88 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. itiate a request for an eligibility check using the endpoint and the following mandatory parameters: Customer contact details. Transaction am

      we should also mention that eligibility will be check only on method and instruments that are enabled for the merchant

    2. "instruments": [ { "method": "emi", "issuers": [ "HDFC" ], "types": [ "debit" ] }, { "method": "cardless_emi", "providers": [ "zestmoney", "walnut369" ] }, { "method": "paylater", "providers": [ "simpl", "lazypay"

      We should give one simple request body without instruments array first as most merchants would not use it.

      we can talk about the specific use case and add a separate sample request with instruments array and possible combinations. We should talk about the combinations that can used as well for ex - if you want to check eligibility only on cardless emi method pass method as cardless emi

      if you want to check eligibility on hdfc cardless emi only, pass method as cardless and provider as hdfc

      if you want to check eligibility on simpl and lazypay only, pass method as paylater and provider as simpl and lazypay



      change issuers to debit issuers only

    4. "imei": "6234672537253752735",

      remove this for phase I


      These are CC EMI issuers. This eligibility check is only applicable on debit card EMI issuers.

      Also, we should explicility call out that this API can be used to check user and txn level eligibility for cardless emi, debit card emi and paylater. It cannot be used for Credit Card EMIs

    6. ip string Customer's IP address. referrer string Referrer header passed by the client's browser. user_agent string Customer user-agent.

      Can you elaborate the description by taking reference from payments API public doc? These are used there as well

    7. ayment Instruments on which eligibility check is performed.

      We should mention that this should be used only if they want to perform it on specifc instruments

    8. mei string A 15-17-digit code given to every mobile phone.

      can remove this for phase I

    9. methods or instrum

      It's not a list. We can say Types of method.

    10. and cannot be re-attempted.

      remove cannot be reattempted. They can reattempt it via a new request

    11. When you check eligibility, it is in the pending state before it moves to one of the below-defined states.

      It stays in this state in case a partner doesn't respond back within expected time

    12. t are applicable to the custo

      Add the business impact of it like it reduces payment failures and drop off due to them. Enhances customer experience

    13. relevant

      so that only relevant

  2. Oct 2022
    1. customer's issuing bank

      by one card

    2. Enter the OTP sent to their number to save the card used for the payment if required.

      Is this required to save the card?

    3. Best-in-class mobile-first customer experience in terms of onboarding and credit card management.

      we shouldn't talk about onboarding here as user might get confused that there is on the fly

    4. No Hidden Fees like joining, annual, and reward redemption fees.

      This might confuse users. We dont need to mention this in our docs

  3. Sep 2022
    1. WooCommerce🔗

      Should be a subheading of Affordability widget or Should mention Affordability widget in the heading. Currently looks orphaned

    1. Generate the [KEY_ID] and [KEY_SECRET] in the Live mode on your Razorpay Dashboard. Enter the Live mode [KEY_ID] and [KEY_SECRET] in your WooCommerce store: Navigate to Payments in your WordPress Account. In the Payments tab, scroll down to Razorpay and click Manage to edit the settings. Click Plugin Settings and replace the test API Keys with Live Key ID and Secret.

      Not required as per me. Any reason we have added this?

    2. Enable Test Mode to preview the widget on your website before taking it live.

      This is enabled by default. So by default the widget is enabled only on test mode. We should mention that merchant should visit the store from the admin dashboard to validate the poper functioning of the widget. You can add the steps for it. Please sync up with yash or abhinum to get the screenshots. Once validated, merchant can come and disable the test mode so that it goes live on live mode

    3. ter you enter the Key ID and Secret, the Affordability Widget section will appear.

      After the Affordability widget is activated at Razorpay it appears automatically. Not sure if this is mandatory. Can you check once?

    4. nter the Key ID and Key Secret generated from the Razorpay Dashboard for which the Affordability Widget feature is available

      This is not widget specific. AFAIK, this is already present for merchants who are using Razorpay PG.

    1. s select Axio as the Cardless EMI service provider.

      the screenshot is of the custom block and will confuse users. Can we go from standard EMI block other EMI section?

    2. personal finance management

      we can remove this. This isn't related to us

    1. I tenure and click Select P

      Add a screen shot of how does no cost emi work ? CTA

    2. You can enable No Cost EMIs offered by Bajaj Finserv on Razorpay Checkout. Know more about Bajaj Finserv No Cost EMI.

      seems out of place suddenly. Bajaj is always No Cost. No need to highlight here

    3. he card issuer waives the interest levied on the EMIs.

      That's not true. The card issuer continues to charge the interest however it's given as an upfront discount to the customer. Please refer to how does no cost emi work CTA on tenure selection page of checkout

    4. EMIs on credit cards issu

      It's available on both credit and debit cards both

    1. If the customers are:

      there is not customer level eligibility in CC EMIs. It's only Bin level.

    2. EMI is available by default on Razorpay Standard Checkout. No additional integration is needed.

      some are ; some need to be raised. We should add link here to the page that explains this

    3. major banks

      we can add the link of banks here

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Eligible for availing the EMI, they click Pay via EMI. Not eligible for availing the EMI, then they have to pay the full amount. They click Pay full amount and are prompted to confirm the action.

      This is very assertive. We should highlight this as a feature that can improve conversions

    2. MI tenure and click Select Plan. T

      highlight no cost here as well

    3. erred option from the Bank EMI or Other EMI options section a

      What are bank EMI and other EMI options? We should define it somewhere and add link here

    4. ter the OTP sent to their mobile number if they want to use the saved card and click Verify.

      screen shot?


      Looks off. We can add if "No Cost" would be highted to the customer upfront like shown below

    6. ✓

      We should highlight All banks/partners further and mention which ones are available by default and which ones need approval and how to get it

    7. EMI Types Availability Credit Card EMI ✓ Debit Card EMI ✓ No Cost EMI

      No Cost EMI does not belong to this table. These are types of EMI. We should have a separate section highlight you can create No Cost EMIs on Debit and Credit Card EMIs

    8. Also, you can raise requests for additional payment methods. Know more about Payment Methods.

      Do we need this? Might cause distraction here?

    9. EMI plans at the Checkout

      specifying at the checkout doesn't sound right.

    10. Using Razorpay, you can let your customers use EMI as a payment method to buy various products on EMI using Debit Cards, Credit Cards and Cardless EMIs without paying the entire amount immediately

      This is very literal. Can you please rephrase this?

    11. Customers need not have the whole amount in their accounts at the transaction time, and their banks will not block any amount on their cards.

      We should remove this from generic section as some banks do block the amount doe 3-4 days and this causes confusion

  5. Feb 2022
    1. default

      mention the default theme

    2. pages


    3. relevant


    4. influence


    5. Dashboard

      text same as additional offers

    6. your


    7. Display the accurate amount of discount on offers to make it less likely for people to compare your products with other brands. This can help new customers choose your products over your competitors, giving you a foot in the door. To show the discount amount on offers:


  6. Jan 2022
    1. Convey your product's pricing details to us to develop the best offers for your products. At this stage, you can also decide: What to promote: Choose the offers you want to promote from the list of available ones. Where to promote: Show all offers next to each other. Highlight the offers applied by the majority of the customers on the top and group the rest of them. Handy Tips We recommend highlighting one or two best offers and grouping the rest. After receiving the pricing details, we will identify the affordability methods suitable for your business.

      This is not possible. Only following customizations are possible -

      1. Theme
      2. Enable / Disable paylater, emi, cardless emi and offers

      Steps to do it are highlighted here) in the integration doc

    2. Contact our Support team to integrate the Widget with your website or app.

      Here the integration details that need to be added .

      You can use Standard checkout integration doc here) for reference

    3. The following diagram depicts the workflow:

      Step number 3 and 4 are not correct.

    4. Contact

      We'll provide the integration details in the doc here. I'll share the doc on this soon.

    5. Affordability

      We should add a FAQ section as well. FAQs are present her in this sheet

      Skip the sales FAQs

    6. select the preferred offer to complete the payment.

      This sounds like the customer can select the offer from the widget itself. That's not possible currently, we should highlight that customer would now already know which offer to select on the checkout.

    7. see a higher average order value

      Should we mention the number 30% here?

    8. Widget

      Should give a reference image for detailed view also like we have here in slide number 7

    9. Should give a mobile view reference image as well

    10. abandonment

      Should we give a heading for the image?

    11. affordability-based payment options

      and offers as well.

  7. Nov 2021
    1. 4. How can my customers use Cardless EMI?🔗

      Can we add cardless emi interest rates here like we have in this doc - https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payments/payment-methods/emi/faqs/

      Intsead of maintaining two docs for the same info, can we club both and have a single source?

    2. 5. What are the standard interest rates charged by Paylater providers for cardless EMI?🔗

      This is wrong . Paylater providers do not charge interest on cardless emi

    3. Our partners for PayLater are - FlexiPay by HDFC Bank, ICICI PayLater and Simpl.

      This is repetitive. We have already added partners above

    4. FlexiPay by FlexiPay by HDFC Bank, ICICI PayLater and Simpl.

      This is repetitive. We have already added partners above

    5. 12

      14 issuers

    6. PayLater

      Add LazyPay here

    7. Instacred

      Can we add bank names instead of instacred like we have here https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payments/payment-methods/emi/cardless-emi/

  8. Jun 2021
    1. plugins

      anchor tag to plugins link

    2. You can display Walnut 369 as a payment method on Razorpay checkout using a configuration.

      Can we also mention how the default visibility would be?

    1. Hide Payment Instruments

      Remove Hide Payment instrumnets

    2. Buy Now, Pay Later

      Ankita & Akshay to get back

    3. Providers to be allowed

      Remove this

    4. Any app provider

      Walnut 369

    5. Apps For the method app, the payment instrument is listed below:

      detele this

    6. app


    7. Apps

      remove this

    8. app


    9. PayWithCred

      This should be Walnut 369

    10. Walnut369

      Ankita to come back on whether there should be a space between Walnut & 369