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  1. Jun 2024
    1. ut she could feel Littlenger staring.Something about the way the small man looked at her made Sansafeel as though she had no clothes on.


    2. and as strong as her mother

      yess cat is strong

    3. The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundreddark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck tobosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queenwere weeping blood.

      thought it was more lannister pride but yeah thats beatuful

    4. “The king is dead.” Sansa could not say how she knew it, yet shedid. The slow, endless clanging lled their room, as mournful as adirge. Had some enemy stormed the castle and murdered KingRobert? Was that the meaning of the ghting they had heard?

      wait i thought the king already died before nvm ig

    5. When the spirit stepped out of the open tomb, pale white andmoaning for blood, Sansa ran shrieking for the stairs, and Branwrapped himself around Robb’s leg, sobbing. Arya stood her groundand gave the spirit a punch. It was only Jon, covered with our.“You stupid,” she told him, “you scared the baby,” but Jon and Robbjust laughed and laughed, and pretty soon Bran and Arya werelaughing too.

      wait i love this

    6. The horses were screaming. Arya stood over the body, still andfrightened in the face of death. Blood had gushed from the boy’smouth as he collapsed, and more was seeping from the slit in hisbelly, pooling beneath his body. His palms were cut where he’dgrabbed at the blade. She backed away slowly, Needle red in herhand. She had to get away, someplace far from here, someplace safeaway from the stableboy’s accusing eyes.

      her first kill..

    7. Every northerneris worth ten of these southron swords, Desmond had told her. “Youliar!” she said, kicking his body in a sudden fury.

      noo don't kick him

    8. Moving between buildings and over walls, keeping stone to herback wherever possible so no one could surprise her,

      thats bran sister!!

    9. She had to nd her father and tell him what hadhappened. Her father would protect her.


    10. Syrio Forel allowed himself a smile. “I am thinking that when weare reaching this Winterfell of yours, it will be time to put thisneedle in your hand.”“Yes!” Arya said eagerly. “Wait till I show Jon—”Behind her the great wooden doors of the Small Hall ew openwith a resounding crash. Arya whirled.


    11. Such animals as youhave never seen, striped horses, great spotted things with necks aslong as stilts, hairy mouse-pigs as big as cows, stinging manticores,tigers that carry their cubs in a pouch, terrible walking lizards withscythes for claws. Syrio Forel has seen these things.


    12. As his men died around him, Littlenger slid Ned’s dagger fromits sheath and shoved it up under his chin. His smile was apologetic.“I did warn you not to trust me, you know.”


    13. The queen wore a gown of sea-green silk, trimmed with Myrish lace as pale as foam. On her ngerwas a golden ring with an emerald the size of a pigeon’s egg, on herhead a matching tiara.

      she lovesss green

    14. e would have given all his titles forthe freedom to weep ... but he was Robert’s Hand, and the hour hedreaded had come


    15. White fur and red eyes, Jon realized, disquieted. Like thetrees ...

      ooo also stark and targ other colors

    16. They’repassing me out of training. I’m to be made a brother with the rest ofyou. Can you believe it?”


    17. mockery.


    18. Seat Stannis on the IronThrone and I promise you, the realm will bleed.

      its gonna bleed regardless

    19. “I will give Lyanna your love,

      he only loved her cuz he didnt have her

    20. So Ned bent his head andwrote, but where the king had said “my son Jorey,” he scrawled“my heir” instead. The deceit made him feel soiled.

      alicent would love him

    21. The sound Viserys Targaryen made when that hideous iron helmetcovered his face was like nothing human. His feet hammered afrantic beat against the dirt oor, slowed, stopped. Thick globs ofmolten gold dripped down onto his chest, setting the scarlet silk tosmoldering ... yet no drop of blood was spilled.He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill adragon.

      tragic family

    22. Viserys smiled and lowered his sword. That was the saddest thing,the thing that tore at her afterward ... the way he smiled. “That wasall I wanted,” he said. “What was promised.”

      he don't even know

    23. where menwhose braids were even shorter than their manhoods sat


    24. Three quick strokesand it was done.


    25. andlifted her into the air, as he might lift a child.

      which she is

    26. “My brother Rhaegar was a erce warrior, my sun-and-stars,” shetold him. “He died before I was born. Ser Jorah says that he was thelast of the dragons.”

      thats what i thought

    27. Dan Ares wife


    28. “The stallion who mounts the world!”

      the prince who was promised

    29. female


    30. DAENERYS


    31. Her hand touched his face, his hair. “Iffriends can turn to enemies, enemies can become friends. Your wifeis a thousand leagues away, and my brother has ed. Be kind to me,Ned. I swear to you, you shall never regret it.”“Did you make the same oer to Jon Arryn?”She slapped him.“I shall wear that as a badge of honor,” Ned said dryly.“Honor,” she spat. “How dare you play the noble lord with me!

      nah they kinda have chemistry...

    32. “My brother found awoman to cleanse me


    33. Ned thought, If it came to that, the life of some child I did not know,against Robb and Sansa and Arya and Bran and Rickon, what would Ido? Even more so, what would Catelyn do, if it were Jon’s life, againstthe children of her body? He did not know. He prayed he neverwould.

      blood children firsst im sorry...

    34. “Your brother?” Ned said. “Or your lover?”


    35. “If you truly believed that, you would never have come.” Nedtouched her cheek gently. “Has he done this before?”

      now why would you touch herr

    36. until heheard talk of some monstrous boar deeper in the forest.


    37. Stop that weeping, child,” Septa Mordane said sternly. “I amcertain your lord father knows what is best for you.”

      IT IS BEST

    38. Arya made a face. “Not if Jorey’s his father,” she said. “He’s aliar and a craven and anyhow he’s a stag, not a lion.

      and he's not

    39. ueen Naerys lovedPrince Aemon the Dragonknight

      ok so EVERYONE knows

    40. Their father sighed. “I did not call you here to talk of dresses. I’msending you both back to Winterfell.”For the second time Sansa found herself too stunned for words.She felt her eyes grow moist again.“You can’t,” Arya said.“Please, Father,” Sansa managed at last. “Please don’t.”

      PLS DO

    41. Sansa sat up. “Lady,” she whispered. For a moment it was as if thedirewolf was there in the room, looking at her with those goldeneyes, sad and knowing. She had been dreaming, she realized. Ladywas with her, and they were running together, and ... and ... tryingto remember was like trying to catch the rain with her ngers. Thedream faded, and Lady was dead again.

      i feel so bad that she lost her wolf

    42. If this was what the Night’sWatch was truly like, she felt sorry for her bastard half brother, Jon.

      insulted him but still somehwat cares (stretching it)

    43. It would have been unkind to say so,

      ok so she knows

    44. steward’s daughter, after all, and no matter how much she moonedafter him, Lord Beric would never look at someone so far beneathhim, even if she hadn’t been half his age

      thats kinda harsh

    45. but he was awfully old, almost twenty-two;

      shes kinda real for that

    46. hero, so slim and beautiful, with golden roses around his slenderwaist and his rich brown hair tumbling down into his eyes.

      soo hot

    47. From on high, Loras Tyrell seemedalmost as young as Robb.


    48. And that may be precisely what Lord Tywin wants, Ned thought tohimself, to bleed o strength from Riverrun, goad the boy into scatteringhis swords. His wife’s brother was young, and more gallant thanwise. He would try to hold every inch of his soil, to defend everyman, woman, and child who named him lord, and Tywin Lannisterwas shrewd enough to know that.

      nooo but i wanna meet edmure

    49. Those as say the giants are alldead never saw this one, I swear. Big as an ox he was, and a voicelike stone breaking.”“The Mountain!” Ser Marq said loudly. “Can any man doubt it?This was Gregor Clegane’s work.”

      oh! nvm its him, i forgot about him

    50. “What proof do you have that these were Lannisters?” heasked, trying to keep his fury under control. “Did they wear crimsoncloaks or y a lion banner?”

      tyrion's men then...

    51. A king should never sit easy,Aegon the Conqueror had said, when he commanded his armorers toforge a great seat from the swords laid down by his enemies. DamnAegon for his arrogance, Ned thought sullenly, and damn Robert andhis hunting as well.


    52. “I will give you the Vale of Arryn.”

      yo jaime can you give up your position for my new buddies

    53. not theprisoner, big, with a strap in his hand, and he was hitting his father,driving him back, toward the abyss ...

      so he wasnt lying when he said that to jon

    54. paid her fair enough. A silver for each man, how many whorescommand that high a price? He sat me down in the corner of thebarracks and bade me watch, and at the end she had so many silversthe coins were slipping through her ngers and rolling on the oor,she ...” The smoke was stinging his eyes. Tyrion cleared his throatand turned away from the re, to gaze out into darkness. “LordTywin had me go last,” he said in a quiet voice. “And he gave me agold coin to pay her, because I was a Lannister, and worth more.”

      tywin is so cruel omfg

    55. First he made my brothertell me the truth. The girl was a whore, you see. Jaime arranged thewhole aair, the road, the outlaws, all of it. He thought it was time Ihad a woman. He paid double for a maiden, knowing it would bemy rst time.


    56. me ... and he was no friend, only a man I rode with. Make nomistake, dwarf. I fought for you, but I do not love you.”“It was your blade I needed,” Tyrion said, “not your love.” Hedumped his armful of wood on the ground.

      enemies to lovers

    57. The Night’s Watch needs every man. Why kill one, to noend? Make use of him instead.”

      i love seeing jon lookout for him, he's so sweet

    58. know Chett can’t read,

      the call out is crazy

    59. “I nd I needless sleep as I grow older, and I am grown very old. I often spendhalf the night with ghosts, remembering times fty years past as ifthey were yesterday.


    60. but the rangers were the true ghting heart of theNight’s Watch. It was they who dared ride beyond the Wall,sweeping through the haunted forest and the icy mountain heightswest of the Shadow Tower, ghting wildlings and giants andmonstrous snow bears

      this is so AoT coded

    61. . Tyrion Lannister must know that as well. Yet the dwarffavored Lady Arryn with a mocking bow.

      the way hes gonna get his own clan instead

    62. The weathered likeness of AlyssaArryn tottered and fell with a great crash, and Ser Vardis Egen wentdown beneath her

      no because why is there a statue here like yall dumb

    63. “Fight!” the boy screamed, his arms trembling as they clutched athis chair.

      nahh what

    64. nodoubt meant to be Alyssa

      omg let her resttt

    65. It’s said poison is awoman’s weapon, begging your pardons, my lady.

      yeah and lysa's a women

    66. was whispered, notoriously uninterested in the intimate charms ofwomen.


    67. lone? You know as wellas I that you will never survive the high road. Ser Rodrik and I arereturning to Winterfell. Come with us, Uncle. I will give you yourthousand men. Riverrun will not ght alone.”Brynden thought a moment, then nodded a brusque agreement.“As you say. It’s the long way home, but I’m more like to get there.


    68. Catelyn wondered how large a waterfall her own tears would makewhen she died

      :(( you haven't even seen the worst of it

    69. Rhaegar ... Rhaegar won, damn him. I killedhim, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into hisblack heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it.Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her.” Theking drained his cup.

      rhaegar seems so hot....sorry but like the way he's still haunting this mans thoughts LIKE

    70. “By all rights, you ought to be in skirts

      she ate that ngl

    71. “My lady wife isblameless, Your Grace. All she did she did at my command.”

      i love him taking the blame even if its the bare minium

    72. “A man in your place should count himself fortunate that his headis still on his shoulders,” the queen declared.

      not for long i fear

    73. “Six days and seven nights.”

      insanee ik cat also slept for that long

    74. A storm of rose petals blew across ablood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death.


    75. Then there was a stirring in the rear of the chamber. “I’ll stand forthe dwarf,” Bronn called out.


    76. Marillion clumsily plucked a gay note on hisnew woodharp with the ngers of his broken hand.

      i can excuse queer but gay is def intentional especially if renly and loras are banging

    77. burning tower,

      so hightower

    78. His brother never untied a knotwhen he could slash it in two with his sword.

      he's kinda real

    79. Did anyone outside the Vale even suspectwhere Catelyn Stark had taken him?


    80. Jaime might be leading a host throughthe Mountains of the Moon even now

      jaime is terroizing the elderly (ned)

    81. and the bluewould start calling to him too


    82. Small wonder the Eyriehad never been taken.

      i hope one day it is by like dany or something

    83. But Tyrion’s mood had been too foul for sense. To his shame, hehad faltered during the last leg of their day-long climb up to theEyrie, his stunted legs unable to take him any higher. Bronn hadcarried him the rest of the way, and the humiliation poured oil onthe ames of his ange

      lmao but i do feel bad for him like he's been pretty nice to the starks yet they do this to him

    84. Small wonder the sky cells drove men mad.


    85. He held the plate out at arm’s length, over theedge where the cell ended and the sky began.

      yess its here

    86. Bran could see the relief on his brother’s face.

      yeah he doesn't wanna kill anyone

    87. Robb turned his head to look at Theon once more. Bran had neverseen him so angry, yet he said nothing. Finally he knelt besideMaester Luwin. “How badly is my brother wounded?”

      i really like him

    88. “Jon always said you were an ass, Greyjoy,” Robb said loudly. “Iought to chain you up in the yard and let Bran take a few practiceshots at you.”


    89. ods be damned, think whatMance would give to have Benjen Stark’s own blood to hostage!”


    90. Robb took his hand. “He won’t die, not Father,” he said calmly.“Still ... the honor of the north is in my hands now. When our lordfather took his leave of us, he told me to be strong for you and forRickon. I’m almost a man grown, Bran.”Bran shivered. “I wish Mother was back,” he said miserably.

      theyre just a bunch of kids and omfg theon shut up

    91. Robb shook his head numbly, the pain plain in his eyes. “I don’tknow, and ... Bran, that’s not the worst of it. Father was caughtbeneath a falling horse in the ght. Alyn says his leg was shattered,and ... Maester Pycelle has given him the milk of the poppy, butthey aren’t sure when ... when he ...” The sound of hoofbeats madehim glance down the road, to where Theon and the others werecoming up. “When he will wake,” Robb nished. He laid his handon the pommel of his sword then, and went on in the solemn voiceof Robb the Lord. “Bran, I promise you, whatever might happen, Iwill not let this be forgotten.”

      oh he really needs a hug

    92. before Bran was born. “They killed Jory?” He remembered all thetimes Jory had chased him over the roofs. He could picture himstriding across the yard in mail and plate, or sitting at hisaccustomed place on the bench in the Great Hall, joking as he ate.“Why would anyone kill Jory?”

      jaime when i catch you jaime

    93. “So you are.” Robb sounded sad, and even a little scared. “Bran, Ineed to tell you something. There was a bird last night. From King’sLanding. Maester Luwin woke me.”

      ned right?

    94. “Grey Wind was restless too,” Robb said. His auburn hair hadgrown shaggy and unkempt, and a reddish stubble covered his jaw,making him look older than his fteen years. “Sometimes I thinkthey know things ... sense things ...” Robb sighed. “I never knowhow much to tell you, Bran. I wish you were older.”

      he reallyyy needs someone to confide to

    95. Robb seemed to admire Theon and enjoy hiscompany, but Bran had never warmed to his father’s ward.

      me either

    96. “Are you ready?” Robb asked.

      yess robb i misees youu

    97. BRAN

      ngl i want jon

    98. She liked to hold them. They were so beautiful, andsometimes just being close to them made her feel stronger, braver,as if somehow she were drawing strength from the stone dragonslocked inside.She was lying there, holding the egg, when she felt the child movewithin her ... as if he were reaching out, brother to brother, bloodto blood. “You are the dragon,” Dany whispered to him, “the truedragon. I know it. I know it.” And she smiled, and went to sleepdreaming of home.

      thats kinda cool actually

    99. “I’d never ...” Why was he always so cruel? She had only wantedto help.


    100. He was still her king, afterall, and her brother. They were both blood of the dragon.

      she loves him so much but he hates her so much

    101. She wondered ifall men were as false in the Seven Kingdoms. When her son sat theIron Throne, she would see that he had bloodriders of his own toprotect him against treachery in his Kingsguard.

      the way she would get murdered by someone she loved in the show :(

    102. “You hate this Lord Stark,” Dany said.“He took from me all I loved, for the sake of a few lice-riddenpoachers and his precious honor,” Ser Jorah

      youre a bitch

    103. Eddard Stark ...”He spat

      didnt even say lord >:(

    104. “Is he?” Dany asked. “A fool, I mean?”


    105. all the pillow tricks Doreah had taught her, beforeDany had been able to make Drogo relent and allow Viserys torejoin them at the head of the column.

      not her having to do those acts for him :(

    106. DAENERYS

      man i havent seen you in a longgg time

    107. agony in his leg.

      jaime lanniatser hurts another starks legs

    108. WhenNed’s horse lurched back to its feet, he tried to rise, only to fallagain, choking on his scream. He could see the splintered bonepoking through his calf. It was the last thing he saw for a time. Therain came down and down and down.


    109. “and Catelyn will most certainly slayTyrion.”Jaime Lannister poked at Ned’s chest with the gilded sword thathad sipped the blood of the last of the Dragonkings. “Would she?The noble Catelyn Tully of Riverrun murder a hostage?

      oh she would

    110. “Still ... we wouldn’t want him to leave here entirely unchastened,so”—through the night and the rain, he glimpsed the white ofJaime’s smile—“kill his men.”

      ugh i knew it

    111. “I will bring the CityWatch,”


    112. For the rst time in years, he found himself remembering RhaegarTargaryen. He wondered if Rhaegar had frequented brothels;somehow he thought not.

      hmm thinking of him while talking about bastards...

    113. “I’ve also heardwhispers that Robert got a pair of twins on a serving wench atCasterly Rock, three years ago when he went west for Lord Tywin’stourney. Cersei had the babes killed, and sold the mother to apassing slaver. Too much an aront to Lannister pride, that close tohome.”


    114. Riding through the rainy night, Ned saw JonSnow’s face in front of him, so like a younger version of his own. Ifthe gods frowned so on bastards, he thought dully, why did they llmen with such lusts?

      is jon rhaegar's bastard? or does ned not know the father? OR has he deluded himself into thinking he is a bastard like a reverse rhaenyra

    115. “And tell him I’ve not been with no one else. I swear it, milord, bythe old gods and new. Chataya said I could have half a year, for thebaby, and for hoping he’d come back. So you’ll tell him I’m waiting,won’t you? I don’t want no jewels or nothing, just him. He wasalways good to me, truly.”


    116. I will,” Ned had promised her. That was his curse. Robert wouldswear undying love and forget them before evenfall, but Ned Starkkept his vows. He thought of the promises he’d made Lyanna as shelay dying, and the price he’d paid to keep them.


    117. Robert’s rstborn hadhad the same ne hair, he seemed to recall.

      yeah genetics and stuff

    118. Lyanna had only smiled. “Love is sweet, dearest Ned,but it cannot change a man’s nature.”

      she was smart

    119. oes that alsomean you fuck with the king’s—”


    120. Jory Cassel stoodbeside a rain-streaked window with a wry smile on his face,watching Heward turn over tiles and enjoying the view.


    121. legant woman who wore a feathered gownover skin as black as ink.

      he's used this comparison before

    122. Catelyn was at a loss for words. Jon Arryn’s son, she thoughtincredulously. She remembered her own baby, three-year-oldRickon, half the age of this boy and ve times as erce. Smallwonder the lords of the Vale were restive. For the rst time sheunderstood why the king had tried to take the child away from hismother to foster with the Lannisters ...

      rickon can easily kill this kid

    123. The boy grabbed forit eagerly, buried his face against her chest, and began to suck. Lysastroked his hair

      OH NAHH

    124. It had been ve years, in truth; ve cruel years, for Lysa. Theyhad taken their toll. Her sister was two years the younger, yet shelooked older now. Shorter than Catelyn, Lysa had grown thick ofbody, pale and puy of face. She had the blue eyes of the Tullys, buthers were pale and watery, never still. Her small mouth had turnedpetulant. As Catelyn held her, she remembered the slender, high-breasted girl who’d waited beside her that day in the sept atRiverrun. How lovely and full of hope she had been. All thatremained of her sister’s beauty was the great fall of thick auburnhair that cascaded to her waist.

      man thats harsh

    125. She remembered what her uncle had said of basketsand winches. “The Lannisters may have their pride,” she told Mya,“but the Tullys are born with better sense. I have ridden all day andthe best part of a night. Tell them to lower a basket. I shall ride withthe turnips.”


    126. the bastard girlled Catelyn across, blind and trembling,

      trust a bastard cat

    127. Catelyn Tully Stark swallowed what remained of her pride. “I ... Icannot do this, child,” she called out.

      any tully and stark woul be scared

    128. erhaps she wasbecoming a Stark at last


    129. She sounded so like Sansa, so happy and innocent with herdreams. Catelyn smiled, but the smile was tinged with sadness. TheRedforts were an old name in the Vale, she knew, with the blood ofthe First Men in their veins. His love she might be, but no Redfortwould ever wed a bastard. His family would arrange a more suitablematch for him, to a Corbray or a Waynwood or a Royce, or perhapsa daughter of some greater house outside the Vale. If MychelRedfort laid with this girl at all, it would be on the wrong side of thesheet


    130. “I was born a Tully and wed to a Stark,” Catelyn said. “I do notfrighten easily.


    131. Mya Stone

      OH SHES ROBERTS GIRL he was no mountatin goat let me tell you that

    132. “Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady,” the girl said.It did not please her; it was an eort for Catelyn to keep the smileon her face. Stone was a bastard’s name in the Vale, as Snow was in

      omg not the bastard hate

    133. Her dark hair wascropped short and straight around her head

      ohh nah not the jean de arc bob

    134. Royce

      royce again

    135. I, however, am innocent as a littlelamb. Shall I bleat for you?” He grinned.


    136. She swears that this time she will choose herlord husband.”

      petyr fucking balish

    137. aughing, Brynden had pointedout that the sigil of their house was a leaping trout, so he ought tobe a black sh rather than a black goat, and from that day forwardhe had taken it as his personal emblem.

      ohhh thats why

    138. “As you wish,” she

      noo he's gonna free tyrion

    139. Alyssa’s Tears

      interesting story and also lysa connection with he dying in water and the tears of lys thing

    140. Brynden Tully

      yay more tullys

    141. Catelyn said.Sometimes she felt as though her heart had turned to stone;

      lady stoneheart

    142. CATELYN

      last words last chapter being catelyn and now its her chapter

    143. How big a fool do you take me for?”“Well, quite an enormous one, actually,” said Littlenger,laughing.

      he is one unfortuntly

    144. And when you have it, what then? Some secrets are safer kept hidden.Some secrets are too dangerous to share, even with those you love andtrust.


    145. He oughtto thank him. It would be good to return to Winterfell. He oughtnever have left. His sons were waiting there.


    146. Perhaps he and Catelynwould make a new son together when he returned, they were not soold yet.

      very polite way of saying he's horny

    147. “Hand no longer,” Ned told him. “The king and I have quarreled.We shall be returning to Winterfell.”


    148. “OnBraavos there is a society called the Faceless Men,” Grand MaesterPycelle oered.

      ooo them i know theyd get the job done

    149. And make certain I never look on your faceagain, or I swear, I’ll have your head on a spike!”

      and he sees him again and his head is spiked

    150. “I wish him every success.” Ned unfastened the heavy clasp thatclutched at the folds of his cloak, the ornate silver hand that was hisbadge of oce. He laid it on the table in front of the king, saddenedby the memory of the man who had pinned it on him, the friend hehad loved. “I thought you a better man than this, Robert. I thoughtwe had made a nobler king.”


    151. “Now, poison ... the tears of Lys, let us say. KhalDrogo need never know it was not a natural death.”Grand Maester Pycelle’s sleepy eyes icked open. He squintedsuspiciously at the eunuch.

      interesting interesting

    152. “Whereas Daenerys is a fourteen-year-old girl.” Ned knew he waspushing this well past the point of wisdom,

      i wish she got to meet him

    153. Roose Bolton urged us to cut his throat,

      oh not HIM

    154. Varys gave the king an unctuous smile and laid a soft hand onNed’s sleeve. “I understand your qualms, Lord Eddard, truly I do. Itgave me no joy to bring this grievous news to council. It is a terriblething we contemplate, a vile thing. Yet we who presume to rule mustdo vile things for the good of the realm, howevermuch it pains us.”


    155. If the babe dies in infancy, we need not fear.

      which it does but dany is gonna have 3 dragon children in place of it

    156. once you cut their heads o.”

      cut their heads off....

    157. “Do you knowmy brothers?” she asked excitedly. “Robb and Bran are atWinterfell, and Jon’s on the Wall. Jon Snow, he’s in the Night’sWatch too, you must know him, he has a direwolf, a white one withred eyes. Is Jon a ranger yet? I’m Arya Stark.” The old man in hissmelly black clothes was looking at her oddly, but Arya could notseem to stop talking. “When you ride back to the Wall, would youbring Jon a letter if I wrote one?” She wished Jon were here rightnow. He’d believe her about the dungeons and the fat man with theforked beard and the wizard in the steel cap.

      she's so cute

    158. Jon’s the bastard, I bet.”

      wrong one but dw i thought this too

    159. pretending that Nymeria was paddingalong beside her in the darkness.


    160. “This is no longer a game for two players,if ever it was. Stannis Baratheon and Lysa Arryn have ed beyondmy reach, and the whispers say they are gathering swords aroundthem. The Knight of Flowers writes Highgarden, urging his lordfather to send his sister to court. The girl is a maid of fourteen,sweet and beautiful and tractable, and Lord Renly and Ser Lorasintend that Robert should bed her, wed her, and make a new queen.Littlenger ... the gods only know what game Littlenger is playing.Yet Lord Stark’s the one who troubles my sleep. He has the bastard,he has the book, and soon enough he’ll have the truth. And now hiswife has abducted Tyrion Lannister, thanks to Littlenger’smeddling. Lord Tywin will take that for an outrage, and Jaime has aqueer aection for the Imp. If the Lannisters move north, that willbring the Tullys in as well.

      he really does know everythingg

    161. It seemedto Arya there was something oddly familiar about him.


    162. “The fools tried to kill his son, and what’s worse, they made amummer’s farce of it. He’s not a man to put that aside. I warn you,the wolf and lion will soon be at each other’s throats, whether wewill it or no.”


    163. Another skull loomed ahead, the biggest monsterof all,

      vhagar is here somewhere

    164. Huge empty eyes stared at her hungrilythrough the gloom, and dimly she saw the jagged shadows of longteeth.

      the dragonss

    165. The septa wasscreeching at her. Arya slid between legs as thick and white asmarble columns, bounded to her feet,


    166. Panic gripped her throat like a giant’s hand. Arya could not havespoken if her life had hung on it. Calm as still water, she mouthedsilently.As Godwyn reached for her, Arya moved. Quick as a snake. Sheleaned to her left, letting his ngers brush her arm, spinning aroundhim. Smooth as summer silk. By the time he got himself turned, shewas sprinting down the alley. Swift as a deer.

      oo cool

    167. “What were you doing to that cat, boy?” Myrcella asked again,sternly. To her brother she said, “He’s a ragged boy, isn’t he? Lookat him.” She giggled.“A ragged dirty smelly boy,” Tommen agreed.

      theyre kinda silly

    168. At the end of the alley stooda girl with a mass of golden curls, dressed as pretty as a doll in bluesatin. Beside her was a plump little blond boy with a prancing stagsewn in pearls across the front of his doublet and a miniature swordat his belt.

      OMG YESS

    169. and that blackbastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right outof Lord Tywin’s ngers.

      i like this cat

    170. ” He had dabbed her wounds with Myrish re,

      why fire?

    171. The Red Keep was full of cats:

      it being full of them because no more ratcatchers so otto brought in more cats lol

    172. “You won it from him in a wager, during the tourney on PrinceJorey’s name day.”“When my brother Jaime was unhorsed by the Knight of Flowers,that was his story, no?”

      ohh when he WON it nvm

    173. I never betagainst my family.”

      wait a minute i thought he betted FOR him??

    174. wo of Lord Bracken’s men-at-arms,Kurleket and Mohor,

      nvm i thought this was harrenhall

    175. . “I’m willing if she is,” he said.

      that would be an interesting couple ngl kinda like dany x robb enemies to lovers lol

    176. Let them have the bitch, Tyrion thought, and welcome to her, yetsomehow he was moving.

      oh yeah!!

    177. ver Kurleket’sbody.

      aw nooo

    178. Tyrion put his heel on the graspingngers and felt a satisfying crunch

      thats so mean but he did get his first revenge

    179. Tyrion felt a sudden urge toleap up, brandish his axe, and boom out, “Casterly Rock!” but theinsanity passed quickly and he crouched down lower.


    180. Catelyn Stark stared at Tyrion with a coldness on her face such ashe had never seen.

      i love herr

    181. Just for a moment, he thought he saw a icker of doubt in hereyes, but what she said was, “Why would Petyr lie to me?”“Why does a bear shit in the woods?” he demanded. “Because it ishis nature. Lying comes as easily as breathing to a man likeLittlenger. You ought to know that, you of all people.”She took a step toward him, her face tight. “And what does thatmean, Lannister?”Tyrion cocked his head. “Why, every man at court has heard himtell how he took your maidenhead, my lady.”“That is a lie!” Catelyn Stark said.


    182. “Let him speak,” Lady Stark commanded


    183. A Lannister alwayspaid his debts. Kurleket would learn that someday, as would hisfriends Lharys and Mohor, and the good Ser Willis, and thesellswords Bronn and Chiggen


    184. and the rst to rise to aidCatelyn Stark back at the inn

      yess loyalty but maybe it shows cat's death as well since harrenhall IDK

    185. et this seven-times-damned she-wolf Catelyn Stark had outwitted him at every turn.

      i love this sm

    186. “The eastern road.You said we were riding for Winterfell!”Catelyn Stark favored him with the faintest of smiles. “Often andloudly,” she agreed. “No doubt your friends will ride that way whenthey come after us. I wish them good speed.”

      see she is smart at times

    187. I was about to settledown to a warm re and a roast fowl, and that wretched singer had toopen his mouth, he thought mournfully

      actually i think you opened your mouth

    188. sellsword Bron

      ohh ok so he's a random guy

    189. “Thank him for us, then. If you ever see him again.” Chiggengrinned, showing yellow teeth, and swallowed the raw meat in twobites. “Tastes well bred.”


    190. Chiggen butcher

      strange name

    191. “Asking questions,” Varys said, slipping out the door.

      and thats what kills ned...

    192. The tears of Lys, t

      oh he tells the truth

    193. Prince Aemon the Dragonknight


    194. Littlenger lovesLittlenger.

      so real

    195. “But you, Lord Stark ... I think ... no,I know ... he would not kill you, not even for his queen, and theremay lie our salvation.”

      uh well you are right...for now

    196. Lord Varys?

      knew itt

    197. Law and custom gave the baseborn few rights.Gendry, the girl in the Vale, the boy at Storm’s End, none of themcould threaten Robert’s trueborn children ...


    198. Ned remembered Robert’s rst child as well, a daughter born inthe Vale when Robert was scarcely more than a boy himself. Asweet little girl; the young lord of Storm’s End had doted on her. Heused to make daily visits to play with the babe, long after he hadlost interest in the mother. Ned was often dragged along forcompany, whether he willed it or not. The girl would be seventeenor eighteen now, he realized; older than Robert had been when hefathered her. A strange thought.

      oh will they appear later?

    199. “Dance of theDragons,


    200. That night at the feast, Eddard Stark was more hopeful than hehad been in a great while. Robert was in high good humor, theLannisters were nowhere to be seen, and even his daughters werebehaving. Jory brought Arya down to join them, and Sansa spoke toher sister pleasantly. “The tournament was magnicent,” she sighed.“You should have come. How was your dancing?”“I’m sore all over,” Arya reported happily, proudly displaying ahuge purple bruise on her leg.“You must be a terrible dancer,” Sansa said doubtfully.

      ned, sansa was full of hope last night and it didnt go well for her...just saying
