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    1. This case has been twice argued. After the argument at the last term, differences of opinion were found to exist among the members of the court; and as the questions in controversy are of the highest importance, and the court was at that time much pressed by the ordinary business of the term, it was deemed advisable to continue the case, and direct a re-argument on some of the points, in order that we might have an opportunity of giving to the whole subject a more deliberate consideration. It has accordingly been again argued by counsel, and considered by the court; and I now proceed to deliver its opinion.

      The Dred Scott case remains as one of the most controversial cases in American history. How debated this case was between the Supreme Court Justices involved should inform us of how differently the words of the Constitution can be interpreted when it comes to the topic of citizenship. There would be much less hope for slaves across America if the decision was unanimous by the justices involved.