2 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2019
    1. the love-lorn Vasantasenā

      According to the Natya Shastra Vasantasena as a courtesan must cast side long glances, itching her ears, showing off her breasts and navel and cleasing her hair to show to the audience that she is in love. (462 Natya Shastra)

      Natyashastra translation volume 1 Bharat Muni translated by Manomohan Ghosh PHD

  2. Oct 2019
    1. [Feels her right eye twitchas she enters the cart.]

      In India the Right eye twitching means bad luck.Superstitions like that are huge in India and always have been. Some are harmless like this but its prevalence lead to actual witch hunts and at one point the prime minister trying to ban astrology. “Indian Prime Minister Flays Astrologers.” Google News Archive Search, Google, https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=p78TAAAAIBAJ&sjid=IcQDAAAAIBAJ&pg=2893,1063476&dq=astrology+india&hl=en.