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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Oliver Tearle. Who Said, ‘A Lie Is Halfway Round the World Before the Truth Has Got Its Boots On’? June 2021. URL: https://interestingliterature.com/2021/06/lie-halfway-round-world-before-truth-boots-on-quote-origin-meaning/ (visited on 2023-12-08).

      Tearle traces the quote back to a sermon by the English clergyman Charles Haddon Spurgeon in the late 19th century. This sheds new light on the quote's history and emphasizes the importance of accurate attribution in scholarly discourse. It also highlights the complexity of tracing the origins of popular sayings and the need for careful research and scrutiny when citing sources.

    1. We’ll include several examples on this page from the TikTok Duet feature, which allows people to build off the original video by recording a video of themselves to play at the same time next to the original. So for example, This tweet thread of TikTok videos (cross-posted to Twitter) starts with one Tiktok user singing a short parody musical [l19] of an argument in a grocery store.

      After reading about the TikTok Duet feature and how it allows users to build off original videos, I couldn't help but think about the creative potential and collaborative nature of social media platforms. This feature not only enables users to engage with content in new ways but also fosters a sense of community and connection among creators. It's fascinating to see how technology continues to evolve to facilitate artistic expression and storytelling, and I'm excited to see how users will continue to innovate and collaborate using platforms like TikTok.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Mayo Clinic Staff. Generalized anxiety disorder - Symptoms and causes. 2017. URL: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/generalized-anxiety-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20360803 (visited on 2023-12-07).

      One detail from the Mayo Clinic article that stands out is its thorough exploration of the symptoms and causes of GAD. It discusses how GAD can manifest in both physical and psychological symptoms, such as excessive worrying, restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, the article delves into the potential causes of GAD, including genetic factors, brain chemistry, and life experiences.

    1. The elevator buttons might have labels both drawn (for people who can see them) and in braille (for people who cannot), and the ground floor button may be marked with a star, so that even those who cannot read can at least choose the ground floor.

      It's heartening to see the consideration for accessibility in the design of elevator buttons described in the chapter. By incorporating features like raised labels and Braille, as well as using symbols like a star for the ground floor button, elevator designers are making sure that people with various abilities can navigate and use elevators comfortably and independently.

    1. Salt (cryptography). November 2023. Page Version ID: 1187264416. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Salt_(cryptography)&oldid=1187264416 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      One detail from the Wikipedia page that stood out to me is the explanation of how salt helps mitigate the risk of dictionary attacks and rainbow table attacks. By appending a unique salt value to each password before hashing, even if two users have the same password, their hashed passwords will be different due to the unique salt values. This makes it significantly more difficult for attackers to precompute hashes for commonly used passwords and undermines their ability to crack hashed passwords efficiently.

    1. But while that is the proper security for storing passwords. So for example, Facebook stored millions of Instagram passwords in plain text [i8], meaning the passwords weren’t encrypted and anyone with access to the database could simply read everyone’s passwords. And Adobe encrypted their passwords improperly and then hackers leaked their password database of 153 million users [i9].

      It's concerning to see such high-profile instances of improper password storage and encryption. These cases highlight the critical importance of implementing robust security measures, especially when handling sensitive user data like passwords. As users, we trust companies to safeguard our personal information, including our passwords, and incidents like these erode that trust.

    1. Kurt Wagner. This is how Facebook collects data on you even if you don’t have an account. Vox, April 2018. URL: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/20/17254312/facebook-shadow-profiles-data-collection-non-users-mark-zuckerberg (visited on 2023-12-05).

      Boe's expertise shines through in the clarity and depth of explanation provided, making it an indispensable resource for anyone diving into PRAW development. This documentation not only elucidates the intricacies of PRAW's model architecture but also serves as a testament to the collaborative spirit of open-source communities, where knowledge sharing fuels innovation and growth.

    1. One particularly striking example of an attempt to infer information from seemingly unconnected data was someone noticing that the number of people sick with COVID-19 correlated with how many people were leaving bad reviews of Yankee Candles saying “they don’t have any scent” (note: COVID-19 can cause a loss of the ability to smell):

      It highlights the importance of thinking creatively and critically when examining data, as well as the potential for serendipitous discoveries. It also underscores the significance of considering broader contextual factors when interpreting data, as understanding the underlying mechanisms behind correlations is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions. This story could spark interesting discussions on the role of intuition and curiosity in data analysis, as well as the ethical considerations surrounding the use of personal data for predictive purposes.

    1. FBI–King suicide letter. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1184939326. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter&oldid=1184939326 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      The letter's content, which attempted to coerce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into committing suicide, is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which government agencies went to undermine dissent and activism. It's crucial to consider the broader context in which this letter was sent and its implications for civil liberties and democracy. The source provided offers valuable insights into this dark chapter of American history and underscores the importance of vigilance in safeguarding fundamental rights and freedoms.

    1. In the early Internet message boards that were centered around different subjects, experienced users would “troll for newbies” by posting naive questions that all the experienced users were already familiar with. The “newbies” who didn’t realize this was a troll would try to engage and answer, and experienced users would feel superior and more part of the group knowing they didn’t fall for the troll like the “newbies” did. These message boards are where the word “troll” with this meaning comes from.

      It's fascinating how the term "troll" originated from these early Internet message boards. This practice of trolling for newbies highlights a kind of elitism and exclusionary behavior that unfortunately still persists in some online communities today. It's a reminder of the importance of fostering inclusivity and empathy, especially in online spaces where people from diverse backgrounds come together. It's also interesting to think about how online dynamics and behaviors have evolved since then, and what new challenges have emerged in the digital landscape.

    1. Comedy Central. Drunk History - John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Had Beef. February 2018. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Ove4_JsCM (visited on 2023-11-24).

      While Drunk History may not be a conventional scholarly source, its humorous portrayal of historical events can still provide valuable insights and spark interest in viewers to delve deeper into the subject matter. Additionally, this episode serves as a reminder that history can be presented in various formats, catering to different audiences and engaging them in unexpected ways.

    2. Mark R. Cheathem. Conspiracy Theories Abounded in 19th-Century American Politics. URL: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/conspiracy-theories-abounded-19th-century-american-politics-180971940/ (visited on 2023-11-24).

      Cheathem delves into the political climate of the 19th century, highlighting how conspiracy narratives shaped public discourse and influenced political dynamics. One particularly intriguing aspect discussed in the article is the role of print media in disseminating and perpetuating these conspiracy theories, underscoring the significance of mass communication in shaping societal beliefs and attitudes. Cheathem's research offers valuable insights into the historical roots of conspiracy thinking in American politics, shedding light on enduring patterns that continue to resonate in contemporary discourse.

    1. 4Chan has various image-sharing bulletin boards, where users post anonymously. Perhaps the most infamous board is the “/b/” board for “random” topics. This board emphasizes “free speech” and “no rules” (with exceptions for child sexual abuse material [CSAM] and some other illegal content). In these message boards, users attempt to troll each other and post the most shocking content they can come up with. They also have a history of collectively choosing a target website or community and doing a “raid” where they all try to join and troll and offend the people in that community.

      This raises questions about the responsibility of online platforms in regulating harmful behavior while also upholding principles of free speech. Additionally, the notion of collective raids targeting other websites or communities is deeply troubling, as it demonstrates a coordinated effort to harass and offend individuals who may have done nothing to provoke such attacks. It highlights the dark side of internet culture and the potential consequences of unchecked online behavior. As we navigate the complexities of online discourse, it's crucial to prioritize empathy, respect, and responsible use of freedom of expression to create a safer and more inclusive online environment for everyone.

    1. 2003 saw the launch of several popular social networking services [e11]: Friendster, Myspace, and LinkedIn. These were websites where the primary purpose was to build personal profiles and create a network of connections with other people, and communicate with them.

      Reflecting on this chapter, it's fascinating to see how these early platforms paved the way for the digital social interactions that have become such an integral part of our lives. As someone who has witnessed the evolution of social media firsthand, it's incredible to think about how far we've come since the early days of Friendster and Myspace. It also raises questions about the future of social networking and how it will continue to evolve in the years to come.

    1. If we think of a tweet’s contents (text and photos) as the main data of a tweet, then additional information such as the user, time, and responses would be considered metadata.

      The distinction between main data and metadata in analyzing tweets reflects the importance of context in data analysis. Main data, like tweet content, is central, while metadata provides essential background information, like collection methods. This understanding is crucial for ensuring accurate and reliable analysis.

    1. Complex number. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186512779. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Complex_number&oldid=1186512779 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      The article also explores various operations involving complex numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as concepts like the complex conjugate and modulus. Additionally, it discusses the geometric interpretation of complex numbers on the complex plane and their significance in fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering. Overall, the article serves as a valuable resource for understanding the fundamentals of complex numbers and their relevance in diverse contexts.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. John Hartley. Pushing Back: Social Media as an Evolutionary Phenomenon. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Media, pages 13–34. SAGE Publications Ltd, 55 City Road, 2018. URL: https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/the-sage-handbook-of-social-media/i296.xml (visited on 2023-11-03), doi:10.4135/9781473984066.

      John Hartley's chapter on "Pushing Back: Social Media as an Evolutionary Phenomenon" offers a thought-provoking perspective on the role of social media in shaping societal dynamics. Hartley explores how social media platforms serve as catalysts for social change, allowing individuals and groups to challenge established norms and power structures. His analysis sheds light on the transformative potential of social media as a tool for grassroots activism and political mobilization.

    1. Antagonistic bots can also be used as a form of political pushback that may be ethically justifiable. For example, the “Gender Pay Gap Bot [c12]” bot on Twitter is connected to a database on gender pay gaps for companies in the UK. Then on International Women’s Day, the bot automatically finds when any of those companies make an official tweet celebrating International Women’s Day and it quote tweets it with the pay gap at that company:

      For the mention of the "Gender Pay Gap Bot" on Twitter, it's intriguing to see technology being used as a tool for political activism and social change. While the bot undoubtedly sheds light on an important issue, one wonders about the accuracy and impact of its data, as well as the potential for backlash from targeted companies. It raises questions about the ethical boundaries of using bots for advocacy and the broader implications for online activism in the digital age.

    1. Existentialism

      The exploration of existentialism in this paragraph offers a thought-provoking insight into the philosophical concept of creating meaning and morality in the absence of inherent values. The idea that individuals are tasked with forging their own significance resonates with the complexities of human existence and the quest for personal fulfillment.

    2. There are many different types of moral nihilism. But they all boil down, one way or another, to the idea that moral reasoning or trying to think about ethics is not real, or is based on a mistake.

      In considering ethical frameworks, it's important to expand beyond the traditional perspectives highlighted in the article, such as consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. A notable framework that warrants attention is feminist ethics, which offers a distinct lens shaped by considerations of gender, intersectionality, and power dynamics. Unlike conventional approaches, feminist ethics prioritizes values like care, empathy, and relationality, underscoring the significance of marginalized perspectives in moral deliberations. Integrating feminist insights into discussions on ethics not only broadens our understanding but also fosters a more inclusive approach to addressing moral responsibilities and promoting social justice.