7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. How to draw lewis structure of a molecules. Covalent bonds forms molecule. 1. Identity the types of reaction 2. Find the number of valance electrons with lone pair and draw it around symbols. 3. Share the electron so both side have octate configuration. 4. To check the correctness, sum the total number of electrons you draw and divided it by 2. The result should be the total number of bonds there including lone pair.

    1. How to draw Lewis dot structures (for Ionic compound) 1. Identify whether the reaction is going to Ionic or Covalent. Ionic reaction is going to occur between metal and non-metal. 2. Draw the valance electron (outermost electrons) around symbols. 3. Show the exchange of electrons by adding it from metal to non-metal to reach stable electronic configuration.

    1. hybridized

      Mixing of two orbits that may lead to form new type of orbit with different energy level, shape and size

    2. delocalized

      not confined to specific orbit; espic metal electrons, in electrons allows conductivity.

      • Functional group allows us to categorized vast compound on based of their properties and predict their characteristics. Properties that affect Chemical reactions
      • Steric : based on spital (space occupying) 3D arrangements. Affect one step reactions Electro Stastic : based on charge distribution. Affect 2 step reactions
    3. spatial

      Space occuping