6 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. The elements that exist as diatomic molecules are hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), fluorine (F2), chlorine (Cl2), bromine (Br2), and iodine (I2).

      Are these the only ones?

  2. Jan 2021
    1. This remains the essential difference between a sermon and an individual experience with religious mythology; within one’s cultural belief system a sermon can only encourage or reinforce common belief while a myth, though it might do the same, has the potential to elevate and transform individual understanding through the potency of symbolic landscape, character, image, and theme

      I think this is a critical difference between religion and mythology and it helps to see a distinction between the two.

    2. In his seminal work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he discusses what he calls the “monomyth”, the similarities in theme, characters, purpose, and narrative progression of myths from different cultures, at different times, around the world and throughout history.

      This relates to what I referenced in my introduction post about the idea of a collective unconscious. It seems really hard to believe that it is just a coincidence that so many completely disconnected cultures have similar concepts in their myths.

    3. What one calls “mythology” in the present day, it should be remembered, was the religion of the ancient past.

      I didn't realize there was such a close connection between mythology and religion so it is really interesting to posit those two concepts together like this.

    4. The purpose of myth is to explain

      This is a basic definition of a myth that is very succint and summarizes why myths exist.

    5. from the Greek mythos for story-of-the-people, and logos for word or speech, so the spoken story of a people

      This is noteworthy for people who find the etymology of language interesting. I think you can learn a lot about a concept by examining the source of the word.