378 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. Article 25

      Article 25 does not in itself grant a remedy to the parties; rather, the definition of ‘fundamental breach of contract’ contained therein constitutes a precondition for a number of remedies defined elsewhere in the Convention:24 Firstly, if the party affected by a breach of contract is to have a right to avoid the contract in accordance with Articles 49(1)(a), 51(2), 64(1)(a), 72(1), or 73(1), (2), the breach must constitute a ‘fundamental breach of contract’.25 Furthermore, the existence of a fundamental breach of contract is a precondition of a buyer’s claim for the delivery of substitute goods (Article 46(2)

    2. rticle 23

      Although, CISG contains no rule to determining the place of the contract formation, according to Pr. Schwenzer, this is not a gap. Subject to contrary agreement of the parties (and its recognition by the governing domestic law), or to a specially significant link between a particular rule and the place of the conclusion of the contract, or between a provision agreed by the parties and that place, it can be assumed that the contract was concluded at the place where the declaration perfecting the contract reached its addressee or the act amounting to acceptance was performed (Article 18(3)). This view is also supported by the case law under the convention - Roder Zelt-und Hallenkonstruktionen GmbH v Rosedown Park Pty Ltd and Reginald R Eustace, Fed Ct Aust (Adelaide, SA), 28 April 1995, CISG-online 218, [1995] 57 FCR 216 et seq (based on Arts 18 and 24)

    3. withdrawn

      Withdrawal is a declaratory act; domestic law applies to questions of its maker’s legal capacity, defects of intent, or power of representation

    4. n acceptance

      An acceptance may be withdrawn only before or at the same time as it would have become effective. The decisive point in time is the moment at which the withdrawal has reached the offeror (Article 24), while it is irrelevant if he has actually read it.4 On

    5. offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a noticeto that effe

      A late acceptance can still give rise to a contract. It is, however, a precondition that it has reached the offeror. The offeror can then treat the late acceptance as an acceptance.17 However, the offeree must have intended his declaration to constitute an acceptance.

      If a contract is to be concluded despite a late acceptance, it is necessary for the offeror to inform the acceptor that he is treating the acceptance as effective

      The offeror’s declaration of approval therefore cures a late acceptance, even if his declaration is lost or arrives late.28 Although it does not have to reach the addressee, the declaration of approval is a declaratory act. Questions of legal capacity, voidability etc must therefore be examined by reference to domestic law.2

      If late acceptence is treated effective by an offeror, then The contract is formed not when the offeror gives written notice of approval to the offeree or orally informs him thereof, but retroactively at the time when the late declaration of acceptance reached the offeror;43 in the case of conduct equivalent to acceptance (Article 18(3)), the contract is formed at the time when the conduct was performed

      If the offeror wishes to prevent the conclusion of a contract, he must protest ‘without delay’ by dispatching notice or orally informing the acceptor. The only requirement for a [protest to be effective is (1) to be dispathced if it is in written, or (2) to be heard by an adressee if it is oral

    6. has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal itwould have reached the offeror in due time

      In cases when offer expired due to either late dispatch or discernable delay, the assent of an oferree shal be considered as a valid late acceptence. However, when a time period for an acceptence fixed in an offer was expired due to other circumstances (rejection) than, the assent of an offerree may be considered as a counter offer

    7. counter-off

      in case of a battle of forms, it is generallty agreed that this problem must be solved by art 19. Scholars distinguish: 1. Last shot rule - 5 Some scholars advocate—albeit sometimes with resignation—the ‘theory of the last word’, which favours the party who last referred to its standard terms without these being subsequently objected to. 2. Knock out rule -n Others favour a conclusion of the contract without the colliding clauses— Restgültigkeitstheorie or ‘knock-out rule’—the clauses ‘knocked out’ to be replaced by the provisions of the Convention (or other provisions, in case the matter concerned is not governed by the CISG) 3. other approaches = recourse to domestic law

    8. without unduedelay

      For average cases, commentators are suggesting a maximum of three working days;114 case law under the Convention has considered a period of five days to be too long in case of a Chinese–Swedish sales contract that was concluded by fax.115 If the circumstances of the case indicate that a reaction is particularly urgent, this can require an objection by electronic communication rather than by normal mail

    9. containsadditions, limitations

      6 Changes to the terms of an offer made by an acceptance must affect the content of the offer as interpreted under Article 8. If the parties agree in substance, then discrepancies in the wording (as can occur in international transactions owing to inaccurate translation, insufficient command of a foreign language, or even typing or transmission errors) are not different terms within the meaning of Article 19

      It must first be established whether there are different terms at all or whether, despite the differences in wording, there is agreement in substance.88 In a second step, it must then be established whether a different term is material.8

    10. ions

      However, if interpretation cannot flesh out the offer so as to cover additional points contained in the acceptance, Article 19 applies. In so far as an offer is silent on a matter, it must be assumed that the offeror acted on an assumption that his offer is supplemented by the rules of the CISG, so that additional terms in the acceptance must also be compared with the rules of the CISG.26 If the buyer’s declaration of acceptance contains a provision to the effect that any defect entitles him to avoid the contract, that conflicts with the rule implied into the seller’s offer by Article 49, namely that the buyer may avoid the contract only where a defect amounts to a fundamental breach of contract. If, on the other hand, the seller’s acceptance provides that the buyer must examine the goods within a short period and give notice of defects within a reasonable period, then that accords with the rules in Articles 38 and 39, which, in the absence of other proposals in that respect, are to be understood as part of the offer; such a term is therefore not different from or an addition to the terms of the offer.

    11. goods and expressly or implicitlyfixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price.

      The time24 and place of delivery, even the type of packaging,25 may also be ‘essentialia negotii’ in a particular case, but only if exceptional circumstances so require. For an offer of software, the terms of licensing might be essential.26 If previous negotiations or practices between the parties show that an offer must specifically refer to additional details and then be agreed by an acceptance, a proposal without such details does not constitute an offer

      An offeror may want to incorporate certain standard or business terms in its contract, To do that they have to be a part of the offer. Mere reference to the existing standart=d terms is enough when offeree already has a positive knowledge of them. If she doesnt then an oferror must ensure that offeree is aware of the standard terms by conducting "making avaulable test"

    12. implicitly

      For example, where the parties have had a long-term business relationship with each other, a reference to a particular number may suffice to indicate the goods and their amount, and possibly also the price.43 However, a party may display his intentions in some other form capable of interpretation, for example, by sending goods with a price ticket attached to indicate an offer in those terms

      An offer is also capable of acceptance if ‘a reasonable person of the same kind’ and ‘in the same circumstances’ as the recipient would have understood the necessary minimum content to have been expressed in sufficiently definite terms (Article 8(2)).50 If the party making the declaration did not intend it to have such a meaning, (p. 274) domestic rules concerning defects of intent may apply (eg those relating to avoidance for mistake)

    13. pecific persons

      The elements listed above may, however, still be insufficient:13 Although the wording of Article 14(1) does not clearly say so, the provision is based on the assumption that also the identity of the offeror—ie the person who will be legally bound by the offer—can be determined

    14. A proposal

      A proposal for concluding a contract does not have to be expressly designated as an ‘offer’;5 a declaration labelled ‘letter of confirmation’,6 ‘pro forma invoice’,7 or ‘invoice’8 may similarly constitute an offer under Article 14(1)

    15. offer

      The offer is a juridical act and must therefore comply not only with the requirements of Article 14 but also with the rules of the applicable domestic law concerning the effectiveness of such acts (ie as regards capacity to enter into legal transactions, certain types of mistake,1 and power of representation)

    16. sufficiently definite and indicatesthe intention

      intention to be bound + minimum content

    17. habitual residence.

      Art 7(1) - to interpret

    18. known to or contemplated

      That means, first, that there was actual knowledge of those circumstances or at least an assumption that they might exist (although it is not absolutely necessary that such an assumption be correct).38 Secondly, it means that both parties must have had such knowledge or made such an assumption.39 In practice, however, it will normally depend on the knowledge of the party who has entered into negotiations with the party with several places of business, because the latter will be aware of the internal circumstances.4

    19. ircumstances

      Such circumstances include addresses (templates) used in communications, inspections of the goods at a certain place, visits to a party’s office, etc.4

    20. closest relationship to the contract and its performance

      How that is to be determined will depend on the particular case in question.21 In that regard, the rule creates some doubts, since it refers cumulatively to both the closest relationship to the contract and to the performance of the contract.22 It will quite often be the case that a contract will be concluded by one place of business of a party but performed by, or for the benefit of, one of its other places of business.23 Regularly, the place of business of a negotiator or a—disclosed or undisclosed—agent will not have the necessary close connection to be of relevance, it is the party itself that normally has the closest relationship to the contract and its performance.

    1. Органы

      общее собрание; совет директоров (наблюдательный совет); коллегиальный исполнительный орган; единоличный исполнительный орган.

  2. Jun 2023
    1. f it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance orotherwise, that it is irrevocable; o

      within that time it is irrevocable

    2. irrevocable, may be withdraw

      i) Withdrawal of an offer can only be made before or at the same time as arrival of an offer; while revocation takes place at the time when an offer has already reached the offeree but this party has not yet despatched an acceptance.

    3. knew or ought to have know

      Paragraph 2 requires for contract supplementation to apply that the parties (at the time of contract formation) knew or ought to have known of the trade usage (the subjective element137). Unlike under Article 8(1), no greater lack of care is required138 because the objective requirements in Article 9(2) substitute the subjective elements in Article 8(1). The requirement is therefore of only minimal practical importance, especially since a lack of due care can regularly be inferred from the fact the usage is objectively known.139 The function of this requirement is to ensure that there is a sufficient link between the usage and the parties;140 the commitment of a party to completely unknown trade usages is therefore possible.141 The criteria for the parties’ degree of care are accordingly not very numerous: implied knowledge regularly arises from a party’s residency in an area where the usage is observed.142 A party’s regular activity in the relevant usage’s sphere of observance (whether place or industry) is also sufficient.1

    4. regularly observed

      Article 9(2) requires that the particular usage be widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to contracts of the type involved (the objective element110).111 Universal knowledge is not required.112 Insofar as it does not concern a universal trade usage, this requirement must be met for the particular trade concerned.

    5. international tradeis widely known

      The requirement that the usage be internationally known and observed excludes trade usages developed solely for domestic transactions from the sphere of application of Article 9(2).130 Nonetheless, worldwide observance is not required;131 local or regional trade usages can be sufficient.

    6. usage

      Trade usages are accordingly rules of commerce which are regularly observed by those involved in a particular industry or marketplace.

      aragraph 2 does not establish a fictional intent of the parties,91 and it certainly does not concern an element of the contract independent (p. 188) of party intent.92 Rather, this provision corresponds to the standard of contract interpretation set in Article 8(2) which protects the legitimate expectations of the parties

      If the further requirements of paragraph 2 are met, it is clear that the usages take precedence (on the basis of Article 6)95 over the rules of the Convention.96 This also follows from the purpose of Article 997 and holds true for non-mandatory national rules which assist in filling in lacunae in the Convention under Article 7(2

    7. practices

      Only practices observed between the parties matter;54 a more widespread observance is insignificant.55 Standard terms can also be subject of the practice.56 Practices cannot be established between the parties without preceding business contact.57 Moreover, the course of conduct must have created a justified expectation that the parties will proceed correspondingly in the future.58 It is therefore necessary that the parties recognize their conduct as a practice.59 In any case a certain frequency and duration is necessary60 more than the parties simply repeating a particular circumstance once.61 Often a circumstance twice repeated between the parties has been deemed insufficient,62 in (p. 186) particular if the circumstance occurred within a constellation which was atypical for the business relationship.63 On the other hand, CISG provides no guidance for how many transactions are necessary to establish a practice

      Examples of practices established between the parties that may be accepted in court concern matters such as the time for delivery of replacement machinery parts,69 or the tolerances in case of delayed performance and their relevance for a fundamental breach in the sense of Article 25.70

    8. usage

      According to Article 9(1) the parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed. The question of how exactly the term ‘usage’ in the sense of paragraph 1 is to be understood is in the end without importance, since under Article 8 any rule to which the parties (p. 184) refer—with sufficient clarity30 but not necessarily by explicit reference31— applies by virtue of agreement

    9. Article

      Article 9(2) does not establish any normative validity of the respective international trade usages, it only establishes terms implied by usage.

    10. In the interpretation of this Convention, regard is to be had to itsinternational character and to the need to promote uniformity in its applicationand the observance of good faith in international trade

      internationality, uniformity, good faith

    11. when the rules of private international law lead to the applicationof the law of a Contracting State.

      when conflict of laws rules lead to the applicability of a contracting state. The conmflict of laws rules may vary from state to state, it may be a purely domestic rule or a uniform one derived from international conventions such as 1955 hague convention. Generaly, there are two approaches (1) territorial - law od the seat; (2) delocalized - international conventions; (3) lex meratoria

    12. statements made by and otherconduct

      in practice it is undisputted that art/8 also regulates interpretation of contracts and the recourse to deomestic law is theregore excluded

    13. his Convention does not apply to contracts in which thepreponderant part of the obligations of the party who furnishes the goodsconsists in the supply of labour or other services

      COntracts of sale where the obligation of the buyer to supply services is predominent fall outside of the CISG. CISG is applicable to the mixed contracts only if it is a single contract for the sup[ply of goods and services. Other than that CISG may apply to the contract of sale, and domestic law to the contract of service. As to what constitutes the preponderant part, the advpocates mostly favour the economic value test which is to compare the value of goods (or entire contract) with the value of services on the basis of the prices that would have been obtained if there were separate contracts. If the value of services is more than 50% - CISG does not apply

    14. undertakesto supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufactureor production

      It does not mean that buyetr cannot supply any materials. Sometimes it has to, however, the bottom line is where this "substantial part" lies. There are three ways to define: economic value, vilume, respective contribution to the end product. Most scholars favour economic value test. This means that CISG does not apply where the value ofb contributions of a buyer to the supply of materials is 50% or more. The importanrt rule is to compare party's contributions to each other and not to the value pf end product.

    15. Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercialcharacter of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into considerationin determining the application of this Convention

      nationality of the contract is independent from the nationality of the parties

    16. The fact that the parties have their places of business in differentStates is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either fromthe contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosedby, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract.

      Article 1(2) does not require that the fact that the parties’ places of business are in different States is discernible. Rather, this fact must not have been concealed.

      three sources from which the international nature of the contract must be apparent. First, previous contacts may point to the different place of business. This does not require previous contracts of sale; any correspondence suffices.157 Secondly, the foreign connection may be apparent from dealings between the parties.158 That includes not only correspondence and direct contractual declarations, but also the entire image and appearance presented by the other party or—if e-mails are used—a Toplevel-Domain which is different from the one used by the respective counter-party.159 Finally, regard must be had to information disclosed by the other party to the contract.160 It is not necessary for it to refer expressly to the foreign connection;161 the position is the same as that for dealings between the parties. Information provided by the respective counter-party eg includes advertisements.

      t is thus sufficient that there were indications of the party’s place of business being in a different State, but not necessarily a particular State.165 Nor (p. 45) is it necessary for such indications to point to a different Contracting State.

    17. places of business a

      In line with the general view a ‘place of business’ exists, if a party uses it openly to participate in trade and if it displays a certain degree of duration, stability, and independence.

    18. goods

      nmoveable, tangible objects - at the time of delivery

    19. contracts of sale

      Since CISG does not specifically define what contrat of sale is, it must be understood as any reciprocal contract where one party exchenges goods for a particular asset. Barter contracts are included. In mixed contracts the decisive criteria must be had to the predominent part of the contract. If the predominent part is sale of goods then CISG will apply.

  3. May 2023
    1. The Company, except for the Company engaged in the banking activity, can purchase the shares placed by it for the subsequent resale, distribution among the shareholders or cancellation. Such shares should be realized no later than one year from the date of their purchase, otherwise the general meeting of shareholders shall be obliged in three-month term to make the decision on reduction of the number of paid shares by cancellation of the specified shares.

      who is buyinmg?

    2. Audit of the Company

      this is audit - for audit you need license, but in case of revission its shareholders check themselves

    3. Audit Committee

      it is a revission commitee

    4. The account and the reporting, documents of the Company.  The information on the Company

      there is a separate law

    5. The persons interested in fulfillment of the transaction by the Company, shall be officials of the Company, a shareholder (shareholders) owning together with affiliated person (persons) 20 or more percent of voting shares of the Company, and also members of their families in case if they:

      in case when a corporate is involved in the transaction with a shareholder who has 20 or more % in a transaction with another entiotty where this shareholder acts as a representative of another company, then this shareholder is an interested person, thus his interest must be a purely business. Both BoD and shareholder will have to report to the BoD

    6. The total numbers of shares of own issue purchased by a joint-stock company should not exceed 10 percent from total number the shares that have been issued by the Company.

      amount of shares that can be purchased back by a company

    7. Officials of a joint-stock company shall be:  - members of the Board of Directors;  - members of the executive body;  - members of the audit committee;  - the secretary of the Company

      those who are not mentioned here are not officials but just employees, they will not be liable in case of any fraudulent activities of JSC

    8. The individual executive body of the Company and joint executive body of the Company (Management board, Board of Directors) shall manage the current activity of the Company.

      the difference between BoD and executive body is that executive body manages daily activities, executive body signs all contracts and etc The BoD usually have some long term plans such as getting into top 5 sellers and executive body undertakes all necessary measures to achieve it. Executive Body (CEO) is being nominated by BoD and CEO reports to BoD So CEO only can sign contracts but sometimes if CEO is absent there can be a chief operting officer to sign a contracts

    9. 1. The list of shareholders having the right to participate in the general meeting of shareholders shall be compiled on the basis of the data of the register of shareholders of the Company for the date established by the Board of Directors.

      who are in the list? - those who were shareholders at least 30 days before

    10. he Company shall have the right to additionally inform shareholders of the general meeting of shareholders through other mass media (TV, radio).

      it says other mass media. B

    11. ee also:  Manual for the General Meeting of Shareholders (prepared under the guidance of Ph.D. U.T.Abdynasyrov)

      what;s that where to find?

    12. he order of selection and nomination of government employees in the Board of Directors of the Company shall be determined by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republ

      so they determine it themselves or what;s the procedure?

    13. Officials of the company who have not paid or have violated the terms and procedure for the payment of dividends shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

      are they responsible with their own money

    14. 2. The joint stock company has the right for the financial year to make a decision (declare) dividends on the outstanding shares within three months after the end of the relevant period.

      how often does a company is obleged to pay dividends? once a year? is it imperative? are there circumstances besides bankroptcy where JSC will not be obliged to pay? when there is a bankroptsy, are the bonds still have to be paid?

    15. he Company shall have the right to create funds.

      what is the role of funds

    16. partially realize its preemptive rig


    17. A joint-stock company may issue bonds with collateral of the security provided by the company itself or provided to the Company for such purposes by third parties, after placement the previous issue of shares. In this case, the requirements of this paragraph, sixth paragraph to the amount of capital of the company and the date of its existence, do not apply in the case of public limited company issues bonds with security.

      Акционерное общество вправе выпускать облигации с обеспечением на величину обеспечения, предоставленного самим обществом либо предоставленного обществу в этих целях третьими лицами ?????

    18. equity capital

      equity capital

    19. Bond

      A bond is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

    20. Each ordinary share of the Company shall give the shareholder, its owner, equal number of right

      1 share b 100 share - equally??

    21. The Company shall have the right at decision of the general meeting of shareholders to reduce the number of paid shares by purchase of part of shares or by their consolidation by the Company.

      why? what if a shareholder does not want to sell?

    22. preference shares

      Preference shares, more commonly referred to as preferred stock, are shares of a company’s stock with dividends that are paid out to shareholders before common stock dividends are issued. If the company enters bankruptcy, preferred stockholders are entitled to be paid from company assets before common stockholders.

      Most preference shares have a fixed dividend, while common stocks generally do not. Preferred stock shareholders also typically do not hold any voting rights, but common shareholders usually do

    23. . Shares issued by the Company can be ordinary and preference. Amount of the placed preference shares should not exceed 25 percent of the number of all shares of the Company.

      after what time since the registration of JSC, the shares must be issued

    1. независимыми членами совета директоров.

      independent director is the one who is not affiliated with the company and was not elected as a maember of BoD for last 3 years

    2. В публичных компаниях, зарегистрировавших условия публичного предложения и проспект эмиссии ценных бумаг, в течение всего периода обращения ценных бумаг, выпущенных в обращение через публичное предложение, не менее 30 процентов состава совета директоров должны быть независимыми членами совета директоров.

      the first founders are getting the first shares, those shares are not publlic offerings. Usually when company just starts its activity first shares are usualy not for public offering because the company does not have reputation yet, if company does not have reputation nobody would buy your shares. That is why you need to have a marketignstrategy and gain thid reputation of a asolid and promisy company. This [rovission is only applicab;e to publoc JSC not just open

    3. ату окончания преимущественного права приобретения размещаемых дополнительных акций или ценных бумаг, конвертируемых в акции

      what is the date?

    4. андеррайтера


    5. Количество размещаемых акций и ценных бумаг, конвертируемых в акции, не должно превышать количества, указанного в учредительных документах и решении о выпуске ценных бумаг.

      what if it does?

    6. Общество вправе выпускать облигации для квалифицированных инвесторов, при этом требования, установленные абзацем шестым настоящего пункта к сроку деятельности общества, не применяются.


  4. Apr 2023
    1. Присоединением признается действие, в результате которого происходит прекращение деятельности одного или нескольких обществ с передачей всех их прав и обязанностей другому обществу.

      При слиянии все компании, участвующие в реорганизации, ликвидируются, а на их месте возникает новая. В случае присоединения одна из ранее существующих организаций останется.

    2. Общество может быть ликвидировано по решению суда по основаниям, предусмотренным законодательством Кыргызской Республик

      где эти основаниея?

    3. Статья 17. Преобразование общества

      чем отличается преобразование от реорганизации

    4. Общество имеет свое фирменное наименование, которое должно содержать указание на его организационно-правовую форму и тип (закрытое или открытое) и характер его деятельности

      то есть характер деятельности все же нужно указывать. Как это вяжется со статьей выше?

    5. Акционеры не отвечают по обязательствам общества и несут риск убытков, связанных с его деятельностью, в пределах стоимости принадлежащих им акций.

      огранич. ответственность

    6. Акционерным обществом (далее - общество) является юридическое лицо, осуществляющее свою деятельность с целью получения прибыли и привлекающее средства путем выпуска и размещения акций. Общество обязано выпускать акции, стоимость которых выражается в национальной валюте Кыргызской Республики независимо от формы внесения вклада.

      что если АО по каким то причинам акции не выпускает, должно ли оно быть реорганизованно? Если да то как кто? Также как часто акции вообще должны выпускаться? Через сколько после открытия АО, доожна быть выпущена первая акция?


      all shares have to be fully paid at the miment of state registration

    2. via by-proxy voting

      The term proxy vote refers to a ballot cast by a single person or firm on behalf of a corporation's shareholder who may not be able to attend a shareholder meeting, or who may not choose to vote on a particular issue. Shareholders receive a proxy ballot in the mail along with an information booklet called a proxy statement, which describes the issues to be voted on during the meeting. Shareholders vote on a variety of issues including the election of board members, merger or acquisition approvals, or approving a stock compensation plan.

    3. cumulative voting

      Cumulative voting is a type of voting system that helps strengthen the ability of minority shareholders to elect a director. This method allows shareholders to cast all of their votes for a single nominee for the board of directors when the company has multiple openings on its board.

  5. Mar 2023
    1. Учредительный договор

      founding agreement. Nothing about the charter

    2. статьей 16

      юр лицо отвечает по своим обязательсвтом своим же имуществом, а если недостаточно то тогла имуществом собственника

  6. Feb 2023
    1. по уважительной причине

      if a person was away and did not hear, or in military

      but usualy if there are no other heirs the court usualy support unless a person may have not been answering the phone for example or smthg else

    2. Дети или нетрудоспособные

      имеется ввиду либо маленькие дети либо те кто не может раьотать ввиду каких лиюо заболеваний

  7. Jan 2023
    1. Виндикационным иском может защищаться лишь такое вещноеправо, которое содержит правомочие владения вещью. Если же вещ-ное (ограниченное) право связано только с пользованием чужой ве-щью, то оно может защищаться лишь негаторным, а не виндикаци-онным иском1

      раннее было написано что любой владелец можеь предявить виндикационный иск

    2. К числу таких способов защиты вещных прав относятся иски, каквытекающие из договорных и иных обязательств,


    1. 3. Защита гражданских прав в административном порядке осуществляется лишь в случаях, предусмотренных законом.

      как это защита прав в админимстративном порядке

  8. Dec 2022
    1. Течение срока исковой давности прерывается путем: 1) предъявления иска в установленном порядке;


    2. Перерыв течения срока исковой давности

      не приостановление, но исчисление занаво

    3. отчуждат


    4. придомовые земельные участки

      какое расстояние? adjoining land plots

    5. а жилой дом

      residential premises and historicaly important monumentums cannot be destroed

    6. сервитут

      EASMENT permission of an owner of a land to some one to use it

    7. государственной, муниципальной

      anything that does not belong to a private property is basicly governmental

  9. Nov 2022
    1. то первоначальный собственник вправе истребовать это имущество из собственности приобретателя только в случае, когда имущество утеряно собственником или лицом, которому имущество было передано собственником во владение, либо похищено у того или другого, либо выбыло из их владения иным путем помимо их воли.

      you can claim things but not money usually because it is very hard to prove that they belonged to you

    2. с момента такой регистрации

      если имущество требует регистрации

    3. статьей 29

      Поступления, полученные в результате использования имущества (плоды, продукция, доходы), принадлежат лицу, использующему это имущество на законном основании, если иное не предусмотрено законодательством или договором об использовании этого имущества

    4. статья 93

      ри слиянии юридических лиц права и обязанности каждого из них переходят к вновь возникшему юридическому лицу в соответствии с передаточным актом.

      1. При присоединении юридического лица к другому юридическому лицу к последнему переходят права и обязанности присоединенного юридического лица в соответствии с передаточным актом.

      2. При разделении юридического лица его права и обязанности переходят к вновь возникшим юридическим лицам в соответствии с разделительным балансом.

      3. При выделении из состава юридического лица одного или нескольких юридических лиц к каждому из них в соответствии с разделительным балансом переходят права и обязанности реорганизованного юридического лица.

      4. При преобразовании юридического лица одного вида в юридическое лицо другого вида (изменении организационно-правовой формы) к вновь возникшему юридическому лицу переходят права и обязанности реорганизованного юридического лица в соответствии с передаточным актом.

    5. рекращении права

      какие существуют основания прекращения права?

    6. Собственник недвижимости, находящейся на чужом земельном участке, имеет право владеть, пользоваться и распоряжаться этой недвижимостью по своему усмотрению, в том числе сносить соответствующие здания и сооружения и иное недвижимое имущество, поскольку это не противоречит условиям пользования данным участком, установленным законом или договором.

      должен ли собственник имущества спрашивать разрешения у собственника зем уч перед каждым своим действием в отношении либо уже существующих сооружений либо чтобы посторить чтото на учаске на котором тот имеет право пользоа=вания?

    7. ри продаже доли с нарушением преимущественного права покупки любой другой участник долевой собственности имеет право в течение трех месяцев требовать в судебном порядке перевода на него прав и обязанностей покупателя

      3 months

    8. При продаже доли в праве общей собственности постороннему лицу остальные участники долевой собственности имеют преимущественное право покупки продаваемой доли по цене, за которую она продается, и на прочих равных условиях, кроме случая продажи с публичных торгов.

      does it mean that they can enforce a buyer to sell a property he just biufgt?

      No that actually measn that if a seller has an intention to sell his shared property (franctional) then other owners shall be first in the list of buyers

    9. отчуждении на


    10. Фирменное наименование

      имеется ввиду именно на бумангах? например каждая организация имеет свое здание и на здании обычно висит вывеска, на вывеске тоже

    11. олидарную

      солидарная ответсвеннность?

    12. Участники акционерного общества (акционеры) не отвечают по его обязательствам и несут риск убытков,

      что значит не отвечают по обяз и несут риск убытков

    13. Число участников общества с ограниченной ответственностью не должно превышать тридцати. В противном случае оно подлежит преобразованию в акционерное общество в течение года, а по истечении этого срока ликвидации в судебном порядке, если число его участников не уменьшится до установленного предела.

      являются ли ОСОО, АО итд Юр Лицами? и для чего нужно такое разделение?

    14. о решению его учредителей

      достаточно ли решение учредителей, или они все же обязаны подать в суд?

    15. передаточным актом.

      передаточный акт?

    16. азделительным балансом п

      разделительный баланс?

    17. Реорганизация юридического лица

      реорганизация должна проходить то решению суда? Если так, то кто в таких случаях ответчик?

    18. С момента назначения внешнего управляющего к нему переходят полномочия по управлению делами юридического лиц

      внещний управляющий газгачается на время или навсегда?

    19. Представительства и филиал

      чем предстаительсвта и филиаалы отличиаются (1) друг от друга? (2) от органов юр лица? (3) есть ли у филиалов свои органы?

  10. Oct 2022
    1. 4.

      особо тяжкое

    2. 1) повлекшие наступление беременности; 2) совершенные в отношении ребенка в возрасте от четырнадцати до восемнадцати лет; 3) совершенные организованной группой; 4) совершенные в составе преступного сообщества; 5) причинившие по неосторожности тяжкий вред,

      особо тяжкое

    3. 1) совершенное группой лиц; 2) совершенное группой лиц по предварительному сговору; 3) соединенное с угрозой насилия, опасного для жизни или здоровья; 4) совершенное с особой жестокостью по отношению к потерпевшей или ее близким, – наказывается лишением свободы от восьми до одиннадцати ле

      особо тяжкое

    4. Изнасилование, то есть половое сношение с применением насилия, не опасного для жизни и здоровья, или угрозы его применения к потерпевшей или к другим лицам, а равно с использованием беспомощного состояния потерпевшей


    1. государственные и муниципальные унитарные предприятия;• иные организации, если это предусмотрено законом. Эти юри-дические лица могут заниматься только деятельностью, обозначенной

      являются ли униатарные и муниципальные предприятия юридичеаскими лиуами, если да то почему в параграфк выше указано что владельуами имущества унит предпр является государство, а еще выше указано что имущесством юр лиц является само юр лицо. Учитывая это как может быть что имущество юр лицпа (в данном случае унит преппр) является и гос-во и само юр лицо ( унит предпр)?

    2. Собственником имуществаучреждения является его учредитель

      учредитель или юр лицо

    3. Во-вторых, экономическое единство и обособленность имущества

      Economical unity - means that a a property of LE belongs only to the LE, not to structural subdivisions, Detachmenmt of the property - the rights on its property

    4. Юридическое лицо как субъект гражданского права представляетсобой организацию, которая имеет обособленное имущество и отвечает импо своим обязательствам, может от своего имени приобретать и осущест-влять гражданские права и нести гражданские обязанности, быть истцоми ответчиком в суде.

      A legal entity - is an organozation with a detached property, which can get and exercise civil rights on its behalf, and carry civil obligations, be a plantiff and a deffender in court

    5. лагами

      Goods - anything that can satisfy the needs of the subjects (money, data, arts etc)

    1. One can therefore argue strongly that it was not intended that aparty would have the right to withdraw from the Covenant. This is interpreta-tion a contrario.

      weigh two arguments and give most likely result

    2. depositary,

      who is depositary in multiletaral treaties? BILETERAL?

    1. manifes

      So a state can invoke the fact that its consent to be bound by a treaty has been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law if they will manage to prove that such a violation really exist, right? if yes, then whats gonna happen after state invoked its internal law?

    1. It has nevertheless been argued that any State entitled to become aparty to the Genocide Convention may do so while making any reservationit chooses by virtue of its sovereignty. The Court cannot share this view. Itis obvious that so extreme an application of the idea of State sovereigntycould lead to a complete disregard of the object and purpose of theConvention

      reservations are the violation

    2. To this principle was linked the notion of theintegrity of the convention as adopted, a notion which in its traditionalconcept involved the proposition that no reservation was valid unless itwas accepted by all the contracting parties without exception, as wouldhave been the case if it had been stated during the negotiations

      a state cannot impair or frustrate the purpose of the multiletaral convention, by uniletaral decissions. In multiletaral agreements, any reservations must be accepteed by all contracting parties. A state can attach reservation to the signature, however, this would still require absolute acceptence

    3. in its treaty relations a State cannot bebound without its consent, and that consequently no reservation can beeffective against any State without its agreement thereto

      court 1

    4. e it is customary for awoman to ag

      you cannot just make a reservation, you need to justify it

    1. The Court would observe, in the first place, that internationalagreements may take a number of forms and be given a diversity ofnames.


    2. he Court will first enquire into the nature of the texts uponwhich Qatar relies before turning to an analysis of the content of thosetexts.

      look into the text

  11. Sep 2022
    1. the Court to determine whetherthe United States was legallyjustified in adjudging itself under a necessity,because its own security was in jeopardy, to use force in response to foreignintervention in El Salvador.

      issue whether or not US violated IL and CIL by performing military or paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua is a matter of political disputes.

    2. It relied inter alia onproviso (c) to its own declaration of acceptance of jurisdictio

      US claimed that the case is filed by Nicaragua is inadmissible because it failed to file a declaration of acceptance of the jurisdiction - objection to the application of p. 2 of art. 36

    3. "While Article 53 thus obliges the Court to consider the submis-sions of the Party which appears, i t does not compel the Court toexamine their accuracy in al1 their details ; for this rnight in certainunopposed cases prove impossible in practice." (Corfu Channel, 1. C..'f.Reports 1949, p. 248

      why art. 53 doesn't really work here

    4. There ishowever no question of a judgment automatically in favour of the partyappearing, since the Court is required, as mentioned above, to "satisfyitself" that that party's claim is well founded in fact and law.

      art. 53 doesn't work

    5. nvoked Article 5

      Nicaragua invoked art. 53

    6. customary international law obligation torefrain from the threat or use of force

      nicaragua's claim with respect to CIL

    7. Nicaragua claims, inter alia, that the UnitedStates has acted in violation of Article 2, paragraph 4, of the UnitedNations Charte

      nicaragua's claim with respect to IL

    8. On 9 Apnl 1984 the Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to theNetherlands filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting pro-ceedings against the United States of America in respect of a dispute concerningresponsibility for military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua.

      Fact 1

    9. Court rejected a request madeby the United States for removal of the case from the li

      US claim: 1st The case was out of scope of the jurisdiction of ICJ 2nd The case was inadmissible because it invoked acting in collective self-defense

    1. restrictions upon the independence of States cannot. . . be presumed” and that international law leaves to States “a wide measureof discretion which is only limited in certain cases by prohibitive rules”

      dicta of lotus case

    1. ently in a place assim

      the french claimed that IL (art15) does not allow turkey to extend its jurisdiction based on a fact that some turkish have been victims. However, it is not the question of whether a certain principle of law allows, that is the question whether or nor it prohibits certain action. And it does not restrict turkey to consider that the offense produced its effect on turkis people and in a place considered as turkish in which an application of turkish law cannot be chalanged

    2. International law governs relations between independent States.The rules of law binding upon States therefore emanate from theirown free will as expressed in conventions or by usages generallyaccepted as expressing principles of law and established in orderto regulate the relations between these CO-existingindependentcommunities or with a view to the achievement of common aims.Restrictions upon the independence of States cannot therefore bepresumed

      principles of IL 1

    3. This clause is as follows :"Subject to the provisions of Article 16, al1 questions ofjurisdiction shall, as between Turkey and the other contractingPqwers, be decided in accordance with the principles of inter-national law."

      interpretation of the convention by the court

    4. In this case,therefore, the Court interprets this conception as meaning that theproceedings against the captain of the Turkish vesse1 in regard towhich the jurisdiction of the Turkish Courts is not disputed, and theproceedings against Lieutenant Demons, have been regarded by theTurkish authorities, from the point of view of the investigation ofthe case, as one and the same prosecution, since the collision of thetwo steamers constitutes a complex of facts the considerationof which should, from the standpoint of Turkish criminal law, beentrusted to the same court

      turkish and french vessel were convicted under the same art (connexity of offense). both turkish and french penal codes have identical provissions regarding connexity of offense. Given this the court decided that both cases must be entrusted to the same court

    5. there is no

      French therefore does not argue that the collission may have caused the death of those people

    6. The Court is asked for judgment in favour of the jurisdictionof the Turkish Courts.

      Turkish counter claim: (1)Art.15 only requries turkey, in any case involving foreighners, not to act in a contrary tothe IL (2)Turkish penal does not contradict to the IL (3)According to the Turkish Penal Code a ship which raises turkish flag is considered as turkish land; (4)The fact that turkish jurisdiction extends upon the turkish land is undisputted; (5)If that is true, and if undemnity must be paid only in case of extension out of ones jurisdiction; Therefore/ (6)Turkey was acted in accordiance with its jurisdiction and (7) No damages should be paid

    7. "Whereas the substitution of the jurisdiction of the TurkishCourts for that of the foreign consular courts in criminal proceedingstaken against foreigners is the outcome of the consent given by thePowers to this substitution in the Conventions signed at Lausanneon July 24th, 1923

      French Argument with regard to the violation of convention: (1) Turkey entertained its criminal proceedings for the crime committed outside of the turkey; (2) The Convention does not allow Turkey to entertain criminal proceedings for the crimes committed outside of the Turkey unless the consent of a contested state has been given; (3) Such a consent has never been given; Therefore, (4) Turkey violated the Convention.

      French's argument with regard to the violation of the principles of international law: (1) As it's established by the practice of civilized nations, one country cannot extend its jurisdiction upon the crimes committed abroad based purely on a bare fact that one of its nationals has been a victim; (2) In this particular case, Turkey has done exactly this; Therefore, (3) Turkey has violated the principles of IL

    8. Court is asked to fix the indemnity in reparationof the injury thus inflicted upon M. Demons at 6,000 Turkishpounds and to order this indernnity to be paid by the Governmentof the Turkish Republic to the Government of the French Republic."

      French asked damages from Turkey

    1. States were independent, and free agents, andaccordingly they could only be bound with their own consent. There wasno authority in existence able theoretically or practically to impose rulesupon the various nation-states. This approach found its extreme expres-sion in the theory of auto-limitation, or self-limitation, which declaredthat states could only be obliged to comply with international legal rulesif they had first agreed to be so obliged.

      Theory 1

    2. There is the element of reciprocity at work and a powerful weapon itcan be

      recoprocity 1) by violating IL state may break a required connections with the outside world. 2) violation of which maay also put the state itself at risk, cause if they dont respect the law with regard to others than others will most likely resist

    3. whether in fact states feel obliged to obey the rules of international lawand, if so, why

      you cannot discovere the natire pf imternational law refering to the emforcement systems

  12. Aug 2022
    1. . Если в статье (части статьи) Особенной части настоящего Кодекса прямо не указано на причинение вреда по неосторожности, то ответственность наступает только за умышленное причинение вреда.  

      значит ли это что если я совершил по неосторожности но статья по которой меня судят не предусматривает неосторожность то иеня будут судить с учетом якобы умышленного пичинения вреда?

    2. . Юридическое лицо не является субъектом преступления, уголовной ответственности и наказания.  

      что это значит. дает ли эта статья полный иммунитет к уголовной отвтественности юридическому лицу

  13. May 2022
    1. As to the sixth paragraph, he contended thatsince arrests are ordinarily made by the police, the statement ‘They have arrested (Dr.King) seven times' would be read as referring to him; he further contended that the‘They’ who did the arresting would be equated with the ‘They’ who committed the otherdescribed acts and with the ‘Southern violators.’ Thus, he argued, the paragraph wouldbe read as accusing the Montgomery police, and hence him, of answering Dr. King'sprotests with ‘intimidation and violence,’ bombing his home, assaulting his person, andcharging him with perjury. Respondent and six other Montgomery residents testifiedthat they read some or all of the statements as referring to him in his capacity asCommissioner.

      the first claim of libel, Sullivan asserts, consists within the text of 6 paragraph, where NY Times use the word 'They' describing all the actions police contributed. Since Sullivan supervices police, he authomaticaly gets liable under the that word. Which was used describing how police not onply arrested Dr. KIng but almost killed his wife and child assaulted his person, arresteed bhim 7 times when in rality it was 4.

    2. We are required in this case to determine for the first time the extent to which theconstitutional protections for speech and press limit a State's power to award damagesin a libel action brought by a public official against critics of his official conduct.

      Issue: To what extent constitutional protections for speech and press limit a State's power to award damages in a libel action brought by a public official against critics of his official conduct

    1. Const. rights : limitation clauses = principle of proportionality = nesacity in democratic society. Limitation clauses could be either general or specific. Judicial review 1) whether the statute limits the constitution 2)whether the limitation is constitutional (there are absolute rights that can not be limitted, it is absolute if its scope is fully protected in the sub-const. dimension.)

      3) examines the affect of unconstitutionality of the stATUTE

  14. Mar 2022
  15. ecourse.auca.kg ecourse.auca.kg
    1. The purpose of the Commission’s request is to obtain a decision from the Court as to whether or not the facts of the case disclose a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention either alone or in conjunction with Article 14 (


    1. not comprise a “private” association for First Amendment purposes

      because that's not a private collegeg, act does not violate its 1 am right on free association

    2. Neither party contends that the Act is anything but a neutral law of general application. The Act applies to all universities, sectarian or nonsectarian, and there is no scheme of exceptions or other evidence suggesting that the Act pre-textually targets religious universities

      level of constitutional svrutiny

    3. Because we ultimately conclude that, post-Smith, the Act does not violate Kedesh College’s Free Exercise rights—either standing alone, or in conjunction with another protected constitutional right—we affirm the judgment of the district court, but for very different reasons

      1 am

    4. Id. at 84; see Graham v. Richardson, 403 U.S. 365 (1971)). Further, Graham,

      relationships between undocumented persons and a fedreal government

    5. Neither the federal nor the state constitution in this case provides a fundamental right to postsecondary education. Id. at 221, 223 (majority opinion). The Court has continuously held that the right of education for undocumented persons is limited to minor children. Id. at 220. Thus, we conclude that A.R.H. does not have a viable equal protection claim under the Plyler analysis.

      Reason why soex 14 am is unapplicanle in arh case

    6. Plyler v. Doe and Mathews v. Diaz.

      hese decisions are controlling on the matter of federal regulation of immigration matters and the rights of undocumented persons under the Fourteenth Amendment.

    7. See Mathews, 426 U.S.

      case realted to equal protection

    8. Unfortunately for Kedesh College, its religious commitment is not enough to recognize the College as a “religious association.” The Third Circuit previously considered a claim of “religious association,” in Salvation Army. Ultimately, that court concluded that, because the right to association is a derivative right, “[it] would not expect a derivative right to receive greater protection than the right from which it was derived.” Salvation Army, 919 F.2d at 199. Because the Free Exercise Clause—standing alone—only affords rational basis review post-Smith, a derivative “religious association” right can also be afforded no more than rational basis review. See id. at 197; but see Parker, 514 F.3d at 98–99.

      argument against its religiousy association

    9. Kedesh College cannot claim that it is a “private” group, while encouraging as many prospective students as possible to join its community. See Chi Iota Colony of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 502 F.3d at 147.

      arguement against its privasy

    10. Kedesh College possesses several factors which support a finding that it is a private association. Kedesh College is a stand-alone institution, and its student body, faculty, and staff (less than 2,400 persons total) is a great deal smaller than the tens or hundreds of thousands of members of organizations previously before the Supreme Court such as the Jaycees or the Rotary Club. See, e.g., id. at 613. The College’s incoming class is hard-capped at 511 or 512 new students each year, and agreement with its religious motto and mission is a key component for both admission (student essays) as well as continued enrollment (statement of faith). See La. Debating and Literary Ass’n, 42 F.3d at 1497; cf. Chi Iota Colony of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity v. City Univ. of N.Y., 502 F.3d 136, 146–47 (2d Cir. 2007). Finally, the College’s high retention rate, coupled with the continued involvement of alumni for years after their graduation, demonstrates congeniality among the members of its community, both past and present.

      is it private

  16. Feb 2022
    1. Stability is in connection with a president, by virtue of a fixed term, may providemore stability than a prime minister who can be dismissed at any time [2]

      you said that in presidency there is no such things as prime ministers only president and vice president

    1. 6

      roh MOO hyun got sued in 2004 for the interferation to the elections of public officials. How did he violate it? He made the one- side statement of particular pliticqal party. art 65 grounds for the impeachmnt which art. did he violate? art 72

    1. Who has such lovely eyes,Or lips, or cheeks, as you?Who has your hair, your neck,Or your complexion? Who

      why does she wwrite in that way? because she writes likewise she is a man, because cheeks and ear these are the kind of attributes of womens beauty

    1. he
      1. president appoints the chairperson but jogorku kenesh gives concent
      2. president Dismises memers of cabinet ministers but jk gives concent
      3. Prsident is electing for 5 years term and he is a head of executive but jk (legislature) calls elections of the president
      4. president dismisses chairman but jk ellect judges
      5. President and parlant ellect judges but judiciary mwith deputies and prosecution may dismiss president

      gurantee of the sop is the entire section or the chapter 3 which consists of president, cabinet of ministers and the chairman

    1. Adjacen


    2. I look first to the integrity of each of the distinguished powers or functions—the dignity of legislation, the independence of the courts, and the authority of the executive, each understood as having its own role to play in the practices of the state

      1 value of sop


      equal but separate. this is the common thing of plessy v. fergusin but why does the judges of this court decided that this particular case is innaplicable to brown v. board education. and why does equal bu separate is inherently unequal?

  17. Jan 2022
    1. (Huskey 2007 , pp. 169–70).

      what is that?

    2. The government was considered the ‘supreme body of executive power’ (art. 70), but its work was ‘monitored’ by the president (art. 72) who could also preside its meet-ings, endowing him with agenda-setting powers.

      how does it differ from the Monarchy?