- Last 7 days
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Black Appalachians have long been, as poet and historian Edward J. Cabbell put it, “a neglected minority within a neglected minority.”
The larger the community is, the more people or groups within are disregarded. No matter the size, others stereotype towards the whole group, disregarding differences in people/groups within these communities.
Walker sought to upend assumptions about who is part of Appalachia. Writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has spoken of the danger of the single story. When “one story becomes the only story,” she said in a 2009 TED Talk, “it robs people of dignity.”
We learned about this and watched the TED Talk about the danger of a single story. Believing something based on one "story" can lead to stereotypes, misjudgments, and incorrect assumptions about a group. We as humans should not make assumptions on a whole group, because every individuals experience in that group is different. Black Appalachian artists have unique experiences to their specific group and on an individual level.
- Feb 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Perhaps with some attention, the voices of the past will not be lost but can find a way to go on and on and on.
Even though language has been changing for many years, there are still some people who have impacted language as a whole and they will never be forgotten. EX: Shakespeare
My home was only about a hundred winding miles from the classroom in which I was sitting, but “Haywood County” suddenly became more than a place to me. It was a marker of identity.
People make assumptions, good or bad, about a person based on where they are from. This can be influenced by the media.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Many qualities come prepackaged with the hillbilly stereotype: poverty, backwardness and low levels of education. One of the most prevalent is the idea that the way the people of Appalachia speak – the so-called Appalachian dialect – is somehow incorrect or malformed.
This is likely due to the media's way of talking about this language. If something is unfamiliar and different. people assume its "bad". Just like any other language, it has strengths
For any of the 7,000 or so languages on Earth, language variation allows for change in accordance with a society’s needs, while providing endless opportunities for individuals to create new forms of speech within their communities.
Having dialects allows communities with similar ways of life to understand one another, because somethings are unique toa certain community.
- Jan 2025
aeon.co aeon.co
Thus English is indeed an odd language, and its spelling is only the beginning of it.
I feel that there are multiple "acceptable" ways to say the same thing in English. The various ways make English more odd that other languages.
I should make a qualification here. In linguistics circles it’s risky to call one language ‘easier’ than another one, for there is no single metric by which we can determine objective rankings
I think that on a individual level, even though most of have been exposed to English since birth, we can find a language easier or harder based on experience, media, and location. Every way we learn anything can affect how difficult we find it based on our needs.