to know how our target audience feels about these things and what you're experiencing but I am going to urge you give us feedback work with us help us make suggestions help us change things from the inside if you're able

      "It's not WHAT you say....it's HOW you say it!!!"


      "It's the tone that makes the music!"

      Either way....the bottom line here is one and the same: we've gotta be better about communicating with one another in the world today!!!

      "Hablando se entiende la gente" [Through dialogue we come to understand each other]

      Clear, kind and respectful communication is, in my humble estimation, the key to success....IN ALL ARENAS!

      Whether improving applicant practices, recruiting methods, or addressing larger societal inequities, we HAVE to find a way to work together, and to be able to identify and respectfully communicate faults in systems and processes, without finger-pointing, personalizing, and attacking one another.

      If we focus on the HOW [to address the challenge TOGETHER]β€”through empathy, clarity, and mutual respectβ€”we create space for real progress and understanding. Then we are positioned to tackle problems effectively, finding common ground, and driving meaningful change both in business and society at large.

      So with that being said.... thank YOU, friend, for being soooo willing to reach across the aisle and engage in this meaningful dialogue [made possible by the super innovative technology of Hypothesis πŸ‘πŸ½].

      It is my hope that this exchange can be one of many to come here on LinkedIn, that will help bridge divides, challenge status quos, and build better tomorrows for jobseekers and recruiters alike! πŸ˜‰πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’–βœ¨

    2. my boss was actually not happy with me over this and told me I couldn't do it anymore so friends wasn't much longer that I decided that was no longer the place for me but I remember having a couple of challenging conversations about why this was really important and how it was impacting our candidate experience let alone our ability to deliver and it did not go over well it was not well received

      Again....SEE ABOVE πŸ‘†πŸ½πŸ‘†πŸ½πŸ‘†πŸ½

      BUT AT LEAST YOU TRIED!!!! You got shot down, yes. But you were not complacent, and didn't just function as another cog in that malfunctioning machine/process.

      Surely we [job seekers] have to understand - despite our severe frustration - that REALISTICALLY there are things that are, quite simply, beyond recruiter control.


      Y'all [recruiters] should understand that - despite there being the very real possibility that leadership will ❌❌❌ your suggestion - the current state of things [as it is being experienced on the candidate end] calls for at least SOME attempt to improve the process.

      The general unwillingness, ON BOTH SIDES, to even entertain the other's perspective seems to often get us to a place of engaging in some infantile and unproductive behavior on LinkedIn. One side NEEDS to be / feel right....

      ...the only problem is that two truths CAN co-exist simultaneously! 🀦🏻

      Maybe we focus more on dialoguing and developing solutions to overcome the challenges / obstacles rather than fruitlessly blaming and belittling one another?

    3. hey y'all welcome back to this week's episode of AMA Friday with Amy Miller

      You're here because....WHO DOESN'T LOVE A GOOD SOCIAL MEDIA SCUFFLE, right?!?! #TskTsk #ClickBait

      Except....that's NOT what you're gonna find here! You've been duped! πŸ€ͺ But for a really good reason!

      Now... what you WILL find here in these comments and annotations is:

      1) For starters, my friend Amy. "Hi Amy Miller!!!" πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ€ͺ

      2) My RESPECTFUL reactions/responses to the knowledge, observations and insight that this SME offers.

      IMPORTANTLY, what you'll find here is a respectful exchange [facilitated virtually through the Hypothesis tool] between people who a) stand on opposite ends of this process, b) hold largely differing perspectives on this topic, c) greatly esteem one another, d) are able to see / validate / respect diversity [of people and opinions] and e) have opted, rather than to point fingers, to work, in a very "us against the problem" fashion, toward a common goal, in order to try to make this a smoother, less taxing, and far more effective and expeditious process for ALL.

      You're here because

      I'd like invite you - Yes…𝒀𝑢𝑼!! 🫡🏼 Reading 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺! πŸ‘€ Recruiters and job seekers alike 🀝🏽- to take part in this conversation [which, with your new Hypothesis account, you have the ability to do!!]

      My thoughts are here in this panel, and they await your respectful feedback, input, and ideas. All you've gotta do is click the "Reply Arrow" on the bottom right hand of each annotation box.

      You're reading this and have additional thoughts on Amy's thoughts?? Well then, take your cursor, right-click and highlight the section of the transcript that you want to comment on [in the center panel of this screen], and start the conversation.

      My only ask: keep it human... respectful... consider the other's perspective....critically look at where there's room to improve. Not just in the other / on the other side. But in ourselves / on our side.

      We're ALL goin' through it. So why not actually show that we can back up the competencies listed on our JDs and resumes and collaborate cross-functionally [recruiters / candidates] to drive goals [smoothing out the hiring process]? Feels like this is as good of a place as any to communicate effectively, and try to proactively renegotiate and/or improve some parts of the process.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. whatever well then just get a new 3:23 one okay so let's let's unpack that okay 3:28 just get a new one

      Forgive us [job seekers] for we often know not what we say [when we're in our feelings in moments of pure frustration and utter desperation] 🀦🏻

      Okay, okay....so this request sounds a bit ridic! I'll give you this!!! 🀣 But c'mon, we're only now moving away from the ATS not being a 'bot named Sherman! #BabySteps

      I kid! I kid! But really, education addresses these gaps in knowledge though [at least that's the aim]!

      This explanation is not only useful/helpful for those uninitiated in the ATS, but hopefully, now armed with this knowledge, we can move away from such unrealistic "asks" or proposed "fixes" like Judge Judy's here....!

      [But I'm still over here waiting for you to tell me what's feasible, since this isn't.... clears throat πŸ˜‰]

    2. one of the things that we talked 1:03 about is how much finger pointing there 1:08 is

      Indeed, LinkedIn feels very much like this when it comes to the matter of hiring. #FingerPointingAllAround #HighlyUnproductive

      It feels like the art of conversation has been lost. We're unable to dialogue respectfully when navigating disagreements. And that, of course, only contributes to the problem.

      Which, again, is why I'm asking you to join this conversation! Let's TALK. We have productive alternatives to the LinkedIn yelling and finger-pointing. πŸ˜‰

      Where there's a will there's a way. Where there's respectful communication and a desire to fix a problem / bridge a gap there's promise for solutions and progress.

      This isn't about about "who's the problem" - and pointing fingers all around - rather, "what's the solutions" - and coming together to build agreeable solutions and create positive change.

    3. you know who didn't like it my boss

      But, yeah, makes sense that this would be response. Because who wants to be held accountable for things these days?? And if there's data and reports and new processes are put in place causing the status quo to change....


      what, oh, what will we dooooo? *** clutching pearls ***

  3. Aug 2024
    1. one of my very good 0:31 friends um someone that I've been 0:33 working with as they are going through a 0:37 very traumatic job search long-term job 0:41 search

      Firstly: Honored to be your friend. Grateful to for your guidance and insight. πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ½

      Secondly: Traumatic. Yes, this. Absolutely!

      Somebody reading these annotations, PLEASE feel free to hire me!

    2. I am not suggesting recruiters do not 1:51 bear any responsibility here but I will 1:54 tell you that many of the things y'all 1:57 complain about are out of our hands

      So, with this being said, instead of us spinning wheels talking about what's "out of our hands"....

      Perhaps we more effectively apply our time/energy to discussing what IS in our hands???

      I am totally hearing you here when you say that some of or [job seeker] requests are not feasible…AND…I feel like this is where we often get caught up and stop short of a breakthrough.

      Y'all are tired of hearing the yelling, complaining and accusations of job seekers. You feel like we have NO idea how this works.

      VALID.... I hear that.

      So, here I am, a jobseeker doing things another way. Having a respectful exchange with a friend, who happens to be a leading voice and subject matter expert in this area, and I'm sayin':

      Hey...Ames [and friends and colleagues]....you see this? πŸ’© πŸ‘€ Messy, yeah?? Now...iIf it's not entirely broken, the check engine light is blinking. [Crediting this clever wording to someone who commented on a recent post of mine, but who I, now, can't locate. @ me if you're reading this, friend].

      So, what are some SMALL, REALISTIC, TARGETED ACTIONABLE steps that CAN be taken on your end to improve the process?

      [Understanding, of course, that - as you explained- an org/leadership will have the final say and may push-back or straight up reject the suggestion. But if we don't even suggest.....🀯 That's a surefire to NEVER improve!!]

    3. so I 10:50 immediately 10:52 implemented two 10:54 things number one if you are a hiring 10:57 manager you now have a 48h hour 11:00 SLA and I am now going to send you a 11:03 report once a week and to your boss 11:08 letting you know if you met or did not 11:10 meet your 11:12 SLA number two if you consistently 11:16 missed your SLA we would pause 11:19 recruiting for your 11:21 role and I put all of this into a little 11:25 dashboard I built in Excel and I had all 11:28 of this data available to the hiring 11:31 manager to the sourcing recruiter and to 11:34 leadership and I said this is what we're 11:36 going to do

      So....what you're saying.... is that you 1) looked at data, and based on that, you 2) proactively attempted to identify the breakdown. Once you did, you then 3) considered what targeted, actionable steps you could take to redress the disruption in the process, and 4) went about taking the necessary steps (meeting with uppers, etc) to implement those.

    4. I am obsessed with 8:44 data like that and pass through rates 8:46 and effectiveness of different things so 8:49 I was investigating our pass through 8:52 rates


      Now we're getting to the good stuff!!!!

    5. we won't ask you to do that anymore but 7:52 what about what can you personally do as 7:54 a recruiter to make this better to be a 7:57 better recruiter to treat people better 7:59 to enable better 8:03 processes

      Yes. Please. Let's get into this!!!!!

      Targeted suggestions and realistic, actionable steps only, por favor!!!

    6. we are doing the best we can with the 2:03 tools that we have with the volume uh 2:07 that we might be dealing with with the 2:08 expectations put Upon Us by the people 2:10 signing our 2:11 paychecks

      Here it comes, friend, my customary response: Yes, AND....

      That is to say, undoubtedly many of y'all sourcers / recruiters / talent acquisition professionals are doin' the damn thing....

      But you KNOW [because you have seen some of my engagements with people in your field] that there is quite a sizable sector that's phonin' it in right now.....

      Painting with broad strokes always gets us into touchy places.... speaking about "recruiters" in general, or "candidates" as a whole, never gets us very far.

      If we are to get anywhere with this conversation, we have to be honest with it....and that means being critical with our self-assessments [which, of course, isn't always easy].

      The question is, can we do that? Are we - all of us, on both sides - willing to really look at where we have room to make improvements?